21 research outputs found

    Open systems, quantum probability and logic for quantum-like modeling in biology, cognition, and decision making

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    The aim of this review is to highlight the possibility to apply the mathematical formalism and methodology of quantum theory to model behaviour of complex biosystems, from genomes and proteins to animals, humans, ecological and social systems. Such models are known as quantum-like and they should be distinguished from genuine quantum physical modeling of biological phenomena. One of the distinguishing features of quantum-like models is their applicability to macroscopic biosystems, or to be more precise, to information processing in them. Quantum-like modeling has the base in quantum information theory and it can be considered as one of the fruits of the quantum information revolution. Since any isolated biosystem is dead, modeling of biological as well as mental processes should be based on theory of open systems in its most general form -- theory of open quantum systems. In this review we advertise its applications to biology and cognition, especially theory of quantum instruments and quantum master equation. We mention the possible interpretations of the basic entities of quantum-like models with special interest to QBism is as may be the most useful interpretation

    Application of quantum master equation for long-term prognosis of asset-prices

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    Abstract This study combines the disciplines of behavioral finance and an extension of econophysics, namely the concepts and mathematical structure of quantum physics. We apply the formalism of quantum theory to model the dynamics of some correlated financial assets, where the proposed model can be potentially applied for developing a long-term prognosis of asset price formation. At the informational level, the asset price states interact with each other by the means of a "financial bath". The latter is composed of agents' expectations about the future developments of asset prices on the finance market, as well as financially important information from mass-media, society, and politicians. One of the essential behavioral factors leading to the quantum-like dynamics of asset prices is the irrationality of agents' expectations operating on the finance market. These expectations lead to a deeper type of uncertainty concerning the future price dynamics of the assets, than given by a classical probability theory, e.g., in the framework of the classical financial mathematics, which is based on the theory of stochastic processes. The quantum dimension of the uncertainty in price dynamics is expressed in the form of the price-states superposition and entanglement between the prices of the different financial assets. In our model, the resolution of this deep quantum uncertainty is mathematically captured with the aid of the quantum master equation (its quantum Markov approximation). We illustrate our model of preparation of a future asset price prognosis by a numerical simulation, involving two correlated assets. Their returns interact more intensively, than understood by a classical statistical * Email:[email protected] 1 correlation. The model predictions can be extended to more complex models to obtain price configuration for multiple assets and portfolios. Keywords: behavioral finance, decision making, quantum information and probability, violation of Bayesian rationality, open quantum systems

    Application of Quantum-Markov Open System Models to Human Cognition and Decision

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    Markov processes, such as random walk models, have been successfully used by cognitive and neural scientists to model human choice behavior and decision time for over 50 years. Recently, quantum walk models have been introduced as an alternative way to model the dynamics of human choice and confidence across time. Empirical evidence points to the need for both types of processes, and open system models provide a way to incorporate them both into a single process. However, some of the constraints required by open system models present challenges for achieving this goal. The purpose of this article is to address these challenges and formulate open system models that have good potential to make important advancements in cognitive science