45 research outputs found

    Aggregation and residuation

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    In this paper, we give a characterization of meet-projections in simple atomistic lattices that generalizes results on the aggregation of partitions in cluster analysis.Aggregation theory ; dependence relation ; meet projection ; partition ; residual map ; simple lattice

    Model reference control for timed event graphs in dioids

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    This paper deals with feedback controller synthesis for timed event graphs in dioids. We discuss here the existence and the computation of a controller which leads to a closed-loop system whose behavior is as close as possible to the one of a given reference model and which delays as much as possible the input of tokens inside the (controlled) system. The synthesis presented here is mainly based on residuation theory results and some Kleene star properties

    The max-plus finite element method for optimal control problems: further approximation results

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    We develop the max-plus finite element method to solve finite horizon deterministic optimal control problems. This method, that we introduced in a previous work, relies on a max-plus variational formulation, and exploits the properties of projectors on max-plus semimodules. We prove here a convergence result, in arbitrary dimension, showing that for a subclass of problems, the error estimate is of order δ+Δx(δ)1\delta+\Delta x(\delta)^{-1}, where δ\delta and Δx\Delta x are the time and space steps respectively. We also show how the max-plus analogues of the mass and stiffness matrices can be computed by convex optimization, even when the global problem is non convex. We illustrate the method by numerical examples in dimension 2.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    A max-plus finite element method for solving finite horizon deterministic optimal control problems

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    We introduce a max-plus analogue of the Petrov-Galerkin finite element method, to solve finite horizon deterministic optimal control problems. The method relies on a max-plus variational formulation, and exploits the properties of projectors on max-plus semimodules. We obtain a nonlinear discretized semigroup, corresponding to a zero-sum two players game. We give an error estimate of order (Δt)1/2+Δx(Δt)1(\Delta t)^{1/2}+\Delta x(\Delta t)^{-1}, for a subclass of problems in dimension 1. We compare our method with a max-plus based discretization method previously introduced by Fleming and McEneaney.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    The tropical analogue of polar cones

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    We study the max-plus or tropical analogue of the notion of polar: the polar of a cone represents the set of linear inequalities satisfied by its elements. We establish an analogue of the bipolar theorem, which characterizes all the inequalities satisfied by the elements of a tropical convex cone. We derive this characterization from a new separation theorem. We also establish variants of these results concerning systems of linear equalities.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, example added, figures improved, notation change

    Aggregation and residuation

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/ To appear in Order 2012.Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2011.85 - ISSN : 1955-611XIn this paper, we give a characterization of meet-projections in simple atomistic lattices that generalizes results on the aggregation of partitions in cluster analysis.Dans ce papier, nous donnons une caractérisation des inf-projections dans un treillis atomistique simple, résultat qui généralise des résultats sur l'agrégation des partitions en théorie de la classification

    The Fr\'echet Contingency Array Problem is Max-Plus Linear

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    In this paper we show that the so-called array Fr\'echet problem in Probability/Statistics is (max, +)-linear. The upper bound of Fr\'echet is obtained using simple arguments from residuation theory and lattice distributivity. The lower bound is obtained as a loop invariant of a greedy algorithm. The algorithm is based on the max-plus linearity of the Fr\'echet problem and the Monge property of bivariate distribution

    Some results on ideals of multilattices

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    Residuation algebras with functional duals

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    We employ the theory of canonical extensions to study residuation algebras whose associated relational structures are functional, i.e., for which the ternary relations associated to the expanded operations admit an interpretation as (possibly partial) functions. Providing a partial answer to a question of Gehrke, we demonstrate that no universal first-order sentence in the language of residuation algebras is equivalent to the functionality of the associated relational structures