10 research outputs found

    Unique key Horn functions

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    Given a relational database, a key is a set of attributes such that a value assignment to this set uniquely determines the values of all other attributes. The database uniquely defines a pure Horn function hh, representing the functional dependencies. If the knowledge of the attribute values in set AA determines the value for attribute vv, then A→vA\rightarrow v is an implicate of hh. If KK is a key of the database, then K→vK\rightarrow v is an implicate of hh for all attributes vv. Keys of small sizes play a crucial role in various problems. We present structural and complexity results on the set of minimal keys of pure Horn functions. We characterize Sperner hypergraphs for which there is a unique pure Horn function with the given hypergraph as the set of minimal keys. Furthermore, we show that recognizing such hypergraphs is co-NP-complete already when every hyperedge has size two. On the positive side, we identify several classes of graphs for which the recognition problem can be decided in polynomial time. We also present an algorithm that generates the minimal keys of a pure Horn function with polynomial delay. By establishing a connection between keys and target sets, our approach can be used to generate all minimal target sets with polynomial delay when the thresholds are bounded by a constant. As a byproduct, our proof shows that the Minimum Key problem is at least as hard as the Minimum Target Set Selection problem with bounded thresholds.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Approximating Red-Blue Set Cover and Minimum Monotone Satisfying Assignment

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    We provide new approximation algorithms for the Red-Blue Set Cover and Circuit Minimum Monotone Satisfying Assignment (MMSA) problems. Our algorithm for Red-Blue Set Cover achieves O~(m1/3)\tilde O(m^{1/3})-approximation improving on the O~(m1/2)\tilde O(m^{1/2})-approximation due to Elkin and Peleg (where mm is the number of sets). Our approximation algorithm for MMSAt_t (for circuits of depth tt) gives an O~(N1−ή)\tilde O(N^{1-\delta}) approximation for ÎŽ=1323−⌈t/2⌉\delta = \frac{1}{3}2^{3-\lceil t/2\rceil}, where NN is the number of gates and variables. No non-trivial approximation algorithms for MMSAt_t with t≄4t\geq 4 were previously known. We complement these results with lower bounds for these problems: For Red-Blue Set Cover, we provide a nearly approximation preserving reduction from Min kk-Union that gives an Ω~(m1/4−Δ)\tilde\Omega(m^{1/4 - \varepsilon}) hardness under the Dense-vs-Random conjecture, while for MMSA we sketch a proof that an SDP relaxation strengthened by Sherali--Adams has an integrality gap of N1−ΔN^{1-\varepsilon} where Δ→0\varepsilon \to 0 as the circuit depth t→∞t\to \infty.Comment: APPROX 202

    On approximating the rank of graph divisors

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    Baker and Norine initiated the study of graph divisors as a graph-theoretic analogue of the Riemann-Roch theory for Riemann surfaces. One of the key concepts of graph divisor theory is the rank of a divisor on a graph. The importance of the rank is well illustrated by Baker’s Specialization lemma, stating that the dimension of a linear system can only go up under specialization from curves to graphs, leading to a fruitful interaction between divisors on graphs and curves. Due to its decisive role, determining the rank is a central problem in graph divisor theory. Kiss and TÂŽothmÂŽeresz reformulated the problem using chip-firing games, and showed that computing the rank of a divisor on a graph is NP-hard via reduction from the Minimum Feedback Arc Set problem. In this paper, we strengthen their result by establishing a connection between chip-firing games and the Minimum Target Set Selection problem. As a corollary, we show that the rank is difficult to approximate to within a factor of O(2log1−Δ n) for any Δ > 0 unless P = N P . Furthermore, assuming the Planted Dense Subgraph Conjecture, the rank is difficult to approximate to within a factor of O(n1/4−Δ) for any Δ > 0