1,785 research outputs found

    Exploring Capability-based security in software design with Rust

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    Access control is one of the most critical aspects of software engineering when designing secure software. In 2021, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)foundation_owasp_nodate released a new Top10 several years after its last release in 2017. Broken Access Control made a significant jump to the top of the list, marking it as the most prone and vital security aspect of software development. Previous research shows that security challenges, such as Confused Deputy, can be solved with a capability-based approach. To achieve a capability-based system for REepresentational State Transfer (RESTful) Application Programming Interfaces(APIs), we use the Rust programming language to explore how we can create a capability design pattern. We want to create a library for the developer to harness the power of capabilities when writing the code, adhering to the capability properties and Principles of Least Privilege (PoLP), and creating a RESTful API. We created a capability library we used to implement a RESTful API, simple-api, connecting it with Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (GNAP) into a proof-of-concept capability-based system published on GitHub. Resulting in successfully creating capability-based access control for RESTful APIs. We show a use-case where the core access control model is Capabilities and potentially mitigates confused deputies in a RESTful API software architecture.MasteroppgĂĄve i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Beyond Good and Evil: Formalizing the Security Guarantees of Compartmentalizing Compilation

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    Compartmentalization is good security-engineering practice. By breaking a large software system into mutually distrustful components that run with minimal privileges, restricting their interactions to conform to well-defined interfaces, we can limit the damage caused by low-level attacks such as control-flow hijacking. When used to defend against such attacks, compartmentalization is often implemented cooperatively by a compiler and a low-level compartmentalization mechanism. However, the formal guarantees provided by such compartmentalizing compilation have seen surprisingly little investigation. We propose a new security property, secure compartmentalizing compilation (SCC), that formally characterizes the guarantees provided by compartmentalizing compilation and clarifies its attacker model. We reconstruct our property by starting from the well-established notion of fully abstract compilation, then identifying and lifting three important limitations that make standard full abstraction unsuitable for compartmentalization. The connection to full abstraction allows us to prove SCC by adapting established proof techniques; we illustrate this with a compiler from a simple unsafe imperative language with procedures to a compartmentalized abstract machine.Comment: Nit

    Access-rights Analysis in the Presence of Subjects

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    Modern software development and run-time environments, such as Java and the Microsoft .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), have adopted a declarative form of access control. Permissions are granted to code providers, and during execution, the platform verifies compatibility between the permissions required by a security-sensitive operation and those granted to the executing code. While convenient, configuring the access-control policy of a program is not easy. If a code component is not granted sufficient permissions, authorization failures may occur. Thus, security administrators tend to define overly permissive policies, which violate the Principle of Least Privilege (PLP). A considerable body of research has been devoted to building program-analysis tools for computing the optimal policy for a program. However, Java and the CLR also allow executing code under the authority of a subject (user or service), and no program-analysis solution has addressed the challenges of determining the policy of a program in the presence of subjects. This paper introduces Subject Access Rights Analysis (SARA), a novel analysis algorithm for statically computing the permissions required by subjects at run time. We have applied SARA to 348 libraries in IBM WebSphere Application Server - a commercial enterprise application server written in Java that consists of >2 million lines of code and is required to support the Java permission- and subject-based security model. SARA detected 263 PLP violations, 219 cases of policies with missing permissions, and 29 bugs that led code to be unnecessarily executed under the authority of a subject. SARA corrected all these vulnerabilities automatically, and additionally synthesized fresh policies for all the libraries, with a false-positive rate of 5% and an average running time of 103 seconds per library. SARA also implements mechanisms for mitigating the risk of false negatives due to reflection and native code; according to a thorough result evaluation based on testing, no false negative was detected. SARA enabled IBM WebSphere Application Server to receive the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Assurance Level 4 certification

