73 research outputs found

    Mightyl: A compositional translation from mitl to timed automata

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    Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) was first proposed in the early 1990s as a specification formalism for real-time systems. Apart from its appealing intuitive syntax, there are also theoretical evidences that make MITL a prime real-time counterpart of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Unfortunately, the tool support for MITL verification is still lacking to this day. In this paper, we propose a new construction from MITL to timed automata via very-weak one-clock alternating timed automata. Our construction subsumes the well-known construction from LTL to BĂĽchi automata by Gastin and Oddoux and yet has the additional benefits of being compositional and integrating easily with existing tools. We implement the construction in our new tool MightyL and report on experiments using Uppaal and LTSmin as back-ends

    Real-Time Synthesis is Hard!

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    We study the reactive synthesis problem (RS) for specifications given in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). RS is known to be undecidable in a very general setting, but on infinite words only; and only the very restrictive BRRS subcase is known to be decidable (see D'Souza et al. and Bouyer et al.). In this paper, we precise the decidability border of MITL synthesis. We show RS is undecidable on finite words too, and present a landscape of restrictions (both on the logic and on the possible controllers) that are still undecidable. On the positive side, we revisit BRRS and introduce an efficient on-the-fly algorithm to solve it

    Weak Alternating Timed Automata

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    Alternating timed automata on infinite words are considered. The main result is a characterization of acceptance conditions for which the emptiness problem for these automata is decidable. This result implies new decidability results for fragments of timed temporal logics. It is also shown that, unlike for MITL, the characterisation remains the same even if no punctual constraints are allowed

    Timed Automata Approach for Motion Planning Using Metric Interval Temporal Logic

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    In this paper, we consider the robot motion (or task) planning problem under some given time bounded high level specifications. We use metric interval temporal logic (MITL), a member of the temporal logic family, to represent the task specification and then we provide a constructive way to generate a timed automaton and methods to look for accepting runs on the automaton to find a feasible motion (or path) sequence for the robot to complete the task.Comment: Full Version for ECC 201

    Control Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems under Metric Interval Temporal Logic Specifications

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    This paper presents a framework for automatic synthesis of a control sequence for multi-agent systems governed by continuous linear dynamics under timed constraints. First, the motion of the agents in the workspace is abstracted into individual Transition Systems (TS). Second, each agent is assigned with an individual formula given in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) and in parallel, the team of agents is assigned with a collaborative team formula. The proposed method is based on a correct-by-construction control synthesis method, and hence guarantees that the resulting closed-loop system will satisfy the specifications. The specifications considers boolean-valued properties under real-time. Extended simulations has been performed in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed controllers.Comment: 8 pages version of the accepted paper to IFAC World Congres

    Model-checking Timed Temporal Logics

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present several timed extensions of temporal logics, that can be used for model-checking real-time systems. We give different formalisms and the corresponding decidability/complexity results. We also give intuition to explain these results


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    Imprecision in timing can sometimes be beneficial: Metric interval temporal logic (MITL), disabling the expression of punctuality constraints, was shown to translate to timed automata, yielding an elementary decision procedure. We show how this principle extends to other forms of dense-time specification using regular expressions. By providing a clean, automaton-based formal framework for non-punctual languages, we are able to recover and extend several results in timed systems. Metric interval regular expressions (MIRE) are introduced, providing regular expressions with non-singular duration constraints. We obtain that MIRE are expressively complete relative to a class of one-clock timed automata, which can be determinized using additional clocks. Metric interval dynamic logic (MIDL) is then defined using MIRE as temporal modalities. We show that MIDL generalizes known extensions of MITL, while translating to timed automata at comparable cost

    Satisfiability Checking of Multi-Variable TPTL with Unilateral Intervals Is PSPACE-Complete

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