17 research outputs found

    On inequivalent representations of matroids over finite fields

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    Kahn conjectured in 1988 that, for each prime power q, there is an integer n(q) such that no 3-connected GF(q)-representable matroid has more than n(q) inequivalent GF(q)-representations. At the time, this conjecture was known to be true for q = 2 and q = 3, and Kahn had just proved it for q = 4. In this paper, we prove the conjecture for q = 5, showing that 6 is a sharp value for n(5). Moreover, we also show that the conjecture is false for all larger values of q. © 1996 Academic Press, Inc

    On the unique representability of spikes over prime fields

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    For an integer n>2n>2, a rank-nn matroid is called an nn-spike if it consists of nn three-point lines through a common point such that, for all k{1,2,...,n1}k\in\{1, 2, ..., n - 1\}, the union of every set of kk of these lines has rank k+1k+1. Spikes are very special and important in matroid theory. In 2003 Wu found the exact numbers of nn-spikes over fields with 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 elements, and the asymptotic values for larger finite fields. In this paper, we prove that, for each prime number pp, a GF(pGF(p) representable nn-spike MM is only representable on fields with characteristic pp provided that n2p1n \ge 2p-1. Moreover, MM is uniquely representable over GF(p)GF(p).Comment: 8 page

    On inequivalent representations of matroids over non-prime fields

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    For each finite field FF of prime order there is a constant cc such that every 4-connected matroid has at most cc inequivalent representations over FF. We had hoped that this would extend to all finite fields, however, it was not to be. The (m,n)(m,n)-mace is the matroid obtained by adding a point freely to M(Km,n)M(K_{m,n}). For all n3n \geq 3, the (3,n)(3,n)-mace is 4-connected and has at least 2n2n representations over any field FF of non-prime order q9q \geq 9. More generally, for nmn \geq m, the (m,n)(m,n)-mace is vertically (m+1)(m+1)-connected and has at least 2n2n inequivalent representations over any finite field of non-prime order qmmq\geq m^m

    Inequivalent representations of ternary matroids

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    AbstractThis paper considers representations of ternary matroids over fields other than GF(3). It is shown that a 3-connected ternary matroid representable over a finite field F has at most ¦F¦ - 2 inequivalent representations over F. This resolves a special case of a conjecture of Kahn in the affirmative

    Multicast Network Coding and Field Sizes

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    In an acyclic multicast network, it is well known that a linear network coding solution over GF(qq) exists when qq is sufficiently large. In particular, for each prime power qq no smaller than the number of receivers, a linear solution over GF(qq) can be efficiently constructed. In this work, we reveal that a linear solution over a given finite field does \emph{not} necessarily imply the existence of a linear solution over all larger finite fields. Specifically, we prove by construction that: (i) For every source dimension no smaller than 3, there is a multicast network linearly solvable over GF(7) but not over GF(8), and another multicast network linearly solvable over GF(16) but not over GF(17); (ii) There is a multicast network linearly solvable over GF(5) but not over such GF(qq) that q>5q > 5 is a Mersenne prime plus 1, which can be extremely large; (iii) A multicast network linearly solvable over GF(qm1q^{m_1}) and over GF(qm2q^{m_2}) is \emph{not} necessarily linearly solvable over GF(qm1+m2q^{m_1+m_2}); (iv) There exists a class of multicast networks with a set TT of receivers such that the minimum field size qminq_{min} for a linear solution over GF(qminq_{min}) is lower bounded by Θ(T)\Theta(\sqrt{|T|}), but not every larger field than GF(qminq_{min}) suffices to yield a linear solution. The insight brought from this work is that not only the field size, but also the order of subgroups in the multiplicative group of a finite field affects the linear solvability of a multicast network

    On a generalisation of spikes

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    We consider matroids with the property that every subset of the ground set of size tt is contained in both an \ell-element circuit and an \ell-element cocircuit; we say that such a matroid has the (t,)(t,\ell)-property. We show that for any positive integer tt, there is a finite number of matroids with the (t,)(t,\ell)-property for <2t\ell<2t; however, matroids with the (t,2t)(t,2t)-property form an infinite family. We say a matroid is a tt-spike if there is a partition of the ground set into pairs such that the union of any tt pairs is a circuit and a cocircuit. Our main result is that if a sufficiently large matroid has the (t,2t)(t,2t)-property, then it is a tt-spike. Finally, we present some properties of tt-spikes.Comment: 18 page

    T-uniqueness of some families of k-chordal matroids

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    We define k-chordal matroids as a generalization of chordal matroids, and develop tools for proving that some k-chordal matroids are T-unique, that is, determined up to isomorphism by their Tutte polynomials. We apply this theory to wheels, whirls, free spikes, binary spikes, and certain generalizations.Postprint (published version