35 research outputs found

    Classification of Arabic Autograph as Genuine ‎And Forged through a Combination of New ‎Attribute Extraction Techniques

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    تقترح هذه الدراسة إطارا جديدا لتقنية التحقق من التوقيع العربي. وهو يستخلص بعض السمات الديناميكية للتمييز بين التوقيعات المزورة والحقيقية. لهذا الغرض، يستخدم هذا الإطار التكيف وضعية النافذة لاستخراج تفرد من الموقعين في التوقيع بخط اليد والخصائص المحددة من الموقعين. وبناء على هذا الإطار، تقسم التوقيعات العربية أولا إلى نوافذ 14 × 14؛ كل جزء واسع بما فيه الكفاية لإدخال معلومات وافية عن أنماط الموقعين وصغيرة بما فيه الكفاية للسماح بالمعالجة السريعة. ثم، تم اقتراح نوعين من الميزات على أساس تحويل جيب التمام المنفصل، تحويل المويجة المنفصلة لاستخلاص الميزات من المنطقة ذات الاهتمام. وأخيرا، يتم اختيار شجرة القرار لتصنيف التوقيعات باستخدام الميزات المذكورة كمدخلات لها. وتجرى التقييمات على التوقيعات العربية. وكانت النتائج مشجعة جدا مع معدل تحقق 99.75٪ لاختيار سلسلة من للتوقيعات المزورة والحقيقية للتوقيعات العربية التي تفوقت بشكل ملحوظ على أحدث الأعمال في هذا المجالThis study proposes a new framework for an Arabic autograph verification technique. It extracts certain dynamic attributes to distinguish between forged and genuine signatures. For this aim, this framework uses Adaptive Window Positioning to extract the uniqueness of signers in handwritten signatures and the specific characteristics of signers. Based on this framework, Arabic autograph are first divided into 14X14 windows; each fragment is wide enough to include sufficient information about signers’ styles and small enough to allow fast processing. Then, two types of fused attributes based on Discrete Cosine Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform of region of interest have been proposed for attributes extraction. Finally, the Decision Tree is chosen to classify the autographs using the previous attributes as its input. The evaluations are carried out on the Arabic autograph. The results are very encouraging with verification rate 99.75% for sequential selection of forged and genuine autographs for Arabic autograph that significantly outperformed the most recent work in this fiel

    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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    Biometrics Writer Recognition for Arabic language: Analysis and Classification techniques using Subwords Features

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    Handwritten text in any language is believed to convey a great deal of information about writers’ personality and identity. Indeed, handwritten signature has long been accepted as an authentication of the writer’s physical stamp on financial and legal deals as well official/personal documents and works of art. Handwritten documents are frequently used as evidences in forensic tasks. Handwriting skills is learnt and developed from the early schooling stages. Research interest in behavioral biometrics was the main driving force behind the growth in research into Writer Identification (WI) from handwritten text, but recent rise in terrorism associated with extreme religious ideologies spreading primarily, but not exclusively, from the middle-east has led to a surge of interest in WI from handwritten text in Arabic and similar languages. This thesis is the main outcome of extensive research investigations conducted with the aim of developing an automatic identification of a person from handwritten Arabic text samples. My motivations and interests, as an Iraqi researcher, emanate from my multi-faceted desires to provide scientific support for my people in their fight against terrorism by providing forensic evidences, and as contribute to the ongoing digitization of the Iraqi National archive as well as the wealth of religious and historical archives in Iraq and the middle-east. Good knowledge of the underlying language is invaluable in this project. Despite the rising interest in this recognition modality worldwide, Arabic writer identification has not been addressed as extensively as Latin writer identification. However, in recent years some new Arabic writer identification approaches have been proposed some of which are reviewed in this thesis. Arabic is a cursive language when handwritten. This means that each and every writer in this language develops some unique features that could demonstrate writer’s habits and style. These habits and styles are considered as unique WI features and determining factors. Existing dominating approaches to WI are based on recognizing handwriting habits/styles are embedded in certain parts/components of the written texts. Although the appearance of these components within long text contain rich information and clues to writer identity, the most common approaches to WI in Arabic in the literature are based on features extracted from paragraph(s), line(s), word(s), character(s), and/or a part of a character. Generally, Arabic words are made up of one or more subwords at the end of each; there is a connected stroke with a certain style of which seem to be most representative of writers habits. Another feature of Arabic writing is to do with diacritics that are added to written words/subwords, to add meaning and pronunciation. Subwords are more frequent in written Arabic text and appear as part of several different words or as full individual words. Thus, we propose a new innovative approach based on a seemingly plausible hypothesis that subwords based WI yields significant increase in accuracy over existing approaches. The thesis most significant contributions can be summarized as follows: - Developed a high performing segmentation of scanned text images, that combines threshold based binarisation, morphological operation and active shape model. - Defined digital measures and formed a 15-dimensional feature vectors representations of subwords that implicitly cover its diacritics and strokes. A pilot study that incrementally added features according to writer discriminating power. This reduced subwords feature vector dimension to 8, two of which were modelled as time series. - For the dependent 8-dimensional WI scheme, we identify the best performing set of subwords (best 22 subwords out of 49 then followed by best 11 out of these 22 subwords). - We established the validity of our hypothesis for different versions of subwords based WI schemes by providing empirical evidence when testing on a number of existing text dependent and in text-dependent databases plus a simulated text-in text-dependent DB. The text-dependent scenario results exhibited possible present of the Doddington Zoo phenomena. - The final optimal subword based WI scheme, not only removes the need to include diacritics as part of the subword but also demonstrating that including diacritics within subwords impairs the WI discriminating power of subwords. This should not be taken to discredit research that are based on diacritics based WI. Also in this subword body (without diacritics) base WI scheme, resulted in eliminating the presence of Doddington Zoo effect. - Finally, a significant but un-intended consequence of using subwords for WI is that there is no difference between a text-independent scenario and text-dependent one. In fact, we shall demonstrate that the text-dependent database of the 27-words can be used to simulate the testing of the scheme for an in text-dependent database without the need to record such a DB. Finally, we discussed ways of optimising the performance of our last scheme by considering possible ways of complementing our scheme using the addition of various image texture analysis features to be extracted from subwords, lines, paragraphs or entire file of the scabbed image. These included LBP and Gabor Filter. We also suggested the possible addition of few more features

