19 research outputs found

    Survival of pine on reforested sites in northern Finland.

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    Activity budgets of Guatemalan howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra Lawrence)

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    Mathematical models in logistics

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    Cílem práce je modelovat dopravní sítě s charakterem podobným reálným sítím a analyzovat závislost výpočtové náročnosti na velikosti sítě pomocí testovacích výpočtů na původním optimalizačním modelu pro podporu koncepčních rozhodnutí v oblasti odpadového hospodářství nazývaného NERUDA. Tyto výpočty jsou provedeny na základě znalosti modelu NERUDA. Výsledky jsou následně zpracovány a patřičně vyhodnoceny.The aim of the bachelor thesis is to model and generate test transportation networks, which are similar to real-world waste management networks. Several software tools (Mathematica, GAMS, Excel, VBA) are used to develop suitable procedures. The next task is to analyze dependence of computational complexity on the size of network by using statistical test computations. The existing original optimization model called NERUDA that supports decision-making in the eld of waste management is utilized. The obtained results are processed, analysed and interpreted in detail.

    Remote sensing of the Earth with spaceborne imaging radars

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    Spaceborne imaging sensors in the visible, infrared and passive microwave have been used to observe and study the Earth's surface since the early stages of the space program. More recently, active microwave imaging sensors (radars) have been developed to extend our capability to study the Earth surface processes. Imaging radars, flown on Seasat (1978) and the Shuttle (1981, 1984), acquired synoptic images of a variety of geologic, biologic, and oceanographic features and provided new insight in some of the land and ocean processes. Subsurface synoptic imaging was achieved for the first time in some of the arid regions of the world. Soil moisture distribution after a rainstorm was clearly delineated, opening the possibility of its monitoring on a global basis. Polar ice distribution and dynamics over large areas in the Beaufort Sea were monitored over a three-month period, thus allowing the possibility of operational observation of ice dynamics in support of polar navigation. The successful development and flight of these spaceborne imaging radars was the result of major technological developments in the 1970s. They used some of the largest spaceborne lightweight planar array antennas (2X10 m) with printed radiating elements. The transmitters were fully solid state and generated a 1 kw peak power signal at L-band (1.2 Ghz). The processing of the received data to generate the high-resolution (25 to 40 m) imagery was done using both optical and digital processors. More advanced imaging radar systems are under development. Multispectral, multipolarization imaging radar systems are under development for flight in the late 1980s, thus extending our capability of detailed studies of the Earth surface processes and the nature of its cover. Extremely fast SAR digital processors are under development using the most advanced integrated circuits and allowing real-time processing of the data. This corresponds to a computational capability of 6 X 10^9 operations/s. This chapter consists of a review of the recent scientific and technological developments in the field of Earth observation with spaceborne imaging radars and an overview of planned activities in the 1980s

    Abstracts of publications of the Finnish forest research institute, 1982.

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    Psychology of the Negro

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    Thesis (M.A.)--University of Kansas, Psychology, 1932

    A clinical study of the immediate manifestations and the later effects of acute juvenile rheumatism in Edinburgh and South East Scotland

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    The opinion is expressed that there is evident today a lack of vision and enterprise regarding juvenile rheumatism in many quarters, and that such an attitude is not justified in the light of the knowledge which we possess about the disease. In this respect a contrast is drawn between the concern displayed towards the tuberculous subject and the relative unconcern shown to the child with rheumatic carditis.A comprehensive scheme is constructed which has as its aims the alleviation of suffering in the established case of rheumatic carditis, the delimitinn of cardiac disability, and the prevention of heart disease in a selected group of cases.Having regard to the prevention of rheumatic heart disease in children, the view is expressed that, in the first place, effort should be directed towards... [PAGE MISSING

    A Study on Kabasuram (கபசுரம்)

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    Kabasuram is one of the common respiratory infectious disease of childhood. • The clinical features of Kabasuram can be correlated with Acute bronchitis. • Twenty children with kabasuram, diagnosed clinically were treated as IP and 75 cases were treated as OP and observed for clinical diagnosis, laboratory dignosis and treatment with trial medicine. • Clinical diagnosis was done under the basis of clinical features mentioned in various siddha texts. • The various Siddha aspects of examination of kabasuram were carried out and recorded in the proforma. • The drug selected was kabasurachooranam and Kabasura kudineer. It was administered orally two times a day with honey. The dosage of drug is given in the table. • Biochemical study shows presence of ferrous iron, tannic acid, unsaturated compound, reducing sugar and amino acid in kabasura chooranam and presence of ferrous iron, insaturated compound and amino acid in Kabasura kudineer. • Pharmacological analysis of the drugs shows Anti pyretic, Anti inflammatory, Analgesic and Anti histamine actions. • Anti microbial study shows that the drug has got sensitivity to staphylococcus, Escherichia Coli and moderately sensitive to streptococcus. • The observation made during the clinical study showed the trial drug kabasura chooranam and kabasura kudineer was clinically effective. • No drug reactions were reported during the study period. • The parents and children were advised to follow the preventive measures. CONCLUSION: The treatment of Kabasura Choornam and Kabasura Kudineer for Kabasuram showed good response. • No adverse effects were noticed during the course of treatment. • The trial medicine ingredients are easily available and harmless to children. • The cost of the trial medicine is comparatively very low. So it is concluded that the therapy of kabasura chooranam and kabasura kudineer can be very good in view of efficacy, safely and cost in the treatment of Kabasuram