74 research outputs found

    Application of Steganography for Anonymity through the Internet

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    In this paper, a novel steganographic scheme based on chaotic iterations is proposed. This research work takes place into the information hiding security framework. The applications for anonymity and privacy through the Internet are regarded too. To guarantee such an anonymity, it should be possible to set up a secret communication channel into a web page, being both secure and robust. To achieve this goal, we propose an information hiding scheme being stego-secure, which is the highest level of security in a well defined and studied category of attacks called "watermark-only attack". This category of attacks is the best context to study steganography-based anonymity through the Internet. The steganalysis of our steganographic process is also studied in order to show it security in a real test framework.Comment: 14 page

    Information Forensics and Security: A quarter-century-long journey

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    Information forensics and security (IFS) is an active R&D area whose goal is to ensure that people use devices, data, and intellectual properties for authorized purposes and to facilitate the gathering of solid evidence to hold perpetrators accountable. For over a quarter century, since the 1990s, the IFS research area has grown tremendously to address the societal needs of the digital information era. The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has emerged as an important hub and leader in this area, and this article celebrates some landmark technical contributions. In particular, we highlight the major technological advances by the research community in some selected focus areas in the field during the past 25 years and present future trends

    A Natural Steganography Embedding Scheme Dedicated to Color Sensors in the JPEG Domain

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    International audienceUsing Natural Steganography (NS), a cover raw image acquired at sensitivity ISO 1 is transformed into a stego image whose statistical distribution is similar to a cover image acquired at sensitivity ISO 2 > ISO 1. This paper proposes such an embedding scheme for color sensors in the JPEG domain, extending thus the prior art proposed for the pixel domain and the JPEG domain for monochrome sensors. We first show that color sensors generate strong intra-block and inter-block dependencies between DCT coefficients and that theses dependencies are due to the demosaicking step in the development process. Capturing theses dependencies using an empirical covariance matrix, we propose a pseudo-embedding algorithm on greyscale JPEG images which uses up to four sub-lattices and 64 lattices to embed information while preserving the estimated correlations among DCT coefficients. We then compute an approximation of the average embedding rate w.r.t. the JPEG quality factor and evaluate the empirical security of the proposed scheme for linear and non-linear demosaicing schemes. Our experiments show that we can achieve high capacity (around 2 bit per nzAC) with a high empirical security (P E 30% using DCTR at QF 95)

    PIRANHA: an engine for a methodology of detecting covert communication via image-based steganography

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    In current cutting-edge steganalysis research, model-building and machine learning has been utilized to detect steganography. However, these models are computationally and cognitively cumbersome, and are specifically and exactly targeted to attack one and only one type of steganography. The model built and utilized in this thesis has shown capability in detecting a class or family of steganography, while also demonstrating that it is viable to construct a minimalist model for steganalysis. The notion of detecting steganographic primitives or families is one that has not been discussed in literature, and would serve well as a first-pass steganographic detection methodology. The model built here serves this end well, and it must be kept in mind that the model presented is posited to work as a front-end broad-pass filter for some of the more computationally advanced and directed stganalytic algorithms currently in use. This thesis attempts to convey a view of steganography and steganalysis in a manner more utilitarian and immediately useful to everyday scenarios. This is vastly different from a good many publications that treat the topic as one relegated only to cloak-and-dagger information passing. The subsequent view of steganography as primarily a communications tool useable by petty information brokers and the like directs the text and helps ensure that the notion of steganography as a digital dead-drop box is abandoned in favor of a more grounded approach. As such, the model presented underperforms specialized models that have been presented in current literature, but also makes use of a large image sample space (747 images) as well as images that are contextually diverse and representative of those seen in wide use. In future applications by either law-enforcement or corporate officials, it is hoped that the model presented in this thesis can aid in rapid and targeted responses without causing undue strain upon an eventual human operator. As such, a design constraint that was utilized for this research favored a False Negative as opposed to a False Positive - this methodology helps to ensure that, in the event of an alert, it is worthwhile to apply a more directed attack against the flagged image

    Defenses against Covert-Communications in Multimedia and Sensor Networks

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    Steganography and covert-communications represent a great and real threat today more than ever due to the evolution of modern communications. This doctoral work proposes defenses against such covert-communication techniques in two threatening but underdeveloped domains. Indeed, this work focuses on the novel problem of visual sensor network steganalysis but also proposes one of the first solutions against video steganography. The first part of the dissertation looks at covert-communications in videos. The contribution of this study resides in the combination of image processing using motion vector interpolation and non-traditional detection theory to obtain better results in identifying the presence of embedded messages in videos compared to what existing still-image steganalytic solutions would offer. The proposed algorithm called MoViSteg utilizes the specifics of video, as a whole and not as a series of images, to decide on the occurrence of steganography. Contrary to other solutions, MoViSteg is a video-specific algorithm, and not a repetitive still-image steganalysis, and allows for detection of embedding in partially corrupted sequences. This dissertation also lays the foundation for the novel study of visual sensor network steganalysis. We develop three different steganalytic solutions to the problem of covert-communications in visual sensor networks. Because of the inadequacy of the existing steganalytic solutions present in the current research literature, we introduce the novel concept of preventative steganalysis, which aims at discouraging potential steganographic attacks. We propose a set of solutions with active and passive warden scenarii using the material made available by the network. To quantify the efficiency of the preventative steganalysis, a new measure for evaluating the risk of steganography is proposed: the embedding potential which relies on the uncertainty of the image’s pixel values prone to corruption

    The role of side information in steganography

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    Das Ziel digitaler Steganographie ist es, eine geheime Kommunikation in digitalen Medien zu verstecken. Der übliche Ansatz ist es, die Nachricht in einem empirischen Trägermedium zu verstecken. In dieser Arbeit definieren wir den Begriff der Steganographischen Seiteninformation (SSI). Diese Definition umfasst alle wichtigen Eigenschaften von SSI. Wir begründen die Definition informationstheoretisch und erklären den Einsatz von SSI. Alle neueren steganographischen Algorithmen nutzen SSI um die Nachricht einzubetten. Wir entwickeln einen Angriff auf adaptive Steganographie und zeigen anhand von weit verbreiteten SSI-Varianten, dass unser Angriff funktioniert. Wir folgern, dass adaptive Steganographie spieltheoretisch beschrieben werden muss. Wir entwickeln ein spieltheoretisches Modell für solch ein System und berechnen die spieltheoretisch optimalen Strategien. Wir schlussfolgern, dass ein Steganograph diesen Strategien folgen sollte. Zudem entwickeln wir eine neue spieltheoretisch optimale Strategie zur Einbettung, die sogenannten Ausgleichseinbettungsstrategien.The  goal of digital steganography is to hide a secret communication in digital media. The common approach in steganography is to hide the secret messages in empirical cover objects. We are the first to define Steganographic Side Information (SSI). Our definition of SSI captures all relevant properties of SSI. We explain the common usage of SSI. All recent steganographic schemes use SSI to identify suitable areas fot the embedding change. We develop a targeted attack on four widely used variants of SSI, and show that our attack detects them almost perfectly. We argue that the steganographic competition must be framed with means of game theory. We present a game-theoretical framework that captures all relevant properties of such a steganographic system. We instantiate the framework with five different models and solve each of these models for game-theoretically optimal strategies. Inspired by our solutions, we give a new paradigm for secure adaptive steganography, the so-called equalizer embedding strategies
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