6 research outputs found

    Designing Survivable Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Mesh Networks

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    This thesis focuses on the survivable routing problem in WDM mesh networks where the objective is to minimize the total number of wavelengths used for establishing working and protection paths in the WDM networks. The past studies for survivable routing suffers from the scalability problem when the number of nodes/links or connection requests grow in the network. In this thesis, a novel path based shared protection framework namely Inter-Group Shared protection (I-GSP) is proposed where the traffic matrix can be divided into multiple protection groups (PGs) based on specific grouping policy. Optimization is performed on these PGs such that sharing of protection wavelengths is considered not only inside a PG, but between the PGs. Simulation results show that I-GSP based integer linear programming model, namely, ILP-II solves the networks in a reasonable amount of time for which a regular integer linear programming formulation, namely, ILP-I becomes computationally intractable. For most of the cases the gap between the optimal solution and the ILP-II ranges between (2-16)%. The proposed ILP-II model yields a scalable solution for the capacity planning in the survivable optical networks based on the proposed I-GSP protection architecture

    Path Protection in Translucent WDM Optical Networks

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    Optical noise, chromatic dispersion, nonlinear effects, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and cross-talk cause the quality of an optical signal to degrade as it propagates through the fibers in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks. In a translucent network, regenerators are placed ay appropriate intervals to carry out 3R regeneration (re-amplify, re-shape and re-time). Translucent WDM networks are receiving attention as long-haul back bone networks. One important aspect of such networks that has not received attention is the possibility of cycles in the path of a translucent network. This research studies how we implement path protection in translucent networks, considering the possibility of cycles. We are developing a new scheme for dynamic lightpath allocation using the idea of shared path protection. We propose to study the performance of the scheme using a number of well known networks

    Qualité de service dans des environnements réseaux mobiles, contraints et hétérogènes

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    Les télécommunications sans fil ont connu ces dernières années un immense succès à tel point que le spectre des fréquences est désormais surchargé et nécessite la disponibilité de nouvelles ressources. Pour répondre à ce besoin, des techniques de réutilisation dynamique du spectre ont alors vu le jour sous la dénomination de radio cognitive. Elles consistent à partager de manière opportuniste et efficace certaines fréquences ayant été initialement allouées à d'autres systèmes. Cette thèse se place dans le contexte de réseaux sans fil tactiques hétérogènes comportant des segments de radios cognitives. La difficulté provient alors de la garantie de qualité de service de bout en bout : respect du débit négocié, du délai et de la gigue. Nous nous sommes tout d'abord intéressés au contrôle d'admission dans ce type de réseaux en proposant une méthode de calcul de bande passante résiduelle de bout en bout s'appuyant sur un algorithme de complexité polynomiale et pouvant être implanté de manière distribuée. Nous nous sommes ensuite concentrés sur le routage en proposant une nouvelle métrique tenant compte des particularités de ce type de réseaux. Enfin, nous nous focalisons sur la thématique du routage à contraintes multiples en étudiant et implantant en environnement réel des algorithmes d'approximation proposés dans la littérature. ABSTRACT : The unprecedented success of wireless telecommunication systems has resulted in the wireless spectrum becoming a scarce resource. Cognitive Radio systems have been proposed as the enabling technology allowing unlicensed equipments to opportunistically access the licensed spectrum when not in use by the licensed users. The focus of this thesis is on heterogeneous tactical networks deploying cognitive radios in parts or in their entirety. Such networks can be organized in multiple sub-networks, each characterized by a specific topology, medium access scheme and spectrum access policy. As a result, providing end-to-end Quality of Service guarantees in terms of bandwidth, delay and jitter, emerges as a key challenge. We first address the admission control in multi-hop cognitive radio networks and propose a polynomial time algorithm that can be implemented in a distributed fashion for estimating the end-to-end bandwidth. Then, we focus on routing and propose a new metric that takes into account the specifics of such networks. Finally, as quality of service requirements can be expressed using multiple metrics, we turn our attention to multi-constrained routing and implement on a real testbed low complexity approximation algorithms

    Advances in Computer Recognition, Image Processing and Communications, Selected Papers from CORES 2021 and IP&C 2021

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    As almost all human activities have been moved online due to the pandemic, novel robust and efficient approaches and further research have been in higher demand in the field of computer science and telecommunication. Therefore, this (reprint) book contains 13 high-quality papers presenting advancements in theoretical and practical aspects of computer recognition, pattern recognition, image processing and machine learning (shallow and deep), including, in particular, novel implementations of these techniques in the areas of modern telecommunications and cybersecurity