4 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Decomposable Randomized Encodings, Or: How Friendly Can a Garbling-Friendly PRF Be?

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    Pszeudorandom bitsorozatok generálása, véletlenségének mérése, sorozatok összehasonlítása

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    A dolgozatomban pszeudorandom bitsorozatok generálásának erőforrásigényét mutatom be és hasonlítom össze különböző algoritmusokkal

    On the cross-combined measure of families of binary lattices and sequences

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    The cross-combined measure (which is a natural extension of cross-correlation measure) is introduced and important constructions of large families of binary lattices with optimal or nearly optimal cross-combined measures are presented. These results are also strongly related to the one-dimensional case: An easy method is showed obtaining strong constructions of families of binary sequences with nearly optimal cross-correlation measures based on the previous constructions of families of lattices. The important feature of this result is that so far there exists only one type of constructions of very large families of binary sequences with small cross-correlation measure, and this only type of constructions was based on one-variable irreducible polynomials. Since it is very complicated to construct one-variable irreducible polynomials over Fp\mathbb F_p, it became necessary to show other types of constructions where the generation of sequences is much faster. Using binary lattices based on two-variable irreducible polynomials this problem can be avoided. (Since, contrary to one-variable polynomials, using Sch\"oneman-Eisenstein criteria it is possible to generate two-variable irreducible polynomials over Fp\mathbb F_p fast.

    On Pseudorandom Sequences and Their Application

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