9 research outputs found

    SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) systems enable computations on encrypted data, without decrypting and without knowledge of the secret key. In this work, we describe an optimized Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) based implementation of a variant of the HE system recently proposed by Gentry, Sahai and Waters (GSW). Although this system was widely believed to be less efficient than its contemporaries, we demonstrate quite the opposite behavior for a large class of applications. We first highlight and carefully exploit the algebraic features of the system to achieve significant speedup over the state-of-the-art HE implementation, namely the IBM homomorphic encryption library (HElib). We introduce several optimizations on top of our HE implementation, and use the resulting scheme to construct a homomorphic Bayesian spam filter, secure multiple keyword search, and a homomorphic evaluator for binary decision trees. Our results show a factor of 10× improvement in performance (under the same security settings and CPU platforms) compared to IBM HElib for these applications. Our system is built to be easily portable to GPUs (unlike IBM HElib) which results in an additional speedup of up to a factor of 103.5× to offer an overall speedup of 1,035×

    On Key Recovery Attacks against Existing Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes

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    In his seminal paper at STOC 2009, Gentry left it as a future work to investigate (somewhat) homomorphic encryption schemes with IND-CCA1 security. At SAC 2011, Loftus et al. showed an IND-CCA1 attack against the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme presented by Gentry and Halevi at Eurocrypt 2011. At ISPEC 2012, Zhang, Plantard and Susilo showed an IND-CCA1 attack against the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme developed by van Dijk et al. at Eurocrypt 2010. In this paper, we continue this line of research and show that most existing somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes are not IND-CCA1 secure. In fact, we show that these schemes suffer from key recovery attacks (stronger than a typical IND-CCA1 attack), which allow an adversary to recover the private keys through a number of decryption oracle queries. The schemes, that we study in detail, include those by Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan at Crypto 2011 and FOCS 2011, and that by Gentry, Sahai and Waters at Crypto 2013. We also develop a key recovery attack that applies to the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme by van Dijk et al., and our attack is more efficient and conceptually simpler than the one developed by Zhang et al.. Our key recovery attacks also apply to the scheme by Brakerski, Gentry and Vaikuntanathan at ITCS 2012, and we also describe a key recovery attack for the scheme developed by Brakerski at Crypto 2012

    On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful tool in cryptography that allows one to perform arbitrary computations on encrypted material without having to decrypt it first. There are numerous FHE schemes, all of which are expanded from somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) schemes, and some of which are considered viable in practice. However, while these FHE schemes are semantically (IND-CPA) secure, the question of their IND-CCA1 security is much less studied, and we therefore provide an overview of the IND-CCA1 security of all acknowledged FHE schemes in this paper. To give this overview, we grouped the SHE schemes into broad categories based on their similarities and underlying hardness problems. For each category, we show that the SHE schemes are susceptible to either known adaptive key recovery attacks, a natural extension of known attacks, or our proposed attacks. Finally, we discuss the known techniques to achieve IND-CCA1-secure FHE and SHE schemes. We concluded that none of the proposed schemes were IND-CCA1-secure and that the known general constructions all had their shortcomings.publishedVersio

    Verifiable Encodings for Secure Homomorphic Analytics

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    Homomorphic encryption, which enables the execution of arithmetic operations directly on ciphertexts, is a promising solution for protecting privacy of cloud-delegated computations on sensitive data. However, the correctness of the computation result is not ensured. We propose two error detection encodings and build authenticators that enable practical client-verification of cloud-based homomorphic computations under different trade-offs and without compromising on the features of the encryption algorithm. Our authenticators operate on top of trending ring learning with errors based fully homomorphic encryption schemes over the integers. We implement our solution in VERITAS, a ready-to-use system for verification of outsourced computations executed over encrypted data. We show that contrary to prior work VERITAS supports verification of any homomorphic operation and we demonstrate its practicality for various applications, such as ride-hailing, genomic-data analysis, encrypted search, and machine-learning training and inference.Comment: update authors, typos corrected, scheme update

    Key-Recovery Attacks Against Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes

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    In 1978, Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos introduced the concept of privacy homomorphism and asked whether it is possible to perform arbitrary operations on encrypted ciphertexts. Thirty years later, Gentry gave a positive answer in his seminal paper at STOC 2009, by proposing an ingenious approach to construct fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes. With this approach, one starts with a somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) scheme that can perform only limited number of operations on ciphertexts (i.e. it can evaluate only low-degree polynomials). Then, through the so-called bootstrapping step, it is possible to turn this SHE scheme into an FHE scheme. After Gentry's work, many SHE and FHE schemes have been proposed; in total, they can be divided into four categories, according to the hardness assumptions underlying each SHE (and hence, FHE) scheme: hard problems on lattices, the approximate common divisor problem, the (ring) learning with errors problem, and the NTRU encryption scheme. Even though SHE schemes are less powerful than FHE schemes, they can already be used in many useful real-world applications, such as medical and financial applications. It is therefore of primary concern to understand what level of security these SHE schemes provide. By default, all the SHE schemes developed so far offer IND-CPA security - i.e. resistant against a chosen-plaintext attack - but nothing is said about their IND-CCA1 security - i.e. secure against an adversary who is able to perform a non-adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack. Considering such an adversary is in fact a more realistic scenario. Gentry emphasized it as a future work to investigate SHE schemes with IND-CCA1 security, and the task to make some clarity about it was initiated by Loftus, May, Smart and Vercauteren: at SAC 2011 they showed how one family of SHE schemes is not IND-CCA1 secure, opening the doors to an interesting investigation on the IND-CCA1 security of the existing schemes in the other three families of schemes. In this work we therefore continue this line of research and show that most existing somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes are not IND-CCA1 secure. In fact, we show that these schemes suffer from key recovery attacks (stronger than a typical IND-CCA1 attack), which allow an adversary to completely recover the private keys through a number of decryption oracle queries. As a result, this dissertation shows that all known SHE schemes fail to provide IND-CCA1 security. While it is true that IND-CPA security may be enough to construct cryptographic protocols in presence of semi-honest attackers, key recovery attacks will pose serious threats for practical usage of SHE and FHE schemes: if a malicious attacker (or a compromised honest party) submits manipulated ciphertexts and observes the behavior (side channel leakage) of the decryptor, then it may be able to recover all plaintexts in the system. Therefore, it is very desirable to design SHE and FHE with IND-CCA1 security, or at least design them to prevent key recovery attacks. This raises the interesting question whether it is possible or not to develop such IND-CCA1 secure SHE scheme. Up to date, the only positive result in this direction is a SHE scheme proposed by Loftus et al. at SAC 2011 (in fact, a modification of an existing SHE scheme and IND-CCA1 insecure). However, this IND-CCA1 secure SHE scheme makes use of a non standard knowledge assumption, while it would be more interesting to only rely on standard assumptions. We propose then a variant of the SHE scheme proposed by Lopez-Alt, Tromer, and Vaikuntanathan at STOC 2012, which offers good indicators about its possible IND-CCA1 security

    Encriptação parcialmente homomórfica CCA1-segura

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    Orientadores: Ricardo Dahab, Diego de Freitas AranhaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta tese nosso tema de pesquisa é a encriptação homomórfica, com foco em uma solução prática e segura para encriptação parcialmente homomórfica (somewhat homomorphic encryption - SHE), considerando o modelo de segurança conhecido como ataque de texto encriptado escolhido (chosen ciphertext attack - CCA). Este modelo pode ser subdividido em duas categorias, a saber, CCA1 e CCA2, sendo CCA2 o mais forte. Sabe-se que é impossível construir métodos de encriptação homomórfica que sejam CCA2-seguros. Por outro lado, é possível obter segurança CCA1, mas apenas um esquema foi proposto até hoje na literatura; assim, seria interessante haver outras construções oferecendo este tipo de segurança. Resumimos os principais resultados desta tese de doutorado em duas contribuições. A primeira é mostrar que a família NTRU de esquemas SHE é vulnerável a ataques de recuperação de chave privada, e portanto não são CCA1-seguros. A segunda é a utilização de computação verificável para obter esquemas SHE que são CCA1-seguros e que podem ser usados para avaliar polinômios multivariáveis quadráticos. Atualmente, métodos de encriptação homomórfica são construídos usando como substrato dois problemas de difícil solução: o MDC aproximado (approximate GCD problem - AGCD) e o problema de aprendizado com erros (learning with errors - LWE). O problema AGCD leva, em geral, a construções mais simples mas com desempenho inferior, enquanto que os esquemas baseados no problema LWE correspondem ao estado da arte nesta área de pesquisa. Recentemente, Cheon e Stehlé demonstraram que ambos problemas estão relacionados, e é uma questão interessante investigar se esquemas baseados no problema AGCD podem ser tão eficientes quanto esquemas baseados no problema LWE. Nós respondemos afirmativamente a esta questão para um cenário específico: estendemos o esquema de computação verificável proposto por Fiore, Gennaro e Pastro, de forma que use a suposição de que o problema AGCD é difícil, juntamente com o esquema DGHV adaptado para uso do Teorema Chinês dos Restos (Chinese remainder theorem - CRT) de forma a evitar ataques de recuperação de chave privadaAbstract: In this thesis we study homomorphic encryption with focus on practical and secure somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE), under the chosen ciphertext attack (CCA) security model. This model is classified into two different main categories: CCA1 and CCA2, with CCA2 being the strongest. It is known that it is impossible to construct CCA2-secure homomorphic encryption schemes. On the other hand, CCA1-security is possible, but only one scheme is known to achieve it. It would thus be interesting to have other CCA1-secure constructions. The main results of this thesis are summarized in two contributions. The first is to show that the NTRU-family of SHE schemes is vulnerable to key recovery attacks, hence not CCA1-secure. The second is the utilization of verifiable computation to obtain a CCA1-secure SHE scheme that can be used to evaluate quadratic multivariate polynomials. Homomorphic encryption schemes are usually constructed under the assumption that two distinct problems are hard, namely the Approximate GCD (AGCD) Problem and the Learning with Errors (LWE) Problem. The AGCD problem leads, in general, to simpler constructions, but with worse performance, wheras LWE-based schemes correspond to the state-of-the-art in this research area. Recently, Cheon and Stehlé proved that both problems are related, and thus it is an interesting problem to investigate if AGCD-based SHE schemes can be made as efficient as their LWE counterparts. We answer this question positively for a specific scenario, extending the verifiable computation scheme proposed by Fiore, Gennaro and Pastro to work under the AGCD assumption, and using it together with the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-version of the DGHV scheme, in order to avoid key recovery attacksDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação143484/2011-7CNPQCAPE

    Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, this paper discusses recent advances and presents an extensive collection of open problems and challenges.Comment: Published in Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning Vol 4 Issue 1. See: https://www.nowpublishers.com/article/Details/MAL-08

    Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, this paper discusses recent advances and presents an extensive collection of open problems and challenges

    Mobile Network and Cloud Based Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation and Processing

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    The emerging technology of mobile devices and cloud computing has brought a new and efficient way for data to be collected, processed and stored by mobile users. With improved specifications of mobile devices and various mobile applications provided by cloud servers, mobile users can enjoy tremendous advantages to manage their daily life through those applications instantaneously, conveniently and productively. However, using such applications may lead to the exposure of user data to unauthorised access when the data is outsourced for processing and storing purposes. Furthermore, such a setting raises the privacy breach and security issue to mobile users. As a result, mobile users would be reluctant to accept those applications without any guarantee on the safety of their data. The recent breakthrough of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) has brought a new solution for data processing in a secure motion. Several variants and improvements on the existing methods have been developed due to efficiency problems. Experience of such problems has led us to explore two areas of studies, Mobile Sensing Systems (MSS) and Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). In MSS, the functionality of smartphones has been extended to sense and aggregate surrounding data for processing by an Aggregation Server (AS) that may be operated by a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). On the other hand, MCC allows resource-constraint devices like smartphones to fully leverage services provided by powerful and massive servers of CSPs for data processing. To support the above two application scenarios, this thesis proposes two novel schemes: an Accountable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation (APDA) scheme and a Lightweight Homomorphic Encryption (LHE) scheme. MSS is a kind of WSNs, which implements a data aggregation approach for saving the battery lifetime of mobile devices. Furthermore, such an approach could improve the security of the outsourced data by mixing the data prior to be transmitted to an AS, so as to prevent the collusion between mobile users and the AS (or its CSP). The exposure of users’ data to other mobile users leads to a privacy breach and existing methods on preserving users’ privacy only provide an integrity check on the aggregated data without being able to identify any misbehaved nodes once the integrity check has failed. Thus, to overcome such problems, our first scheme APDA is proposed to efficiently preserve privacy and support accountability of mobile users during the data aggregation. Furthermore, APDA is designed with three versions to provide balanced solutions in terms of misbehaved node detection and data aggregation efficiency for different application scenarios. In addition, the successfully aggregated data also needs to be accompanied by some summary information based on necessary additive and non-additive functions. To preserve the privacy of mobile users, such summary could be executed by implementing existing privacy-preserving data aggregation techniques. Nevertheless, those techniques have limitations in terms of applicability, efficiency and functionality. Thus, our APDA has been extended to allow maximal value finding to be computed on the ciphertext data so as to preserve user privacy with good efficiency. Furthermore, such a solution could also be developed for other comparative operations like Average, Percentile and Histogram. Three versions of Maximal value finding (Max) are introduced and analysed in order to differentiate their efficiency and capability to determine the maximum value in a privacy-preserving manner. Moreover, the formal security proof and extensive performance evaluation of our proposed schemes demonstrate that APDA and its extended version can achieve stronger security with an optimised efficiency advantage over the state-of-the-art in terms of both computational and communication overheads. In the MCC environment, the new LHE scheme is proposed with a significant difference so as to allow arbitrary functions to be executed on ciphertext data. Such a scheme will enable rich-mobile applications provided by CSPs to be leveraged by resource-constraint devices in a privacy-preserving manner. The scheme works well as long as noise (a random number attached to the plaintext for security reasons) is less than the encryption key, which makes it flexible. The flexibility of the key size enables the scheme to incorporate with any computation functions in order to produce an accurate result. In addition, this scheme encrypts integers rather than individual bits so as to improve the scheme’s efficiency. With a proposed process that allows three or more parties to communicate securely, this scheme is suited to the MCC environment due to its lightweight property and strong security. Furthermore, the efficacy and efficiency of this scheme are thoroughly evaluated and compared with other schemes. The result shows that this scheme can achieve stronger security under a reasonable cost