67 research outputs found

    Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control for Networked Robots in the Presence of Recoverable/Unrecoverable Faults and Reactive Behaviors

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    The paper presents an architecture for distributed control of multi-robot systems with an integrated fault detection, isolation, and recovery strategy. The proposed solution is based on a distributed observer-controller schema where each robot, by communicating only with its direct neighbors, is able to estimate the overall state of the system; such an estimate is then used by the controllers of each robot to achieve global missions as, for example, centroid and formation tracking. The information exchanged among the observers is also used to compute residual vectors that allow each robot to detect failures on anyone of the teammates, even if not in direct communication. The proposed strategy considers both recoverable and unrecoverable actuator faults as well as it properly manages the possible activation of reactive local control behaviors of the robots (e.g., the activation of obstacle avoidance strategy), which generate control inputs different from those required by the global mission control. In particular, when the robots are subject to recoverable faults, those are managed at a local level by computing a proper compensating control action. On the other side, when the robots are subject to unrecoverable faults, the faults are isolated from anyone of the teammates by means of a distributed fault detection and isolation strategy; then, the faulty robots are removed from the team and the mission is rearranged. The proposed strategy is validated via numerical simulations where the system properly identifies and manages the different cases of recoverable and unrecoverable actuator faults, as well as it manages the activation of local reactive control in an integrated case study

    Resilience of multi-robot systems to physical masquerade attacks

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    The advent of autonomous mobile multi-robot systems has driven innovation in both the industrial and defense sectors. The integration of such systems in safety-and security-critical applications has raised concern over their resilience to attack. In this work, we investigate the security problem of a stealthy adversary masquerading as a properly functioning agent. We show that conventional multi-agent pathfinding solutions are vulnerable to these physical masquerade attacks. Furthermore, we provide a constraint-based formulation of multi-agent pathfinding that yields multi-agent plans that are provably resilient to physical masquerade attacks. This formalization leverages inter-agent observations to facilitate introspective monitoring to guarantee resilience.Accepted manuscrip

    A distributed networked approach for fault detection of large-scale systems

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    Networked systems present some key new challenges in the development of fault diagnosis architectures. This paper proposes a novel distributed networked fault detection methodology for large-scale interconnected systems. The proposed formulation incorporates a synchronization methodology with a filtering approach in order to reduce the effect of measurement noise and time delays on the fault detection performance. The proposed approach allows the monitoring of multi-rate systems, where asynchronous and delayed measurements are available. This is achieved through the development of a virtual sensor scheme with a model-based re-synchronization algorithm and a delay compensation strategy for distributed fault diagnostic units. The monitoring architecture exploits an adaptive approximator with learning capabilities for handling uncertainties in the interconnection dynamics. A consensus-based estimator with timevarying weights is introduced, for improving fault detectability in the case of variables shared among more than one subsystem. Furthermore, time-varying threshold functions are designed to prevent false-positive alarms. Analytical fault detectability sufficient conditions are derived and extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the distributed fault detection technique

    Distributed AdaptiveFault-Tolerant Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems

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    This brief paper presents a distributed adaptive fault-tolerant leader-following consensus control scheme for a class of nonlinear uncertain multi-agent systems under a bidirectional communication topology with possibly asymmetric weights and subject to process and actuator faults. A local fault-tolerant control (FTC) component is designed for each agent using local measurements and suitable information exchanged between neighboring agents. Each local FTC component consists of a fault diagnosis module and a reconfigurable controller module comprised of a baseline controller and two adaptive fault-tolerant controllers activated after fault detection and after fault isolation, respectively. By using an appropriately chosen Lyapunov function, the closed-loop stability and asymptotic convergence property of leader–follower consensus are rigorously established under different operating modes of the FTC system

    Distributed Fault Detection in Formation of Multi-Agent Systems with Attack Impact Analysis

