1,073 research outputs found

    Scalable Exact Parent Sets Identification in Bayesian Networks Learning with Apache Spark

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    In Machine Learning, the parent set identification problem is to find a set of random variables that best explain selected variable given the data and some predefined scoring function. This problem is a critical component to structure learning of Bayesian networks and Markov blankets discovery, and thus has many practical applications, ranging from fraud detection to clinical decision support. In this paper, we introduce a new distributed memory approach to the exact parent sets assignment problem. To achieve scalability, we derive theoretical bounds to constraint the search space when MDL scoring function is used, and we reorganize the underlying dynamic programming such that the computational density is increased and fine-grain synchronization is eliminated. We then design efficient realization of our approach in the Apache Spark platform. Through experimental results, we demonstrate that the method maintains strong scalability on a 500-core standalone Spark cluster, and it can be used to efficiently process data sets with 70 variables, far beyond the reach of the currently available solutions

    Highly Relevant Routing Recommendation Systems for Handling Few Data Using MDL Principle and Embedded Relevance Boosting Factors

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    A route recommendation system can provide better recommendation if it also takes collected user reviews into account, e.g. places that generally get positive reviews may be preferred. However, to classify sentiment, many classification algorithms existing today suffer in handling small data items such as short written reviews. In this paper we propose a model for a strongly relevant route recommendation system that is based on an MDL-based (Minimum Description Length) sentiment classification and show that such a system is capable of handling small data items (short user reviews). Another highlight of the model is the inclusion of a set of boosting factors in the relevance calculation to improve the relevance in any recommendation system that implements the model.Comment: ACM SIGIR 2018 Workshop on Learning from Limited or Noisy Data for Information Retrieval (LND4IR'18), July 12, 2018, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 8 pages, 9 figure

    Frequency vs. Association for Constraint Selection in Usage-Based Construction Grammar

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    A usage-based Construction Grammar (CxG) posits that slot-constraints generalize from common exemplar constructions. But what is the best model of constraint generalization? This paper evaluates competing frequency-based and association-based models across eight languages using a metric derived from the Minimum Description Length paradigm. The experiments show that association-based models produce better generalizations across all languages by a significant margin

    Budget-Aware Adapters for Multi-Domain Learning

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    Multi-Domain Learning (MDL) refers to the problem of learning a set of models derived from a common deep architecture, each one specialized to perform a task in a certain domain (e.g., photos, sketches, paintings). This paper tackles MDL with a particular interest in obtaining domain-specific models with an adjustable budget in terms of the number of network parameters and computational complexity. Our intuition is that, as in real applications the number of domains and tasks can be very large, an effective MDL approach should not only focus on accuracy but also on having as few parameters as possible. To implement this idea we derive specialized deep models for each domain by adapting a pre-trained architecture but, differently from other methods, we propose a novel strategy to automatically adjust the computational complexity of the network. To this aim, we introduce Budget-Aware Adapters that select the most relevant feature channels to better handle data from a novel domain. Some constraints on the number of active switches are imposed in order to obtain a network respecting the desired complexity budget. Experimentally, we show that our approach leads to recognition accuracy competitive with state-of-the-art approaches but with much lighter networks both in terms of storage and computation.Comment: ICCV 201

    Introduction in IND and recursive partitioning

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    This manual describes the IND package for learning tree classifiers from data. The package is an integrated C and C shell re-implementation of tree learning routines such as CART, C4, and various MDL and Bayesian variations. The package includes routines for experiment control, interactive operation, and analysis of tree building. The manual introduces the system and its many options, gives a basic review of tree learning, contains a guide to the literature and a glossary, and lists the manual pages for the routines and instructions on installation

    Mining local staircase patterns in noisy data

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    Most traditional biclustering algorithms identify biclusters with no or little overlap. In this paper, we introduce the problem of identifying staircases of biclusters. Such staircases may be indicative for causal relationships between columns and can not easily be identified by existing biclustering algorithms. Our formalization relies on a scoring function based on the Minimum Description Length principle. Furthermore, we propose a first algorithm for identifying staircase biclusters, based on a combination of local search and constraint programming. Experiments show that the approach is promising

    Introduction to IND and recursive partitioning, version 1.0

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    This manual describes the IND package for learning tree classifiers from data. The package is an integrated C and C shell re-implementation of tree learning routines such as CART, C4, and various MDL and Bayesian variations. The package includes routines for experiment control, interactive operation, and analysis of tree building. The manual introduces the system and its many options, gives a basic review of tree learning, contains a guide to the literature and a glossary, lists the manual pages for the routines, and instructions on installation