40 research outputs found

    Octal Bent Generalized Boolean Functions

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    In this paper we characterize (octal) bent generalized Boolean functions defined on \BBZ_2^n with values in \BBZ_8. Moreover, we propose several constructions of such generalized bent functions for both nn even and nn odd

    Основи схемотехніки електронних систем

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    Basics of circuitry are stated, principles of operation are considered, it is given calculations of analog, digital and pulse devices of electronic systems, based on semiconductor devices, integrated operational amplifiers and integrated logic circuits of TTL, MOS, CMOS types, construction principles of systems of control by electronics devices based on microprocessors and microcontrollers. For students of institutions of higher education. It can be useful for specialists on electronic engineering, specializing in the area of development, fabrication and maintenance of electronic systems and devices

    Ultraviolet spectrometer and polarimeter (UVSP) software development and hardware tests for the solar maximum mission

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    The Ultraviolet Spectrometer/Polarimeter Instrument (UVSP) for the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) was based on the re-use of the engineering model of the high resolution ultraviolet spectrometer developed for the OSO-8 mission. Lockheed assumed four distinct responsibilities in the UVSP program: technical evaluation of the OSO-8 engineering model; technical consulting on the electronic, optical, and mechanical modifications to the OSO-8 engineering model hardware; design and development of the UVSP software system; and scientific participation in the operations and analysis phase of the mission. Lockheed also provided technical consulting and assistance with instrument hardware performance anomalies encountered during the post launch operation of the SMM observatory. An index to the quarterly reports delivered under the contract are contained, and serves as a useful capsule history of the program activity

    Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace vehicle Design (IPAD). Volume 4: IPAD system design

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    The computing system design of IPAD is described and the requirements which form the basis for the system design are discussed. The system is presented in terms of a functional design description and technical design specifications. The functional design specifications give the detailed description of the system design using top-down structured programming methodology. Human behavioral characteristics, which specify the system design at the user interface, security considerations, and standards for system design, implementation, and maintenance are also part of the technical design specifications. Detailed specifications of the two most common computing system types in use by the major aerospace companies which could support the IPAD system design are presented. The report of a study to investigate migration of IPAD software between the two candidate 3rd generation host computing systems and from these systems to a 4th generation system is included

    Feasibility study of common electronic equipment for shuttle sortie experiment payloads

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    A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using standardized electronic equipment on the space shuttle vehicle in an effort to reduce the cost estimates. The standards for Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIM) and CAMAC electronic equipment are presented and described. It was determined that the CAMAC electronic equipment was more suitable for use with the space shuttle systems. Specific applications of the CAMAC equipment are analyzed. Illustrations of the equipment and circuit diagrams of the subsystems are provided

    On the origins and evolution of morphological complexity : a developmental perspective

