975 research outputs found

    On Lookahead Strategy for Movement-based Location Update. A General Formulation

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    Abstract. Location management deals with the procedure to update the current location of a mobile terminal (MT) and with the procedure to deliver incoming calls to that called MT. Basically, the performance evaluation of location management procedures are dependent on the MT's mobility behavior, on the MT's cell residence time and on the call arrival process to the MT. In the open literature, the typical analysis for location management has been addressed under the assumptions of a random walk mobility model, the exponential cell sojourn time of the MT -some times relaxed to a general probability distribution functionand the exponential inter-arrival time distribution for incoming calls. However, the random walk model seems not to be valid as many mobile users follow some daily trajectories, such as from home to the working place, from the working place to the shopping center, etc. To reflect a more realistic movement pattern, we propose a directional oriented mobility model. And as a consequence of that, we also propose a lookahead procedure combined with the movement-based location update scheme, with the main idea of saving signaling traffic through the air interface. In the lookahead strategy we analytically derive closed form expressions for the mean number of location update (LU) messages triggered by the MT between two consecutive call arrivals and the paging probabilities to evaluate the paging cost under some selective paging strategies. The analysis has been carried out assuming a general cell residence time and a renewal point process for call arrivals to the MT

    Learning in Real-Time Search: A Unifying Framework

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    Real-time search methods are suited for tasks in which the agent is interacting with an initially unknown environment in real time. In such simultaneous planning and learning problems, the agent has to select its actions in a limited amount of time, while sensing only a local part of the environment centered at the agents current location. Real-time heuristic search agents select actions using a limited lookahead search and evaluating the frontier states with a heuristic function. Over repeated experiences, they refine heuristic values of states to avoid infinite loops and to converge to better solutions. The wide spread of such settings in autonomous software and hardware agents has led to an explosion of real-time search algorithms over the last two decades. Not only is a potential user confronted with a hodgepodge of algorithms, but he also faces the choice of control parameters they use. In this paper we address both problems. The first contribution is an introduction of a simple three-parameter framework (named LRTS) which extracts the core ideas behind many existing algorithms. We then prove that LRTA*, epsilon-LRTA*, SLA*, and gamma-Trap algorithms are special cases of our framework. Thus, they are unified and extended with additional features. Second, we prove completeness and convergence of any algorithm covered by the LRTS framework. Third, we prove several upper-bounds relating the control parameters and solution quality. Finally, we analyze the influence of the three control parameters empirically in the realistic scalable domains of real-time navigation on initially unknown maps from a commercial role-playing game as well as routing in ad hoc sensor networks

    A Conflict-Resilient Lock-Free Calendar Queue for Scalable Share-Everything PDES Platforms

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    Emerging share-everything Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) platforms rely on worker threads fully sharing the workload of events to be processed. These platforms require efficient event pool data structures enabling high concurrency of extraction/insertion operations. Non-blocking event pool algorithms are raising as promising solutions for this problem. However, the classical non-blocking paradigm leads concurrent conflicting operations, acting on a same portion of the event pool data structure, to abort and then retry. In this article we present a conflict-resilient non-blocking calendar queue that enables conflicting dequeue operations, concurrently attempting to extract the minimum element, to survive, thus improving the level of scalability of accesses to the hot portion of the data structure---namely the bucket to which the current locality of the events to be processed is bound. We have integrated our solution within an open source share-everything PDES platform and report the results of an experimental analysis of the proposed concurrent data structure compared to some literature solutions

    Robust grasping under object pose uncertainty

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    This paper presents a decision-theoretic approach to problems that require accurate placement of a robot relative to an object of known shape, such as grasping for assembly or tool use. The decision process is applied to a robot hand with tactile sensors, to localize the object on a table and ultimately achieve a target placement by selecting among a parameterized set of grasping and information-gathering trajectories. The process is demonstrated in simulation and on a real robot. This work has been previously presented in Hsiao et al. (Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2008; Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), 2010) and Hsiao (Relatively robust grasping, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009).National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0712012

    Active End-Effector Pose Selection for Tactile Object Recognition through Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    This paper considers the problem of active object recognition using touch only. The focus is on adaptively selecting a sequence of wrist poses that achieves accurate recognition by enclosure grasps. It seeks to minimize the number of touches and maximize recognition confidence. The actions are formulated as wrist poses relative to each other, making the algorithm independent of absolute workspace coordinates. The optimal sequence is approximated by Monte Carlo tree search. We demonstrate results in a physics engine and on a real robot. In the physics engine, most object instances were recognized in at most 16 grasps. On a real robot, our method recognized objects in 2--9 grasps and outperformed a greedy baseline.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    Autonomous open-source electric wheelchair platform with internet-of-things and proportional-integral-derivative control

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    This study aims to improve the working model of autonomous wheelchair navigation for disabled patients using the internet of things (IoT). A proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control algorithm is applied to the autonomous wheelchair to control movement based on position coordinates and orientation provided by the global positioning system (GPS) and digital compass sensor. This system is controlled through the IoT system, which can be operated from a web browser. Autonomous wheelchairs are handled using a waypoint algorithm; ESP8266 is used as a microcontroller unit that acts as a bridge for transmitting data obtained by sensors and controlling the direct current (DC) motors as actuators. The proposed system and the autonomous wheelchair performance gave satisfactory results with a longitude and latitude error of 1.1 meters to 4.5 meters. This error is obtained because of the limitations of GPS with the type of Ublox Neo-M8N. As a starting point for further research, a mathematical model of a wheelchair was created, and pure pursuit control algorithm was used to simulate the movement. An open-source autonomous IoT platform for electric wheelchairs has been successfully created; this platform can help nurses and caretakers
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