362,472 research outputs found

    On obstacle numbers

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    The obstacle number is a new graph parameter introduced by Alpert, Koch, and Laison (2010). Mukkamala et al. (2012) show that there exist graphs with n vertices having obstacle number in Ω(n/ log n). In this note, we up this lower bound to Ω(n/(log log n)2). Our proof makes use of an upper bound of Mukkamala et al. on the number of graphs having obstacle number at most h in such a way that any subsequent improvements to their upper bound will improve our lower bound

    Resonance regimes of scattering by small bodies with impedance boundary conditions

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    The paper concerns scattering of plane waves by a bounded obstacle with complex valued impedance boundary conditions. We study the spectrum of the Neumann-to-Dirichlet operator for small wave numbers and long wave asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the scattering problem. The study includes the case when k=0k=0 is an eigenvalue or a resonance. The transformation from the impedance to the Dirichlet boundary condition as impedance grows is described. A relation between poles and zeroes of the scattering matrix in the non-self adjoint case is established. The results are applied to a problem of scattering by an obstacle with a springy coating. The paper describes the dependence of the impedance on the properties of the material, that is on forces due to the deviation of the boundary of the obstacle from the equilibrium position

    Filtering of spin currents based on ballistic ring

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    Quantum interference effects in rings provide suitable means for controlling spin at mesoscopic scales. Here we apply such a control mechanism to the spin-dependent transport in a ballistic quasi one dimensional ring patterned in two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs). The study is essentially based on the {\it natural} spin-orbit (SO) interactions, one arising from the laterally confining electric field {(β\beta term) and the other due to to the quantum-well potential that confines electrons in the 2DEG (conventional Rashba SO interaction or α\alpha term).} We focus on single-channel transport and solve analytically the spin polarization of the current. As an important consequence of the presence of spin splitting, we find the occurrence of spin dependent current oscillations. We analyze %the effects of disorder by discussing the transport in the presence of one non-magnetic obstacle in the ring. We demonstrate that a spin polarized current can be induced when an unpolarized charge current is injected in the ring, by focusing on the central role that the presence of the obstacle plays.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, PACS numbers: 72.25.-b, 72.20.My, 73.50.Jt, accepted for publication in J. Phys. - Cond. Ma

    Unsteady flow characteristics in the near-wake of a two-dimensional obstacle

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    The influence of the characteristics of the boundary layer separation on the formation of vortices and alternate paths in the wake of a bidimensional obstacle at high Reynolds numbers was studied by ultra fast visualization system. It is shown that there are alternate paths for laminar and turbulent flows, with similar flow characteristics. It is found that emission of vortices does not change substantially when the flow passes from laminar to turbulent. A film with a time scale change of 10,000 times illustrates some of the discussed phenomena

    Hypothetical Learning Trajectory pada Pembelajaran Bilangan Negatif Berdasarkan Teori Situasi Didaktis di Sekolah Menengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) pada pembelajaran bilangan negatif sebagai hasil dari tahap pertama Didactical Design Research yaitu Analisis Prospektif. HLT ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari hasil identifikasi Learning Obstacle yang yang dilakukan peneliti dalam pembelajaran bilangan negatif yang terintegrasi dalam materi Bilangan Bulat di kelas 7 sekolah menengah pertama. Observasi mendalam terhadap proses belajar mengajar di kelas yang diamati peneliti memperlihatkan kesulitan guru dalam menanamkan konsep bilangan negatif dan operasi bilangan yang melibatkan bilangan negatif serta beberapa kesalahan konstruksi konsep yang dialami oleh siswa. Istilah HLT merujuk pada rencana pembelajaran berdasarkan antisipasi belajar siswa yang mungkin dicapai dalam proses pembelajaran yang didasari pada tujuan pembelajaran matematika yang diharapkan pada siswa, pengetahuan, dan perkiraan tingkat pemahaman siswa, serta pilihan aktivitas matematika secara berurut. HLT ini disusun berdasarkan analisis terhadap Learning Obstacle, tahap berpikir siswa, dan analisis terhadap kurikulum dengan tetap berpijak pada konsep materi yang harus dipahami siswa. This research aims to design Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) on learning of negative numbers as a result of the first stage on Didactical Design Research specifically in Prospective Analysis. This HLT is a follow up of the results of the identification of the Learning Obstacle conducted by researcher in learning negative numbers that integrated in the material Integer in the 7th grade secondary school. From the observations conducted by researcher on the teaching and learning process in the classroom showed the difficulties of teachers in embedding the concept of negative numbers and arithmetic operations involving negative numbers and several construction errors of concepts that experienced by the students. Term of HLT refers to a lesson plan based on the anticipation of student learning possibly achievable in the learning process which is based on mathematics learning goals expected on students, knowledge, estimates of the level of students understanding, and the selection of mathematical activity sequentially. This HLT is compiled based on an analysis of the Learning Obstacle, level of students thinking, and analysis of the curriculum that standing on the concept that must be understood by the students
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