4,620 research outputs found

    On Bounded Reachability Analysis of Shared Memory Systems

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    This paper addresses the reachability problem for pushdown systems communicating via shared memory. It is already known that this problem is undecidable. It turns out that undecidability holds even if the shared memory consists of a single boolean variable. We propose a restriction on the behaviours of such systems, called stage bound, towards decidability. A k stage bounded run can be split into a k stages, such that in each stage there is at most one process writing to the shared memory while any number of processes may read from it. We consider several versions of stage-bounded systems and establish decidability and complexity results

    Reachability analysis of multithreaded software with asynchronous communication

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    We introduce asynchronous dynamic pushdown networks (ADPN), a new model for multithreaded programs in which pushdown systems communicate via shared memory. ADPN generalizes both CPS (concurrent pushdown systems) and DPN (dynamic pushdown networks). We show that ADPN exhibit several advantages as a program model. Since the reachability problem for ADPN is undecidable even in the case without dynamic creation of processes, we address the bounded reachability problem, which considers only those computation sequences where the (index of the) thread accessing the shared memory is changed at most a fixed given number of times. We provide efficient algorithms for both forward and backward reachability analysis. The algorithms are based on automata techniques for symbolic representation of sets of configurations

    Sequentializing Parameterized Programs

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    We exhibit assertion-preserving (reachability preserving) transformations from parameterized concurrent shared-memory programs, under a k-round scheduling of processes, to sequential programs. The salient feature of the sequential program is that it tracks the local variables of only one thread at any point, and uses only O(k) copies of shared variables (it does not use extra counters, not even one counter to keep track of the number of threads). Sequentialization is achieved using the concept of a linear interface that captures the effect an unbounded block of processes have on the shared state in a k-round schedule. Our transformation utilizes linear interfaces to sequentialize the program, and to ensure the sequential program explores only reachable states and preserves local invariants.Comment: In Proceedings FIT 2012, arXiv:1207.348

    Scope-bounded multistack pushdown systems: fixed-point, sequentialization, and tree-width

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    We present a novel fixed-point algorithm to solve reachability of multi-stack pushdown systems restricted to runs of bounded-scope. The followed approach is compositional, in the sense that the runs of the system are summarized by bounded-size interfaces. Moreover, it is suitable for a direct implementation and can be exploited to prove two new results. We give a sequentialization for this class of systems, i.e., for each such multi-stack pushdown system we construct an equivalent single-stack pushdown system that faithfully simulates the behaviour of each thread. We prove that the behaviour graphs (multiply nested words) for these systems have bounded three-width, and thus a number of decidability results can be derived from Courcelleā€™s theorem

    On the conditions for efficient interoperability with threads: An experience with PGAS languages using Cray communication domains

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    Today's high performance systems are typically built from shared memory nodes connected by a high speed network. That architecture, combined with the trend towards less memory per core, encourages programmers to use a mixture of message passing and multithreaded programming. Unfortunately, the advantages of using threads for in-node programming are hindered by their inability to efficiently communicate between nodes. In this work, we identify some of the performance problems that arise in such hybrid programming environments and characterize conditions needed to achieve high communication performance for multiple threads: addressability of targets, separability of communication paths, and full direct reachability to targets. Using the GASNet communication layer on the Cray XC30 as our experimental platform, we show how to satisfy these conditions. We also discuss how satisfying these conditions is influenced by the communication abstraction, implementation constraints, and the interconnect messaging capabilities. To evaluate these ideas, we compare the communication performance of a thread-based node runtime to a process-based runtime. Without our GASNet extensions, thread communication is significantly slower than processes - up to 21x slower. Once the implementation is modified to address each of our conditions, the two runtimes have comparable communication performance. This allows programmers to more easily mix models like OpenMP, CILK, or pthreads with a GASNet-based model like UPC, with the associated performance, convenience and interoperability advantages that come from using threads within a node. Ā© 2014 ACM

    Revisiting Underapproximate Reachability for Multipushdown Systems

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    Boolean programs with multiple recursive threads can be captured as pushdown automata with multiple stacks. This model is Turing complete, and hence, one is often interested in analyzing a restricted class that still captures useful behaviors. In this paper, we propose a new class of bounded under approximations for multi-pushdown systems, which subsumes most existing classes. We develop an efficient algorithm for solving the under-approximate reachability problem, which is based on efficient fix-point computations. We implement it in our tool BHIM and illustrate its applicability by generating a set of relevant benchmarks and examining its performance. As an additional takeaway, BHIM solves the binary reachability problem in pushdown automata. To show the versatility of our approach, we then extend our algorithm to the timed setting and provide the first implementation that can handle timed multi-pushdown automata with closed guards.Comment: 52 pages, Conference TACAS 202

    Explicit Model Checking of Very Large MDP using Partitioning and Secondary Storage

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    The applicability of model checking is hindered by the state space explosion problem in combination with limited amounts of main memory. To extend its reach, the large available capacities of secondary storage such as hard disks can be exploited. Due to the specific performance characteristics of secondary storage technologies, specialised algorithms are required. In this paper, we present a technique to use secondary storage for probabilistic model checking of Markov decision processes. It combines state space exploration based on partitioning with a block-iterative variant of value iteration over the same partitions for the analysis of probabilistic reachability and expected-reward properties. A sparse matrix-like representation is used to store partitions on secondary storage in a compact format. All file accesses are sequential, and compression can be used without affecting runtime. The technique has been implemented within the Modest Toolset. We evaluate its performance on several benchmark models of up to 3.5 billion states. In the analysis of time-bounded properties on real-time models, our method neutralises the state space explosion induced by the time bound in its entirety.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24953-7_1
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