340 research outputs found

    Mobility prediction for traffic offloading in cloud cooperated mmWave 5G networks

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    A MM wave cloud cooperated and mobility dependant scheme for 5G cellular networks

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    Edge and Central Cloud Computing: A Perfect Pairing for High Energy Efficiency and Low-latency

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    In this paper, we study the coexistence and synergy between edge and central cloud computing in a heterogeneous cellular network (HetNet), which contains a multi-antenna macro base station (MBS), multiple multi-antenna small base stations (SBSs) and multiple single-antenna user equipment (UEs). The SBSs are empowered by edge clouds offering limited computing services for UEs, whereas the MBS provides high-performance central cloud computing services to UEs via a restricted multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) backhaul to their associated SBSs. With processing latency constraints at the central and edge networks, we aim to minimize the system energy consumption used for task offloading and computation. The problem is formulated by jointly optimizing the cloud selection, the UEs' transmit powers, the SBSs' receive beamformers, and the SBSs' transmit covariance matrices, which is {a mixed-integer and non-convex optimization problem}. Based on methods such as decomposition approach and successive pseudoconvex approach, a tractable solution is proposed via an iterative algorithm. The simulation results show that our proposed solution can achieve great performance gain over conventional schemes using edge or central cloud alone. Also, with large-scale antennas at the MBS, the massive MIMO backhaul can significantly reduce the complexity of the proposed algorithm and obtain even better performance.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    A survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond : fundamentals, technology integration, and state-of-the-art

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    Driven by the emergence of new compute-intensive applications and the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is foreseen that the emerging 5G network will face an unprecedented increase in traffic volume and computation demands. However, end users mostly have limited storage capacities and finite processing capabilities, thus how to run compute-intensive applications on resource-constrained users has recently become a natural concern. Mobile edge computing (MEC), a key technology in the emerging fifth generation (5G) network, can optimize mobile resources by hosting compute-intensive applications, process large data before sending to the cloud, provide the cloud-computing capabilities within the radio access network (RAN) in close proximity to mobile users, and offer context-aware services with the help of RAN information. Therefore, MEC enables a wide variety of applications, where the real-time response is strictly required, e.g., driverless vehicles, augmented reality, robotics, and immerse media. Indeed, the paradigm shift from 4G to 5G could become a reality with the advent of new technological concepts. The successful realization of MEC in the 5G network is still in its infancy and demands for constant efforts from both academic and industry communities. In this survey, we first provide a holistic overview of MEC technology and its potential use cases and applications. Then, we outline up-to-date researches on the integration of MEC with the new technologies that will be deployed in 5G and beyond. We also summarize testbeds and experimental evaluations, and open source activities, for edge computing. We further summarize lessons learned from state-of-the-art research works as well as discuss challenges and potential future directions for MEC research

    User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook

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    26 pages; accepted to appear in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Cloud and Fog Radio Access Networks

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    PhD ThesisWith the development of cloud computing, radio access networks (RAN) is migrating to fully or partially centralised architecture, such as Cloud RAN (C- RAN) or Fog RAN (F-RAN). The novel architectures are able to support new applications with the higher throughput, the higher energy e ciency and the better spectral e ciency performance. However, the more complex energy consumption features brought by these new architectures are challenging. In addition, the usage of Energy Harvesting (EH) technology and the computation o oading in novel architectures requires novel resource allocation designs.This thesis focuses on the energy e cient resource allocation for Cloud and Fog RAN networks. Firstly, a joint user association (UA) and power allocation scheme is proposed for the Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks with hybrid energy sources where Energy Harvesting technology is utilised. The optimisation problem is designed to maximise the utilisation of the renewable energy source. Through solving the proposed optimisation problem, the user association and power allocation policies are derived together to minimise the grid power consumption. Compared to the conventional UAs adopted in RANs, green power harvested by renewable energy source can be better utilised so that the grid power consumption can be greatly reduced with the proposed scheme. Secondly, a delay-aware energy e cient computation o oading scheme is proposed for the EH enabled F-RANs, where for access points (F-APs) are supported by renewable energy sources. The uneven distribution of the harvested energy brings in dynamics of the o oading design and a ects the delay experienced by users. The grid power minimisation problem is formulated. Based on the solutions derived, an energy e cient o oading decision algorithm is designed. Compared to SINR-based o oading scheme, the total grid power consumption of all F-APs can be reduced signi cantly with the proposed o oading decision algorithm while meeting the latency constraint. Thirdly, an energy-e cient computation o oading for mobile applications with shared data is investigated in a multi-user fog computing network. Taking the advantage of shared data property of latency-critical applications such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into consideration, the energy minimisation problem is formulated. Then the optimal computation o oading and communications resources allocation policy is proposed which is able to minimise the overall energy consumption of mobile users and cloudlet server. Performance analysis indicates that the proposed policy outperforms other o oading schemes in terms of energy e ciency. The research works conducted in this thesis and the thorough performance analysis have revealed some insights on energy e cient resource allocation design in Cloud and Fog RANs

    Distributed Cognitive RAT Selection in 5G Heterogeneous Networks: A Machine Learning Approach

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    The leading role of the HetNet (Heterogeneous Networks) strategy as the key Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture for future 5G networks poses serious challenges to the current cell selection mechanisms used in cellular networks. The max-SINR algorithm, although effective historically for performing the most essential networking function of wireless networks, is inefficient at best and obsolete at worst in 5G HetNets. The foreseen embarrassment of riches and diversified propagation characteristics of network attachment points spanning multiple Radio Access Technologies (RAT) requires novel and creative context-aware system designs. The association and routing decisions, in the context of single-RAT or multi-RAT connections, need to be optimized to efficiently exploit the benefits of the architecture. However, the high computational complexity required for multi-parametric optimization of utility functions, the difficulty of modeling and solving Markov Decision Processes, the lack of guarantees of stability of Game Theory algorithms, and the rigidness of simpler methods like Cell Range Expansion and operator policies managed by the Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF), makes neither of these state-of-the-art approaches a favorite. This Thesis proposes a framework that relies on Machine Learning techniques at the terminal device-level for Cognitive RAT Selection. The use of cognition allows the terminal device to learn both a multi-parametric state model and effective decision policies, based on the experience of the device itself. This implies that a terminal, after observing its environment during a learning period, may formulate a system characterization and optimize its own association decisions without any external intervention. In our proposal, this is achieved through clustering of appropriately defined feature vectors for building a system state model, supervised classification to obtain the current system state, and reinforcement learning for learning good policies. This Thesis describes the above framework in detail and recommends adaptations based on the experimentation with the X-means, k-Nearest Neighbors, and Q-learning algorithms, the building blocks of the solution. The network performance of the proposed framework is evaluated in a multi-agent environment implemented in MATLAB where it is compared with alternative RAT selection mechanisms
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