40 research outputs found

    Computational aberration correction in optical coherence tomography with phase-unstable systems

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    La tomografía de coherence óptica (OCT) es una técnica usada ampliamente en medicina, pero al tratarse de una técnica óptica es susceptible la aberraciones ópticas que degradan la calidad de la imagen, lo que dificulta la visualización de estructuras finas con alta resolución. Este trabajo presenta una técnica computacional para corregir aberraciones en OCT, cuya operación es compatible con muchos tipos de sistemas estandarés, y se muestran resultados en imagen del ojo, la via area y la piel.Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique widely use in medicine. OCT is an optical technique, therefore it is prone to optical aberrations that degrade image quality, making it difficult to visualize fine structures with high resolution.This work presents SHARP, a computational technique for correction of aberrations in OCT, that is compatible with most standard systems, and we present results in eye, airway and skin imagin

    Multi-resolution Active Models for Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation refers to the process of subdividing an image into a set of non-overlapping regions. Image segmentation is a critical and essential step to almost all higher level image processing and pattern recognition approaches, where a good segmentation relieves higher level applications from considering irrelevant and noise data in the image. Image segmentation is also considered as the most challenging image processing step due to several reasons including spatial discontinuity of the region of interest and the absence of a universally accepted criteria for image segmentation. Among the huge number of segmentation approaches, active contour models or simply snakes receive a great attention in the literature. Where the contour/boundary of the region of interest is defined as the set of pixels at which the active contour reaches its equilibrium state. In general, two forces control the movement of the snake inside the image, internal force that prevents the snake from stretching and bending and external force that pulls the snake towards the desired object boundaries. One main limitation of active contour models is their sensitivity to image noise. Specifically, noise sensitivity leads the active contour to fail to properly converge, getting caught on spurious image features, preventing the iterative solver from taking large steps towards the final contour. Additionally, active contour initialization forms another type of limitation. Where, especially in noisy images, the active contour needs to be initialized relatively close to the object of interest, otherwise the active contour will be pulled by other non-real/spurious image features. This dissertation, aiming to improve the active model-based segmentation, introduces two models for building up the external force of the active contour. The first model builds up a scale-based-weighted gradient map from all resolutions of the undecimated wavelet transform, with preference given to coarse gradients over fine gradients. The undecimated wavelet transform, due to its near shift-invariance and the absence of down-sampling properties, produces well-localized gradient maps at all resolutions of the transform. Hence, the proposed final weighted gradient map is able to better drive the snake towards its final equilibrium state. Unlike other multiscale active contour algorithms that define a snake at each level of the hierarchy, our model defines a single snake with the external force field is simultaneously built based on gradient maps from all scales. The second model proposes the incorporation of the directional information, revealed by the dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT CWT), into the external force field of the active contour. At each resolution of the transform, a steerable set of convolution kernels is created and used for external force generation. In the proposed model, the size and the orientation of the kernels depend on the scale of the DT CWT and the local orientation statistics of each pixel. Experimental results using nature, synthetic and Optical Coherent Tomography (OCT) images reflect the superiority of the proposed models over the classical and the state-of-the-art models

    X-ray imaging of failure and degradation mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries are becoming increasingly energy and power dense, and are required to operate in demanding applications and under challenging conditions. Both safety and performance of lithium-ion batteries need to be improved to meet the needs of the current demand, and are inextricably linked to their microstructure and mechanical design. However, there is little understanding of the complex, multi-length scale, structural dynamics that occur inside cells during operation and failure. From the evolving particle microstructure during operation to the rapid breakdown of active materials during failure, the plethora of dynamic phenomena is not well understood. In this thesis, both ex-situ and operando X-ray imaging, and computed tomography, in combination with image-based modelling and quantification are used to characterise battery materials and components in 3D. Degradation mechanisms are investigated across multiple length-scales, from the electrode particle to the full cell architecture, and direct comparisons between materials in their fresh and failed states are made. Rapid structural evolution that occurs during operation and failure is captured using high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging, and quantified by correlating sequential tomograms. Consistent degradation mechanisms that occur over fractions of a second are identified and are shown to contribute significantly towards uncontrolled and catastrophic failure, and previously unexplored interplay between the mechanical design of cells and their safety and performance is described. The experiments reported here assess the thermal and mechanical responses of cells to extreme operating and environmental conditions. The interaction between the dynamic architecture of active materials and the mechanical designs of commercial cells are revealed, highlighting the importance of the engineering design of commercial lithium-ion batteries and their efficacy to mitigate failure. These insights are expected to influence the future design of safer and more reliable lithium-ion batteries

    X-ray Bragg Projection Ptychography for nano-materials

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    Progress in nanotechnology critically relies on high resolution probing tools, and X-ray coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) is certainly an attractive method for exploring science at such small scales. Thus, the aim of this PhD is to study structural properties of nano-materials using X-ray CDI, with a special motivation to combine Bragg CDI with ptychography. The former has ability to retrieve the complex density and strain maps of nano-meso crystalline objects, and the latter uses translational diversity to produce quantitative maps of the complex transmission function of non-crystalline objects. As both techniques promote highly sensitive phase-contrast properties, the thesis exploits their agreement to reveal the morphology of domain structures in metallic thin films. Additionally, it is demonstrated that Bragg-ptychography is an evolutionary improvement to probe the structure of ’highly’ strained crystals, with respect to its Bragg-CDI counterpart. However, the adaptation of ptychography to the Bragg geometry is not without difficulties and comes with more experimental cost. Therefore, the effects of experimental uncertainties, e.g., scan positions undetermination, partial coherence, and time-varying probes are assessed throughout the thesis and corrected for by implementation of suitable refinement methods. Furthermore, it is shown how the set-up at beamline 34-ID-C at the Advanced Photon Source, used for the experimental measurements can be optimized for better ptychographical reconstructions

    Correlative light microscopy and FIB/SEM tomography

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    Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017) - Proceedings

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    Das Dokument enthält die Kurzfassungen der Beiträge aller Teilnehmer an der Mikroskopiekonferenz "MC 2017", die vom 21. bis 25.08.2017, in Lausanne stattfand