95,725 research outputs found

    Semiclassical wave functions and energy spectra in polygon billiards

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    A consistent scheme of semiclassical quantization in polygon billiards by wave function formalism is presented. It is argued that it is in the spirit of the semiclassical wave function formalism to make necessary rationalization of respective quantities accompanied the procedure of the semiclassical quantization in polygon billiards. Unfolding rational polygon billiards (RPB) into corresponding Riemann surfaces (RS) periodic structures of the latter are demonstrated with 2g independent periods on the respective multitori with g as their genuses. However it is the two dimensional real space of the real linear combinations of these periods which is used for quantizing RPB. A class of doubly rational polygon billiards (DRPB) is distinguished for which these real linear relations are rational and their semiclassical quantization by wave function formalism is presented. It is shown that semiclassical quantization of both the classical momenta and the energy spectra are determined completely by periodic structure of the corresponding RS. Each RS is then reduced to elementary polygon patterns (EPP) as its basic periodic elements. Each such EPP can be glued to a torus of genus g. Semiclassical wave functions (SWF) are then constructed on EPP. The SWF for DRPB appear to be exact. They satisfy the Dirichlet, the Neumannn or the mixed boundary conditions. Not every mixing is allowed however and a respective incompleteness of SWF is discussed. Dens families of DRPB are used for approximate semiclassical quantization of RPB. General rational polygons are quantized by approximating them by DRPB. An extension of the formalism to irrational polygons is described as well. The semiclassical approximations constructed in the paper are controlled by general criteria of the eigenvalue theory. A relation between the superscar solutions and SWF constructed in the paper is also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Computational Universality and 1/f Noise in Elementary Cellular Automata

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    It is speculated that there is a relationship between 1/f noise and computational universality in cellular automata. We use genetic algorithms to search for one-dimensional and two-state, five-neighbor cellular automata which have 1/f-type spectrum. A power spectrum is calculated from the evolution starting from a random initial configuration. The fitness is estimated from the power spectrum in consideration of the similarity to 1/f-type spectrum. The result shows that the rule with the highest average fitness has a propagating structure like other computationally universal cellular automata, although computational universality of the rule has not been proved yet

    Periodic behaviour of coronal mass ejections, eruptive events, and solar activity proxies during solar cycles 23 and 24

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    We report on the parallel analysis of the periodic behaviour of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) based on 21 years [1996 -- 2016] of observations with the SOHO/LASCO--C2 coronagraph, solar flares, prominences, and several proxies of solar activity. We consider values of the rates globally and whenever possible, distinguish solar hemispheres and solar cycles 23 and 24. Periodicities are investigated using both frequency (periodogram) and time-frequency (wavelet) analysis. We find that these different processes, in addition to following the \approx11-year Solar Cycle, exhibit diverse statistically significant oscillations with properties common to all solar, coronal, and heliospheric processes: variable periodicity, intermittence, asymmetric development in the northern and southern solar hemispheres, and largest amplitudes during the maximum phase of solar cycles, being more pronounced during solar cycle 23 than the weaker cycle 24. However, our analysis reveals an extremely complex and diverse situation. For instance, there exists very limited commonality for periods of less than one year. The few exceptions are the periods of 3.1--3.2 months found in the global occurrence rates of CMEs and in the sunspot area (SSA) and those of 5.9--6.1 months found in the northern hemisphere. Mid-range periods of \approx1 and \approx2 years are more wide spread among the studied processes, but exhibit a very distinct behaviour with the first one being present only in the northern hemisphere and the second one only in the southern hemisphere. These periodic behaviours likely results from the complexity of the underlying physical processes, prominently the emergence of magnetic flux.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, 2 table