42 research outputs found

    A factored sparse approximate inverse preconditioned conjugate gradient solver on graphics processing units

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) exhibit significantly higher peak performance than conventional CPUs. However, in general only highly parallel algorithms can exploit their potential. In this scenario, the iterative solution to sparse linear systems of equations could be carried out quite efficiently on a GPU as it requires only matrix-by-vector products, dot products, and vector updates. However, to be really effective, any iterative solver needs to be properly preconditioned and this represents a major bottleneck for a successful GPU implementation. Due to its inherent parallelism, the factored sparse approximate inverse (FSAI) preconditioner represents an optimal candidate for the conjugate gradient-like solution of sparse linear systems. However, its GPU implementation requires a nontrivial recasting of multiple computational steps. We present our GPU version of the FSAI preconditioner along with a set of results that show how a noticeable speedup with respect to a highly tuned CPU counterpart is obtained

    Preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods: An overview

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    When simulating a mechanism from science or engineering, or an industrial process, one is frequently required to construct a mathematical model, and then resolve this model numerically. If accurate numerical solutions are necessary or desirable, this can involve solving large-scale systems of equations. One major class of solution methods is that of preconditioned iterative methods, involving preconditioners which are computationally cheap to apply while also capturing information contained in the linear system. In this article, we give a short survey of the field of preconditioning. We introduce a range of preconditioners for partial differential equations, followed by optimization problems, before discussing preconditioners constructed with less standard objectives in mind