32 research outputs found

    On max-clique for intersection graphs of sets and the hadwiger-debrunner numbers

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    Let HDd(p, q) denote the minimal size of a transversal that can always be guaranteed for a family of compact convex sets in Rd which satisfy the (p, q)-property (p ≥ q ≥ d + 1). In a celebrated proof of the Hadwiger-Debrunner conjecture, Alon and Kleitman proved that HDd(p, q) exists for all p ≥ q ≥ d + 1. Specifically, they prove that HDd(p, d + 1) is O(pd2+d). This paper has two parts. In the first part we present several improved bounds on HDd(p, q). In particular, we obtain the first near tight estimate of HDd(p, q) for an extended range of values of (p, q) since the 1957 Hadwiger-Debrunner theorem. In the second part we prove a (p, 2)-theorem for families in R2 with union complexity below a specific quadratic bound. Based on this, we introduce a polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm for MAX-CLIQUE of intersection graphs of convex sets satisfying this property. It is not likely that our constant factor approximation can be improved to a PTAS as MAX-CLIQUE for intersection graphs of fat ellipses is known to be APX-HARD and fat ellipses have sub-quadratic union complexity. Copyright © by SIAM

    Packing and covering with balls on Busemann surfaces

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    In this note we prove that for any compact subset SS of a Busemann surface (S,d)({\mathcal S},d) (in particular, for any simple polygon with geodesic metric) and any positive number δ\delta, the minimum number of closed balls of radius δ\delta with centers at S\mathcal S and covering the set SS is at most 19 times the maximum number of disjoint closed balls of radius δ\delta centered at points of SS: ν(S)ρ(S)19ν(S)\nu(S) \le \rho(S) \le 19\nu(S), where ρ(S)\rho(S) and ν(S)\nu(S) are the covering and the packing numbers of SS by δ{\delta}-balls.Comment: 27 page

    From a (p,2)-Theorem to a Tight (p,q)-Theorem

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    A family F of sets is said to satisfy the (p,q)-property if among any p sets of F some q have a non-empty intersection. The celebrated (p,q)-theorem of Alon and Kleitman asserts that any family of compact convex sets in R^d that satisfies the (p,q)-property for some q >= d+1, can be pierced by a fixed number (independent on the size of the family) f_d(p,q) of points. The minimum such piercing number is denoted by {HD}_d(p,q). Already in 1957, Hadwiger and Debrunner showed that whenever q > (d-1)/d p+1 the piercing number is {HD}_d(p,q)=p-q+1; no exact values of {HD}_d(p,q) were found ever since. While for an arbitrary family of compact convex sets in R^d, d >= 2, a (p,2)-property does not imply a bounded piercing number, such bounds were proved for numerous specific families. The best-studied among them is axis-parallel boxes in R^d, and specifically, axis-parallel rectangles in the plane. Wegner (1965) and (independently) Dol\u27nikov (1972) used a (p,2)-theorem for axis-parallel rectangles to show that {HD}_{rect}(p,q)=p-q+1 holds for all q>sqrt{2p}. These are the only values of q for which {HD}_{rect}(p,q) is known exactly. In this paper we present a general method which allows using a (p,2)-theorem as a bootstrapping to obtain a tight (p,q)-theorem, for families with Helly number 2, even without assuming that the sets in the family are convex or compact. To demonstrate the strength of this method, we show that {HD}_{d-box}(p,q)=p-q+1 holds for all q > c\u27 log^{d-1} p, and in particular, {HD}_{rect}(p,q)=p-q+1 holds for all q >= 7 log_2 p (compared to q >= sqrt{2p}, obtained by Wegner and Dol\u27nikov more than 40 years ago). In addition, for several classes of families, we present improved (p,2)-theorems, some of which can be used as a bootstrapping to obtain tight (p,q)-theorems. In particular, we show that any family F of compact convex sets in R^d with Helly number 2 admits a (p,2)-theorem with piercing number O(p^{2d-1}), and thus, satisfies {HD}_{F}(p,q)=p-q+1 for all q>cp^{1-1/(2d-1)}, for a universal constant c

    Helly-type problems

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    In this paper we present a variety of problems in the interface between combinatorics and geometry around the theorems of Helly, Radon, Carathéodory, and Tverberg. Through these problems we describe the fascinating area of Helly-type theorems and explain some of their main themes and goals

    On a Problem of Danzer

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    Let C be a bounded convex object in R^d, and P a set of n points lying outside C. Further let c_p, c_q be two integers with 1 <= c_q <= c_p <= n - floor[d/2], such that every c_p + floor[d/2] points of P contains a subset of size c_q + floor[d/2] whose convex-hull is disjoint from C. Then our main theorem states the existence of a partition of P into a small number of subsets, each of whose convex-hull is disjoint from C. Our proof is constructive and implies that such a partition can be computed in polynomial time. In particular, our general theorem implies polynomial bounds for Hadwiger-Debrunner (p, q) numbers for balls in R^d. For example, it follows from our theorem that when p > q >= (1+beta) * d/2 for beta > 0, then any set of balls satisfying the HD(p,q) property can be hit by O(q^2 p^{1+1/(beta)} log p) points. This is the first improvement over a nearly 60-year old exponential bound of roughly O(2^d). Our results also complement the results obtained in a recent work of Keller et al. where, apart from improvements to the bound on HD(p, q) for convex sets in R^d for various ranges of p and q, a polynomial bound is obtained for regions with low union complexity in the plane