3,889 research outputs found

    Well-rounded zeta-function of planar arithmetic lattices

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    We investigate the properties of the zeta-function of well-rounded sublattices of a fixed arithmetic lattice in the plane. In particular, we show that this function has abscissa of convergence at s=1s=1 with a real pole of order 2, improving upon a recent result of S. Kuehnlein. We use this result to show that the number of well-rounded sublattices of a planar arithmetic lattice of index less or equal NN is O(NlogN)O(N \log N) as NN \to \infty. To obtain these results, we produce a description of integral well-rounded sublattices of a fixed planar integral well-rounded lattice and investigate convergence properties of a zeta-function of similarity classes of such lattices, building on some previous results of the author.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in PAM

    On well-rounded sublattices of the hexagonal lattice

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    We produce an explicit parameterization of well-rounded sublattices of the hexagonal lattice in the plane, splitting them into similarity classes. We use this parameterization to study the number, the greatest minimal norm, and the highest signal-to-noise ratio of well-rounded sublattices of the hexagonal lattice of a fixed index. This investigation parallels earlier work by Bernstein, Sloane, and Wright where similar questions were addressed on the space of all sublattices of the hexagonal lattice. Our restriction is motivated by the importance of well-rounded lattices for discrete optimization problems. Finally, we also discuss the existence of a natural combinatorial structure on the set of similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of the hexagonal lattice, induced by the action of a certain matrix monoid.Comment: 21 pages (minor correction to the proof of Lemma 2.1); to appear in Discrete Mathematic

    On similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of Z2\mathbb Z^2

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    A lattice is called well-rounded if its minimal vectors span the corresponding Euclidean space. In this paper we study the similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of Z2{\mathbb Z}^2. We relate the set of all such similarity classes to a subset of primitive Pythagorean triples, and prove that it has structure of a noncommutative infinitely generated monoid. We discuss the structure of a given similarity class, and define a zeta function corresponding to each similarity class. We relate it to Dedekind zeta of Z[i]{\mathbb Z}[i], and investigate the growth of some related Dirichlet series, which reflect on the distribution of well-rounded lattices. Finally, we construct a sequence of similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of Z2{\mathbb Z}^2, which gives good circle packing density and converges to the hexagonal lattice as fast as possible with respect to a natural metric we define.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; added a lemma on Diophantine approximation by quotients of Pythagorean triples; final version to be published in Journal of Number Theor

    On the difficulty of finding spines

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    We prove that the set of symplectic lattices in the Siegel space hg\mathfrak{h}_g whose systoles generate a subspace of dimension at least 3 in R2g\mathbb{R}^{2g} does not contain any Sp(2g,Z)\mathrm{Sp}(2g,\mathbb{Z})-equivariant deformation retract of hg\mathfrak{h}_g

    On the number of perfect lattices

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    We show that the number p_dp\_d of non-similar perfect dd-dimensional lattices satisfies eventually the inequalitiesed1ϵ<p_d<ed3+ϵe^{d^{1-\epsilon}}<p\_d<e^{d^{3+\epsilon}} for arbitrary smallstrictly positive ϵ\epsilon

    Free and forced wave propagation in a Rayleigh-beam grid: flat bands, Dirac cones, and vibration localization vs isotropization

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    In-plane wave propagation in a periodic rectangular grid beam structure, which includes rotational inertia (so-called 'Rayleigh beams'), is analyzed both with a Floquet-Bloch exact formulation for free oscillations and with a numerical treatment (developed with PML absorbing boundary conditions) for forced vibrations (including Fourier representation and energy flux evaluations), induced by a concentrated force or moment. A complex interplay is observed between axial and flexural vibrations (not found in the common idealization of out-of-plane motion), giving rise to several forms of vibration localization: 'X-', 'cross-' and 'star-' shaped, and channel propagation. These localizations are triggered by several factors, including rotational inertia and slenderness of the beams and the type of forcing source (concentrated force or moment). Although the considered grid of beams introduces an orthotropy in the mechanical response, a surprising 'isotropization' of the vibration is observed at special frequencies. Moreover, rotational inertia is shown to 'sharpen' degeneracies related to Dirac cones (which become more pronounced when the aspect ratio of the grid is increased), while the slenderness can be tuned to achieve a perfectly flat band in the dispersion diagram. The obtained results can be exploited in the realization of metamaterials designed to control wave propagation.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure