6 research outputs found

    Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: Report for year ending August 31, 1906

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    "October 1, 1906."Enumeration continues through succeeding title

    Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: Report for year ending December 31, 1911

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    Director: Edward Bartow."March 25, 1912."Enumeration continues through succeeding title

    Pelagic Sargassum and Its Associated Mobile Fauna in the Caribbean, Gulf Of Mexico, and Sargasso Sea

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    There are many species of the genus Sargassum distributed in tropical and subtropical waters but only two, S. natans and S. fluitans, have an entirely pelagic life cycle and offer ecologically-supportive structures of different forms in otherwise nutrient-poor environments. Sargassum represents a keystone species supporting relatively high levels of biodiversity which is required for the maintenance of the health and resilience of a unique ecosystem currently facing many anthropogenic pressures. While studied for years, no simultaneous comparisons have been performed between the three regions in which Sargassum is most commonly found: the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Sargasso Sea. Dip-net Sargassum samples and associated macrofauna were collected from these three regions during the Spring/Summer of 2015 to examine differences in Sargassum species, structure, and faunal distribution. An unusually large abundance of the rare form S. natans VIII was seen in all three regions in addition to the more common forms of S. natans I and S. fluitans III. Isolated clumps and rows of Sargassum were equally common in all three regions while mats were comparatively rare. Sargassum from the Gulf, Caribbean, and Sargasso Sea shared five common (frequency >10%) species. Differences in the physical forms of Sargassum forms had a marked effect on fauna diversity and abundance. In all three regions, fewer individuals and species were found on the broad-leafed, less compact S. natans VIII than on the denser S. natans I and S. fluitans III. The majority of these species are benthic-like species that physically require the Sargassum substrate (unlike most fish), and therefore likely avoid loose S. natans VIII which offers less surface area and protection from predators. This study identifies the differences in macrofauna abundance and diversity between varieties of Sargassum and highlights the potential for dramatic community assemblage changes that could result from largescale Sargassum blooms and species shifts

    Gardens and gardening in a fast-changing urban environment:Manchester 1750-1850

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    The profound changes which led to the social, physical and economic separation of the classes and changed Manchester from a small market town to a sprawling metropolis with a deeply damaged environment caused the loss of the town garden, the rise of the suburban villa and the demand for agreeable leisure surroundings. This story of gardens is an element of Manchester’s history which has been neglected despite fundamentally reflecting the social and economic changes accompanying the industrial revolution. Manchester was once renowned for its horticulture and floriculture. At one time it was able to host as many as eight flower shows each year and it lay at the very centre of the gooseberry-growers’ world for more than a hundred years. Professional and amateur growers of plants were known – and their introductions disseminated – nationwide. Examining the various ways in which the love of plants and gardens were experienced reveals how, as in many other areas of life, class divisions grew and were aggravated. The middle classes attempted to impose their values upon the workers, whether through fear or altruism. Leisure was indivisible from gardens and the wider appreciation of nature, whether this was the private grounds of the wealthier, the public gardens with their range of activities, or places visited by the poor during Whit Week. Such activities also led to friction – theft of plants from private gardens; rowdy behaviour in public ones. Gardens exist within a social and economic framework and their story cannot be told without reference to this and how they and it altered over time. Personal and civic prosperity and poverty, social, legal and environmental changes and different philosophical ideas lie behind the story of Manchester’s horticultural heritage

    History of Psychology

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    Openly licensed anthology focused on the theme of the History of Psychology. Contains: The Mind and the Brain by Alfred Binet; Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners by Sigmund Freud; The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2) by William James; The Principles of Psychology, Volume 2 (of 2) by William James; Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology by C. G. Jung; Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay; The Psychology of Arithmetic by Edward L. Thorndike

    Adolpho Lutz - Febre amarela, malária e protozoologia - v.2, Livro 1

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    Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bióloga e historiadora da ciência Magali Romero Sá, é uma homenagem ao pesquisador e à sua trajetória. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanitárias e dos estudos epidemiológicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o cólera, a febre tifóide, a peste bubônica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistirá, quando completa, numa coleção de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Suíça e Brasil (1878-1885); Hanseníase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sumário, glossário e índices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bióloga Bertha Lutz