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are capable of performing a variety of deepwater marine applications as in multiple mobile robots and cooperative robot reconnaissance. Due to the environment that AUVs operate in, fault detection and isolation as well as the formation control of AUVs are more challenging than other Multi-Agent Systems (MASs). In this thesis, two main challenges are tackled. We first investigate the formation control and fault accommodation algorithms for AUVs in presence of abnormal events such as faults and communication attacks in any of the team members. These undesirable events can prevent the entire team to achieve a safe, reliable, and efficient performance while executing underwater mission tasks. For instance, AUVs may face unexpected actuator/sensor faults and the communication between AUVs can be compromised, and consequently make the entire multi-agent system vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Moreover, a possible deception attack on network system may have a negative impact on the environment and more importantly the national security. Furthermore, there are certain requirements for speed, position or depth of the AUV team. For this reason, we propose a distributed fault detection scheme that is able to detect and isolate faults in AUVs while maintaining their formation under security constraints. The effects of faults and communication attacks with a control theoretical perspective will be studied. Another contribution of this thesis is to study a state estimation problem for a linear dynamical system in presence of a Bias Injection Attack (BIA). For this purpose, a Kalman Filter (KF) is used, where we show that the impact of an attack can be analyzed as the solution of a quadratically constrained problem for which the exact solution can be found efficiently. We also introduce a lower bound for the attack impact in terms of the number of compromised actuators and a combination of sensors and actuators. The theoretical findings are accompanied by simulation results and numerical can study examples

    A Distributed Networked Approach for Fault Detection of Large-scale Systems

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    Networked systems present some key new challenges in the development of fault diagnosis architectures. This paper proposes a novel distributed networked fault detection methodology for large-scale interconnected systems. The proposed formulation incorporates a synchronization methodology with a filtering approach in order to reduce the effect of measurement noise and time delays on the fault detection performance. The proposed approach allows the monitoring of multi-rate systems, where asynchronous and delayed measurements are available. This is achieved through the development of a virtual sensor scheme with a model-based re-synchronization algorithm and a delay compensation strategy for distributed fault diagnostic units. The monitoring architecture exploits an adaptive approximator with learning capabilities for handling uncertainties in the interconnection dynamics. A consensus-based estimator with timevarying weights is introduced, for improving fault detectability in the case of variables shared among more than one subsystem. Furthermore, time-varying threshold functions are designed to prevent false-positive alarms. Analytical fault detectability sufficient conditions are derived and extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the distributed fault detection technique

    Fault detection and isolation in a networked multi-vehicle unmanned system

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    Recent years have witnessed a strong interest and intensive research activities in the area of networks of autonomous unmanned vehicles such as spacecraft formation flight, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, automated highway systems and multiple mobile robots. The envisaged networked architecture can provide surpassing performance capabilities and enhanced reliability; however, it requires extending the traditional theories of control, estimation and Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI). One of the many challenges for these systems is development of autonomous cooperative control which can maintain the group behavior and mission performance in the presence of undesirable events such as failures in the vehicles. In order to achieve this goal, the team should have the capability to detect and isolate vehicles faults and reconfigure the cooperative control algorithms to compensate for them. This dissertation deals with the design and development of fault detection and isolation algorithms for a network of unmanned vehicles. Addressing this problem is the main step towards the design of autonomous fault tolerant cooperative control of network of unmanned systems. We first formulate the FDI problem by considering ideal communication channels among the vehicles and solve this problem corresponding to three different architectures, namely centralized, decentralized, and semi-decentralized. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions for each architecture are also derived based on geometric FDI approach. The effects of large environmental disturbances are subsequently taken into account in the design of FDI algorithms and robust hybrid FDI schemes for both linear and nonlinear systems are developed. Our proposed robust FDI algorithms are applied to a network of unmanned vehicles as well as Almost-Lighter-Than-Air-Vehicle (ALTAV). The effects of communication channels on fault detection and isolation performance are then investigated. A packet erasure channel model is considered for incorporating stochastic packet dropout of communication channels. Combining vehicle dynamics and communication links yields a discrete-time Markovian Jump System (MJS) mathematical model representation. This motivates development of a geometric FDI framework for both discrete-time and continuous-time Markovian jump systems. Our proposed FDI algorithm is then applied to a formation flight of satellites and a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) helicopter problem. Finally, we investigate the problem of fault detection and isolation for time-delay systems as well as linear impulsive systems. The main motivation behind considering these two problems is that our developed geometric framework for Markovian jump systems can readily be applied to other class of systems. Broad classes of time-delay systems, namely, retarded, neutral, distributed and stochastic time-delay systems are investigated in this dissertation and a robust FDI algorithm is developed for each class of these systems. Moreover, it is shown that our proposed FDI algorithms for retarded and stochastic time-delay systems can potentially be applied in an integrated design of FDI/controller for a network of unmanned vehicles. Necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of the fundamental problem of residual generation for linear impulsive systems are derived to conclude this dissertation

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas
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