495 research outputs found

    Finite-time thermodynamics of port-Hamiltonian systems

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    In this paper, we identify a class of time-varying port-Hamiltonian systems that is suitable for studying problems at the intersection of statistical mechanics and control of physical systems. Those port-Hamiltonian systems are able to modify their internal structure as well as their interconnection with the environment over time. The framework allows us to prove the First and Second laws of thermodynamics, but also lets us apply results from optimal and stochastic control theory to physical systems. In particular, we show how to use linear control theory to optimally extract work from a single heat source over a finite time interval in the manner of Maxwell's demon. Furthermore, the optimal controller is a time-varying port-Hamiltonian system, which can be physically implemented as a variable linear capacitor and transformer. We also use the theory to design a heat engine operating between two heat sources in finite-time Carnot-like cycles of maximum power, and we compare those two heat engines.Comment: To appear in Physica D (accepted July 2013

    Classical and fluctuation-induced electromagnetic interactions in micronscale systems: designer bonding, antibonding, and Casimir forces

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    Whether intentionally introduced to exert control over particles and macroscopic objects, such as for trapping or cooling, or whether arising from the quantum and thermal fluctuations of charges in otherwise neutral bodies, leading to unwanted stiction between nearby mechanical parts, electromagnetic interactions play a fundamental role in many naturally occurring processes and technologies. In this review, we survey recent progress in the understanding and experimental observation of optomechanical and quantum-fluctuation forces. Although both of these effects arise from exchange of electromagnetic momentum, their dramatically different origins, involving either real or virtual photons, lead to different physical manifestations and design principles. Specifically, we describe recent predictions and measurements of attractive and repulsive optomechanical forces, based on the bonding and antibonding interactions of evanescent waves, as well as predictions of modified and even repulsive Casimir forces between nanostructured bodies. Finally, we discuss the potential impact and interplay of these forces in emerging experimental regimes of micromechanical devices.Comment: Review to appear on the topical issue "Quantum and Hybrid Mechanical Systems" in Annalen der Physi

    Coherent control and feedback cooling in a remotely-coupled hybrid atom-optomechanical system

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    Cooling to the motional ground state is an important first step in the preparation of nonclassical states of mesoscopic mechanical oscillators. Light-mediated coupling to a remote atomic ensemble has been proposed as a method to reach the ground state for low frequency oscillators. The ground state can also be reached using optical measurement followed by feedback control. Here we investigate the possibility of enhanced cooling by combining these two approaches. The combination, in general, outperforms either individual technique, though atomic ensemble-based cooling and feedback cooling each individually dominate over large regions of parameter space.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Updated to include exemplary experimental parameters and expanded discussion of noise source

    Gravitational wave detection beyond the standard quantum limit using a negative-mass spin system and virtual rigidity

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    Gravitational wave detectors (GWDs), which have brought about a new era in astronomy, have reached such a level of maturity that further improvement necessitates quantum-noise-evading techniques. Numerous proposals to this end have been discussed in the literature, e.g., invoking frequency-dependent squeezing or replacing the current Michelson interferometer topology by that of the quantum speedmeter. Recently, a proposal based on the linking of a standard interferometer to a negative-mass spin system via entangled light has offered an unintrusive and small-scale new approach to quantum noise evasion in GWDs [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121\mathbf{121}, 031101 (2018)]. The solution proposed therein does not require modifications to the highly refined core optics of the present GWD design and, when compared to previous proposals, is less prone to losses and imperfections of the interferometer. In the present article, we refine this scheme to an extent that the requirements on the auxiliary spin system are feasible with state-of-the-art implementations. This is accomplished by matching the effective (rather than intrinsic) susceptibilities of the interferometer and spin system using the virtual rigidity concept, which, in terms of implementation, requires only suitable choices of the various homodyne, probe, and squeezing phases.Comment: Minor typos fixed, minor editing; 12 pages, 5 figure

    Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Monte Carlo computer simulations are virtually the only way to analyze the thermodynamic behavior of a system in a precise way. However, the various existing methods exhibit extreme differences in their efficiency, depending on model details and relevant questions. The original standard method, Metropolis Monte Carlo, which provides only reliable statistical information at a given (not too low) temperature has meanwhile been replaced by more sophisticated methods which are typically far more efficient (the differences in time scales can be compared with the age of the universe). However, none of the methods yields automatically accurate results, i.e., a system-specific adaptation and control is always needed. Thus, as in any good experiment, the most important part of the data analysis is statistical error estimation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, 42nd IFF Spring School "Macromolecular Systems in Soft and Living Matter", Forschungszentrum Juelich, 14-25 February 201

    Quantum Measurement Theory in Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    The fast progress in improving the sensitivity of the gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, we all have witnessed in the recent years, has propelled the scientific community to the point, when quantum behaviour of such immense measurement devices as kilometer-long interferometers starts to matter. The time, when their sensitivity will be mainly limited by the quantum noise of light is round the corner, and finding the ways to reduce it will become a necessity. Therefore, the primary goal we pursued in this review was to familiarize a broad spectrum of readers with the theory of quantum measurements in the very form it finds application in the area of gravitational-wave detection. We focus on how quantum noise arises in gravitational-wave interferometers and what limitations it imposes on the achievable sensitivity. We start from the very basic concepts and gradually advance to the general linear quantum measurement theory and its application to the calculation of quantum noise in the contemporary and planned interferometric detectors of gravitational radiation of the first and second generation. Special attention is paid to the concept of Standard Quantum Limit and the methods of its surmounting.Comment: 147 pages, 46 figures, 1 table. Published in Living Reviews in Relativit

    Plasma Electronics

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    Contains reports on nine research projects.U. S. Air Force under Air Force Contract AF 19(604)-7400National Science Foundation under Grant G-9330U.S.Navy(Office of Naval Research)under Contract Nonr-1841(78)U. S. ArmyLincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL B-00337U. S. Nav

    Introduction to Quantum Noise, Measurement and Amplification

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    The topic of quantum noise has become extremely timely due to the rise of quantum information physics and the resulting interchange of ideas between the condensed matter and AMO/quantum optics communities. This review gives a pedagogical introduction to the physics of quantum noise and its connections to quantum measurement and quantum amplification. After introducing quantum noise spectra and methods for their detection, we describe the basics of weak continuous measurements. Particular attention is given to treating the standard quantum limit on linear amplifiers and position detectors using a general linear-response framework. We show how this approach relates to the standard Haus-Caves quantum limit for a bosonic amplifier known in quantum optics, and illustrate its application for the case of electrical circuits, including mesoscopic detectors and resonant cavity detectors.Comment: Substantial improvements over initial version; include supplemental appendices
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