    Arabic Type Classification System - Qualitative Classification of Historic Arabic Writing Scripts in the Contemporary Typographic Context

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    The emergence of typography shifted written language into a mechanical tool of transmitting meaning, thereby further reducing the connection of representation of language with the language itself which began with the development of writing systems. Developed from various writing systems and languages, typography is the primary mode of visual communication of language. It has become even more important in the digital world we are living in today. This research examines the relationship of Arabic script conventions and classifications in the context of typographic representation, and how typographic representations of the Arabic language have been distorted due to the influence of Latin typographic guidelines in the development of Arabic typefaces. This history has failed to produce Arabic typefaces that accord with the unique cultural, linguistic and contextual character of the Arabic writing system. To address this, an investigation was carried out, through multiple design research methods and methodologies incorporating typographic studies and theories of embodiment applied to the evolution of the Arabic writing system, calligraphy and typography in the Arab region. The investigation aims to better understand, and respond to problems in the use of typefaces at the intersection of languages and cultures. Through the generation of a typeface classificatory system, linking the ground rules of calligraphic scripts, structural influences of Arabic letterforms, and adapting them into existing typefaces used today, this research proposes a tool to assist designers in the making of typographic decisions in the setting of Arabic language, and in its relationship to roman typography. Key words : Typography, classificatory attributes, Arabic language, culture, linguistics, embodimen

    The Interaction between Ethnic Relations and State Power: A Structural Impediment to the Industrialization of China, 1850-1911

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    The case of late Qing China is of great importance to theories of economic development. This study examines the question of why China¡¯s industrialization was slow between 1865 and 1895 as compared to contemporary Japan¡¯s. Industrialization is measured on four dimensions: sea transport, railway, communications, and the cotton textile industry. I trace the difference between China¡¯s and Japan¡¯s industrialization to government leadership, which includes three aspects: direct governmental investment, government policies at the macro-level, and specific measures and actions to assist selected companies and industries. Compared to the Meiji government, the Chinese government¡¯s role in all of the three aspects was insufficient. Furthermore, I explore why the Chinese government did not lead China¡¯s economic development efficiently. The Manchu question¡ªManchu rule of Qing China and Manchu supremacy over other ethnic groups¡ªtriggered ethnic rebellions between the early 1850s and the early 1870s, which severely undermined the government in economic, political, and military terms. Ethnic rebellions in turn were caused by the government¡¯s unequal ethnic policies that had established an ethnic hierarchy in the empire. Moreover, the government spent a disproportionate amount of funds on the Manchu stipend to financially support the group compared to the government¡¯s investment in modern industries. The Manchu question surfaced after 1895 in the sense that pro-dynastic reforms attempted to deal with it. The 1911 Revolution eventually brought the Manchu question to an end

    Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, and Change

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    Tibetan Printing: Comparisons, Continuities and Change is the first publication that brings together leading experts from different disciplines to discuss the introduction of printing in Tibetan societies in the context of Asian book culture. Readership: All interested in Tibetan Studies, in Asian Book Cultures and the history of printing as well as in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of books as artefacts