4,302 research outputs found

    Discrete curvature approximations and segmentation of polyhedral surfaces

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    The segmentation of digitized data to divide a free form surface into patches is one of the key steps required to perform a reverse engineering process of an object. To this end, discrete curvature approximations are introduced as the basis of a segmentation process that lead to a decomposition of digitized data into areas that will help the construction of parametric surface patches. The approach proposed relies on the use of a polyhedral representation of the object built from the digitized data input. Then, it is shown how noise reduction, edge swapping techniques and adapted remeshing schemes can participate to different preparation phases to provide a geometry that highlights useful characteristics for the segmentation process. The segmentation process is performed with various approximations of discrete curvatures evaluated on the polyhedron produced during the preparation phases. The segmentation process proposed involves two phases: the identification of characteristic polygonal lines and the identification of polyhedral areas useful for a patch construction process. Discrete curvature criteria are adapted to each phase and the concept of invariant evaluation of curvatures is introduced to generate criteria that are constant over equivalent meshes. A description of the segmentation procedure is provided together with examples of results for free form object surfaces

    A New World Map on an Irregular Heptahedron

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    Using polyhedral approximations of the globe for the purpose of creating map projections is not a new concept. The implementation of regular and semi-regular polyhedra has been a popular method for reducing distortion. However, regular and semi-regular polyhedra provide limited control over the placement of the projective centers. This paper presents a method for using irregular polyhedra to gain more control over the placement of the projective centers while maintaining the reduced distortion quality found in polyhedral projections. The method presented here uses irregular polyhedra based on gnomonically projected Voronoi partitions of the sphere

    Smooth and polyhedral approximation in Banach spaces

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    We show that norms on certain Banach spaces XX can be approximated uniformly, and with arbitrary precision, on bounded subsets of XX by C∞C^{\infty} smooth norms and polyhedral norms. In particular, we show that this holds for any equivalent norm on c0(Γ)c_0(\Gamma), where Γ\Gamma is an arbitrary set. We also give a necessary condition for the existence of a polyhedral norm on a weakly compactly generated Banach space, which extends a well-known result of Fonf.Comment: 12 page

    Fitting Tractable Convex Sets to Support Function Evaluations

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    The geometric problem of estimating an unknown compact convex set from evaluations of its support function arises in a range of scientific and engineering applications. Traditional approaches typically rely on estimators that minimize the error over all possible compact convex sets; in particular, these methods do not allow for the incorporation of prior structural information about the underlying set and the resulting estimates become increasingly more complicated to describe as the number of measurements available grows. We address both of these shortcomings by describing a framework for estimating tractably specified convex sets from support function evaluations. Building on the literature in convex optimization, our approach is based on estimators that minimize the error over structured families of convex sets that are specified as linear images of concisely described sets -- such as the simplex or the spectraplex -- in a higher-dimensional space that is not much larger than the ambient space. Convex sets parametrized in this manner are significant from a computational perspective as one can optimize linear functionals over such sets efficiently; they serve a different purpose in the inferential context of the present paper, namely, that of incorporating regularization in the reconstruction while still offering considerable expressive power. We provide a geometric characterization of the asymptotic behavior of our estimators, and our analysis relies on the property that certain sets which admit semialgebraic descriptions are Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) classes. Our numerical experiments highlight the utility of our framework over previous approaches in settings in which the measurements available are noisy or small in number as well as those in which the underlying set to be reconstructed is non-polyhedral.Comment: 35 pages, 80 figure

    A note on the polynomial approximation of vertex singularities in the boundary element method in three dimensions

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    We study polynomial approximations of vertex singularities of the type rλ∣log⁥r∣ÎČr^\lambda |\log r|^\beta on three-dimensional surfaces. The analysis focuses on the case when λ>−12\lambda > -\frac 12. This assumption is a minimum requirement to guarantee that the above singular function is in the energy space for boundary integral equations with hypersingular operators. Thus, the approximation results for such singularities are needed for the error analysis of boundary element methods on piecewise smooth surfaces. Moreover, to our knowledge, the approximation of strong singularities (−12<λ≀0-\frac 12 < \lambda \le 0) by high-order polynomials is missing in the existing literature. In this note we prove an estimate for the error of polynomial approximation of the above vertex singularities on quasi-uniform meshes discretising a polyhedral surface. The estimate gives an upper bound for the error in terms of the mesh size hh and the polynomial degree pp
