12 research outputs found

    Online Signature Verification: Present State of Technology

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    The way a person signs his or her name is known to be characteristic of that individual. Signatures are influenced by the physical and emotional conditions of a subject. A signature verification system must be able to detect forgeries, and, at the same time, reduce rejection of genuine signatures. Significant research has been conducted in feature extraction and selection for the application of on-line signature verification. All these features may be important for some problems, but for a given task, only a small subset of features is relevant. In addition to a reduction in storage requirements and computational cost, these may also lead to an improvement in general performance. On the other hand, selection of a feature subset requires a multi-criterion optimization function, e.g. the number of features and accuracy of classification. In this paper all these techniques are reviewed

    Time Independent Signature Verification using Normalized Weighted Coefficients

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    Signature verification is one of the most widely accepted verification methods in use. The application of handwritten signatures includes the banker’s checks, the credit and debit cards issued by banks and various legal documents. The time factor plays an important role in the framing of signature of an individual person. Signatures can be classified as: offline signature verification and online signature verification. In this paper a time independent signature verification using normalized weighted coefficients is presented. If the signature defining parameters are updated regularly according to the weighted coefficients, then the performance of the system can be increased to a significant level. Results show that by taking normalized weighted coefficients the performance parameters, FAR and FRR, can be improved significantly

    Signature Pattern Recognition using Kohonen Network

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    A signature is a special form of handwriting that used for human identification process. The current identification process is extremely ineffective. People have to manually compare signatures with the previously stored data. This study proposed SOM Kohonen algorithm as the method of signature pattern recognition. This method has able to visualize high-dimensional data. The image processing method is used in this study in pre-processing data phase. The accuracy of SOM Kohonen was 70 %, indicated the method used was good enough for pattern recognition

    Signature Verification using Normalized Static Features and Neural Network Classification

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    Signature verification is very widely used in verification of the identity of any person. Now a days other biometric verification system has been evolved very widely like figure print, iris etc., but signature verification through computer system is still in development phase. The verification system is either through offline mode or online mode in online systems the dynamic information of a signature captured at the time the signature is made while in offline systems based on the scanned image of a signature. In this paper, a method is presented for Offline signatures Verification, for this verification system signature image is first pre-processed and converted into binary image of same size with 200x200 Pixels and then different features are extracted from the image like Eccentricity, Kurtosis, Skewness etc. and that features are used to train the neural network using back-propagation technique. For this verification system 6 different user signatures are taken to make database of the feature and results are analysed. The result demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology when compared with other existing studies. The proposed algorithm gives False Acceptance Rate (FAR) as 5.05% and False Rejection rate (FRR) as 4.25%

    An Efficient Automated Attendance Entering System by Eliminating Counterfeit Signatures using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test

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    Maintaining the attendance database of thousands of students has become a tedious task in the universities in Sri Lanka This paper comprises of 3 phases signature extraction signature recognition and signature verification to automate the process We applied necessary image processing techniques and extracted useful features from each signature Support Vector Machine SVM multiclass Support Vector Machine and Kolmogorov Smirnov test is used to signature classification recognition and verification respectively The described method in this report represents an effective and accurate approach to automatic signature recognition and verification It is capable of matching classifying and verifying the test signatures with the database of 83 33 100 and 100 accuracy respectivel

    Implementasi Metode Deteksi Tepi Laplacian dan Jarak Euclidean untuk Identifikasi Tanda Tangan

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    Signature is one of the biometrics that are widely used for important document authentication and verification. The existence of a signature as a form of validation and approval in important documents is mandatory. Along in current sophisticated technological developments, signing can be done using digital media such as cellphones or other media. The ability of the system that can be identify a person signature is important. This research aims to implement the Laplacian edge detection method and Euclidean distance to identify a person signature. The total image that used is 20 signatures from 5 different people while 15 signatures as data training image and 5 signatures as a data test image. The result of this research indicate that Laplacian edge detection method and Euclidean distance have an accuracy of 94% with 1 neighbor, with 2 neighbor has an accuracy of 60% and has an accuracy of 74% with 3 neighbor. Keywords : signature, Laplacian edge detection and Euclidean distance Abstrak Tanda tangan adalah salah satu biometrik yang banyak digunakan untuk autentikasi dan verifikasi dokumen penting. Keberadaan tanda tangan sebagai bentuk pengesahan dan persetujuan dalam dokumen-dokumen penting adalah hal yang wajib. Seiring perkembangan teknologi saat ini, proses penandatanganan dapat dilakukan dalam media digital seperti handphone maupun media lainnya. Kemampuan sistem untuk mengidentifikasi tanda tangan seseorang menjadi penting karena banyak pemalsuan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan metode deteksi tepi Laplacian dan jarak Euclidean untuk mengidentifikasi tanda tangan seseorang. Total citra yang digunakan yaitu 20 tanda tangan dari 10 orang yang berbeda dimana 15 tanda tangan sebagai data citra latih dan 5 tanda tangan sebagai data citra uji. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode deteksi tepi Laplacian dan jarak Euclidean memiliki akurasi sebesar 94% dengan 1 ketetanggaan, dengan 2 ketetanggaan memiliki akurasi sebesar 60%, dan memiliki akurasi sebesar 74% dengan 3 ketetanggaan. Kata Kunci : tanda tangan, deteksi tepi Laplacian dan jarak Euclidea

    Efficient Signatures Verification System Based on Artificial Neural Networks

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    Biometrics refer to the system of authenticating identities of humans, using features like retina scans, thumb and fingerprint scanning, face recognition and also signature recognition. Signatures are a simple and natural method of verifying a person’s identity. It can be saved as an image and verified by matching, using neural networks. Signature verification can be offline or online. In this work, we present a system for offline signature verification. The user has to submit a number of signatures that are used to extract two types of features, statistical features and structural features. A vector obtained from each of them is used to train propagation neural network in the verification stage. A test signature is then taken from the user, to compare it with those the network had been trained with. A test experiment was carried out with two sets of data. One set is used as a training set for the propagation neural network in its verification stage. This set with four signatures form each user is used for the training purpose. The second set consists of one sample of signature for each of the 20 persons is used as a test set for the system. A negative identification test was carried out using a signature of one person to test others’ signatures. The experimental results for the accuracy showed excellent false reject rate and false acceptance rate