36 research outputs found

    Gauge Theories, Tessellations & Riemann Surfaces

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    We study and classify regular and semi-regular tessellations of Riemann surfaces of various genera and investigate their corresponding supersymmetric gauge theories. These tessellations are generalizations of brane tilings, or bipartite graphs on the torus as well as the Platonic and Archimedean solids on the sphere. On higher genus they give rise to intricate patterns. Special attention will be paid to the master space and the moduli space of vacua of the gauge theory and to how their geometry is determined by the tessellations

    The machine refinement of raw graphic data for translation into a low level data base for computer aided architectural design (CAAD).

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    It is argued that a significant feature which acts as a disincentive against the adoption of CAAD systems by small private architectural practices, is the awkwardness of communicating with computers when compared with traditional drawing board techniques. This consideration, although not perhaps the dominant feature, may be mitigated by the development of systems in which the onus of communicating is placed on the machine, through the medium of an architect's sketch plan drawing. In reaching this conclusion, a design morphology is suggested, in which the creative generation of building designs is set in the context of the development of a 'data-base' of information which completely and consistently describes the architect's hypothetical building solution. This thesis describes research carried out by the author between 1981 and 1984, and describes the theory, development and application of algorithms to interpret architect's sketch plan drawings, and hence permit the encoding of building geometries for CAAD applications programs

    Higher derivative terms and their influence on N=2 supersymmetric systems

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    This thesis is concerned with so-called higher derivative terms which arise in low energy approximations to certain physical models. In particular, the aim is to investigate the role that such terms play in low energy N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories in 4 dimensions, with gauge group SU(2).Chapter one serves as an introduction to the notions of supersymmetry and superfields. The problem of constructing an effective action which describes the low energy dynamics is introduced, and the construction of the Wilsonian action in terms of light and heavy modes is developed. The concept on a derivative expansion is also described. Chapter two introduces N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking. It is observed that such systems always have a Bogomolnyi bound, and the consequences are discussed. We then develop a derivative expansion of this system in terms of N=2 superfields, drawing particular attention to the next-to- leading order derivative term (that is, those with 4 derivatives/8 fermions). The duality properties of such a term are reviewed, and their impact on the mass formula discussed. Conclusions are drawn as to their influence on the results of Seiberg and Witten. Chapter three deals with a non-renormalisation theorem for the next-to-leading order higher derivative term proposed by Dine and Seiberg. This states that instanton contributions to such a term in massless N=2 SU(N(_c)) gauge theories vanish when the number of flavours N(_f) = 2N(_c). We prove this result using the ADHM formalism for multi-instantons in the case N(_c) = 2

    Simulation of autonomous UAV navigation with collision avoidance and spatial awareness.

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    The goal of this thesis is to design a collision-free autonomous UAV navigation system with spatial awareness ability within a comprehensive simulation framework. The navigation system is required to find a collision-free trajectory to a randomly assigned 3D target location without any prior map information. The implemented navigation system contains four main components: mapping, localisation, cognition and control system, where the cognition system makes execution command based on the perceived position information about obstacles and UAV itself from mapping and localisation system respectively. The control system is responsible for executing the input command made from the cognition system. The implementation for the cognition system is split into three case studies for real-life scenarios, which are restricted area avoidance, static obstacle avoidance and dynamic obstacles. The experiment results in the three cases have been conducted, and the UAV is capable of determining a collision-free trajectory under all three cases of environments. All simulated components were designed to be analogous to their real-world counterpart. Ideally, the simulated navigation framework can be transferred to a real UAV without any changes. The simulation framework provides a platform for future robotic research. As it is implemented in a modular way, it is easier to debug. Hence, the system has good reliability. Moreover, the system has good readability, maintainability and extendability.PhD in Manufacturin

    Piecewise Temperleyan dimers and a multiple SLE8_8

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    We consider the dimer model on piecewise Temperleyan, simply connected domains, on families of graphs which include the square lattice as well as superposition graphs. We focus on the spanning tree Tδ\mathcal{T}_\delta associated to this model via Temperley's bijection, which turns out to be a Uniform Spanning Tree with singular alternating boundary conditions. Generalising the work of the second author with Peltola and Wu \cite{LiuPeltolaWuUST} we obtain a scaling limit result for Tδ\mathcal{T}_\delta. For instance, in the simplest nontrivial case, the limit of Tδ\mathcal{T}_\delta is described by a pair of trees whose Peano curves are shown to converge jointly to a multiple SLE8_8 pair. The interface between the trees is shown to be given by an SLE2(1,,1)_2(-1, \ldots, -1) curve. More generally we provide an equivalent description of the scaling limit in terms of imaginary geometry. This allows us to make use of the results developed by the first author and Laslier and Ray \cite{BLRdimers}. We deduce that, universally across these classes of graphs, the corresponding height function converges to a multiple of the Gaussian free field with boundary conditions that jump at each non-Temperleyan corner. After centering, this generalises a result of Russkikh \cite{RusskikhDimers} who proved it in the case of the square lattice. Along the way, we obtain results of independent interest on chordal hypergeometric SLE8_8; for instance we show its law is equal to that of an SLE8(ρˉ)_8 (\bar \rho) for a certain vector of force points, conditional on its hitting distribution on a specified boundary arc.Comment: 42 page

    Efficient simulation of 3D electromagnetic scattering problems using boundary integral equations

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