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    The complexity of organisms has astonished biologists for centuries. How complexity has evolved, has given rise to much debate. Many have claimed that natural selection is the main factor that made it possible to achieve high degrees of complexity. On the contrary, others argue that this is far from the truth, as complexity can increase passively, without the need of natural selection. Either way, the exact mechanisms by which complexity has increased in some groups of organisms remains largely unknown. For morphology, to understand which mechanisms have enabled an increase in complexity, requires to study development. As development is the process that establishes morphology, any evolutionary change in morphology is preceded by a change in its development. Additionally, to understand how morphological complexity evolves, it is necessary to comprehend the phenotypic variation that different developmental mechanisms can produce. The two main questions that I am interested to answer in this dissertation are:  1. Are there some logical requirements that developmental mechanisms should fulfill in order to lead to complex morphologies? 2. How does morphological complexity affect evolution?   To tackle these questions, I used a general computational model of development, EmbryoMaker. EmbryoMaker is a general model that allows to simulate the development of 3D morphologies of any type. It is precisely this generality of EmbryoMaker which was vital for this dissertation, since it allowed an unconstrained exploration of developmental mechanisms, without being limited to certain organisms or systems. This allowed me to tackle the questions I posed in a general way. The general results obtained are: 1. The development of complex morphologies does not require cell signaling or complex gene networks. 2. Extracellular signaling enhances robustness through the compartmentalization of the embryo into different regions of gene expression 3. Complex morphologies are rare 4. The more complex a morphology is, the more finely tuned its developmental parameters need to be 5. The more complex the morphology, the larger the mutational asymmetry towards simplicity 6. The more complex morphology, the more complex the GPM These results indicate that there are qualitative differences in the way complex and simpler morphologies evolve. Complex morphologies evolve under a complex GPM and higher developmental instability. Additionally, complex morphologies produce a higher morphological diversity than simpler morphologies for the same amount of genetic variation, therefore offspring of complex individuals spread across large regions of the morphospace. Finally, these results also indicate that the evolution of morphological complexity becomes progressively slower as complexity increases, until possibly arriving at a complexity trap, where it cannot effectively increase.Luonnosta löytyvien muotojen moninaisuus on ällistyttänyt tutkijoita vuosisatoja ja muotojen kompleksisuuden synnystä on väitelty paljon. Yhtäältä on väitetty luonnonvalinnan olevan ensisijainen eliöiden muodon kompleksisuutta ajava tekijä ja toisaalta on ehdotettu kompleksisuuden voivan kehittyä passiivisesti luonnonvalinnasta riippumatta. Muodon monimutkaistumisen taustalla vaikuttavat mekanismit ovat pitkälti tuntemattomia. Kompleksisuuden lisääntymisen ymmärtäminen edellyttää ymmärrystä yksilönkehityksestä; muodot syntyvät yksilönkehityksen aikana, joten evolutiivinen muutos muodossa edellyttää muutoksia yksilönkehityksessä. Ymmärtääksemme, miten kompleksisuus lisääntyy evoluution myötä, on ymmärrettävä millaista ilmiasujen muuntelua yksilönkehitys voi tuottaa. Kaksi väitöskirjassani käsiteltävää pääkysymystä ovat: Vaaditaanko kehitysmekanismeilta tiettyjä ominaisuuksia, jotta ne voivat tuottaa kompleksisia muotoja? Miten muotojen kompleksisuus vaikuttaa evoluutioon? Käytän työssäni tietokonemallia, EmbryoMakeria, joka mahdollistaa minkä tahansa muodon kehityksen mallinnuksen kolmiuloitteisesti. EmbryoMakerin simulaatiot eivät rajoitu tiettyihin mallieliöihin tai järjestelmiin, mikä on olennaista tutkimukselleni. Tutkimukseni päätulokset ovat: Kompleksisten muotojen kehitys ei edellytä soluviestintää tai monimutkaisia geeniverkostoja. Solujen välinen viestintä lisää kehitysmekanismin vakautta jakamalla alkion rajattuihin geenien ilmentymisalueisiin. Kompleksiset muodot ovat harvinaisia. Mitä kompleksisempi muoto on, sitä tarkemmin sen kehitystä on säädeltävä. Mitä kompleksisempi muoto on, sitä todennäköisemmin mutaatiot johtavat muodon yksinkertaistumiseen. Mitä kompleksisempi muoto on, sitä kompleksisempi on sen taustalla toimiva geeni-ilmiasu-kartta. Tulokseni viittaavat laadullisiin eroihin kompleksisten ja yksinkertaisten muotojen evoluution välillä. Kompleksisten muotojen evoluution taustalla vaikuttava geeni-ilmiasukartta on monimutkaisempi kuin yksinkertaisilla muodoilla. Lisäksi kompleksisten muotojen kehitys on epävakaampaa kuin yksinkertaisten muotojen kehitys. Yksinkertaisiin muotoihin verrattuna kompleksiset muodot johtavat suurempaan monimuotoisuuteen vaikka geneettinen muuntelu taustalla olisi yhtä suurta; tämän vuoksi kompleksisten yksilöiden jälkeläiset levittäytyvät laajoille alueille muotoavaruudessa. Tulokseni osoittavat myös, että kompleksisuuden lisääntyessä kompleksisuuden evoluutio hidastuu, kunnes saavutetaan ’kompleksisuusansa' jossa kompleksisuus ei voi enää lisääntyä