    Studying JavaScript Security Through Static Analysis

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    Mit dem stetigen Wachstum des Internets wächst auch das Interesse von Angreifern. Ursprünglich sollte das Internet Menschen verbinden; gleichzeitig benutzen aber Angreifer diese Vernetzung, um Schadprogramme wirksam zu verbreiten. Insbesondere JavaScript ist zu einem beliebten Angriffsvektor geworden, da es Angreifer ermöglicht Bugs und weitere Sicherheitslücken auszunutzen, und somit die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Internetnutzern zu gefährden. In dieser Dissertation fokussieren wir uns auf die Erkennung solcher Bedrohungen, indem wir JavaScript Code statisch und effizient analysieren. Zunächst beschreiben wir unsere zwei Detektoren, welche Methoden des maschinellen Lernens mit statischen Features aus Syntax, Kontroll- und Datenflüssen kombinieren zur Erkennung bösartiger JavaScript Dateien. Wir evaluieren daraufhin die Verlässlichkeit solcher statischen Systeme, indem wir bösartige JavaScript Dokumente umschreiben, damit sie die syntaktische Struktur von bestehenden gutartigen Skripten reproduzieren. Zuletzt studieren wir die Sicherheit von Browser Extensions. Zu diesem Zweck modellieren wir Extensions mit einem Graph, welcher Kontroll-, Daten-, und Nachrichtenflüsse mit Pointer Analysen kombiniert, wodurch wir externe Flüsse aus und zu kritischen Extension-Funktionen erkennen können. Insgesamt wiesen wir 184 verwundbare Chrome Extensions nach, welche die Angreifer ausnutzen könnten, um beispielsweise beliebigen Code im Browser eines Opfers auszuführen.As the Internet keeps on growing, so does the interest of malicious actors. While the Internet has become widespread and popular to interconnect billions of people, this interconnectivity also simplifies the spread of malicious software. Specifically, JavaScript has become a popular attack vector, as it enables to stealthily exploit bugs and further vulnerabilities to compromise the security and privacy of Internet users. In this thesis, we approach these issues by proposing several systems to statically analyze real-world JavaScript code at scale. First, we focus on the detection of malicious JavaScript samples. To this end, we propose two learning-based pipelines, which leverage syntactic, control and data-flow based features to distinguish benign from malicious inputs. Subsequently, we evaluate the robustness of such static malicious JavaScript detectors in an adversarial setting. For this purpose, we introduce a generic camouflage attack, which consists in rewriting malicious samples to reproduce existing benign syntactic structures. Finally, we consider vulnerable browser extensions. In particular, we abstract an extension source code at a semantic level, including control, data, and message flows, and pointer analysis, to detect suspicious data flows from and toward an extension privileged context. Overall, we report on 184 Chrome extensions that attackers could exploit to, e.g., execute arbitrary code in a victim's browser

    Securing Software in the Presence of Third-Party Modules

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    Modular programming is a key concept in software development where the program consists of code modules that are designed and implemented independently. This approach accelerates the development process and enhances scalability of the final product. Modules, however, are often written by third parties, aggravating security concerns such as stealing confidential information, tampering with sensitive data, and executing malicious code.Trigger-Action Platforms (TAPs) are concrete examples of employing modular programming. Any user can develop TAP applications by connecting trigger and action services, and publish them on public repositories. In the presence of malicious application makers, users cannot trust applications written by third parties, which can threaten users’ and platform’s security. We present SandTrap, a novel runtime monitor for JavaScript that can be used to securely integrate third-party applications. SandTrap enforces fine-grained access control policies at the levels of module, API, value, and context. We instantiate SandTrap to IFTTT, Zapier, and Node-RED, three popular JavaScript-driven TAPs, and illustrate how it enforces various policies on a set of benchmarks while incurring a tolerable runtime overhead. We also prove soundness and transparency of the monitoring framework on an essential model of Node-RED. Furthermore, nontransitive policies have been recently introduced as a natural fit for coarse-grained information-flow control where labels are specified at the level of modules. The flow relation does not need to be transitive, resulting in nonstandard noninterference and enforcement mechanism. We develop a lattice encoding to prove that nontransitive policies can be reduced to classical transitive policies. We also devise a lightweight program transformation that leverages standard flow-sensitive information-flow analyses to enforce nontransitive policies more permissively

    Parity, What is it Good For? Jimmy Carter and the Legitimation of Nuclear Strategy

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    In 1976, Americans elected Jimmy Carter on a promise of arms control and a reduced role for nuclear weapons in U.S. military strategy. While Carter remained committed to arms control, he ultimately strengthened the damage limitation strategy laid out in the Nixon administration, pushing the U.S. toward nuclear modernization and an increased reliance on nuclear weapons. Why did the Carter administration adopt this strategy necessitating nuclear superiority? Using qualitative analysis of newspapers, private memos, and public government documents, I find conventional explanations of Carter’s policy downplay the prominent domestic debates about nuclear strategy during this time. Drawing on theories of agenda setting and legitimation in national security, I argue Carter shifted his strategy partly because coalitions legitimated alternative policies and successfully mobilized against his initial vision. The tension between weapons modernization and arms control pervades the development of U.S. nuclear policy; this work suggests contradictions in U.S. nuclear strategy reflect contestation between domestic elites trying to frame their desired policy as the optimal deterrence strategy

    AppGuard — fine-grained policy enforcement for untrusted android applications

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    Android’s success makes it a prominent target for malicious software. However, the user has very limited control over security-relevant operations. This work presents AppGuard, a powerful and flexible security system that overcomes these deficiencies. It enforces user-defined security policies on untrusted Android applications without requiring any changes to a smartphone’s firmware, root access, or the like. Finegrained and stateful security policies are expressed in a formal specification language, which also supports secrecy requirements. Our system offers complete mediation of security-relevant methods based on calleesite inline reference monitoring and supports widespread deployment. In the experimental analysis we demonstrate the removal of permissions for overly curious apps as well as how to defend against several recent real-world attacks on Android phones. Our technique exhibits very little space and runtime overhead. The utility of AppGuard has already been demonstrated by more than 1,000,000 downloads
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