399,269 research outputs found

    The very same thing: Extending the object token concept to incorporate causal constraints on individual identity

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    The contributions of feature recognition, object categorization, and recollection of episodic memories to the re-identification of a perceived object as the very same thing encountered in a previous perceptual episode are well understood in terms of both cognitive-behavioral phenomenology and neurofunctional implementation. Human beings do not, however, rely solely on features and context to re-identify individuals; in the presence of featural change and similarly-featured distractors, people routinely employ causal constraints to establish object identities. Based on available cognitive and neurofunctional data, the standard object-token based model of individual re-identification is extended to incorporate the construction of unobserved and hence fictive causal histories (FCHs) of observed objects by the pre-motor action planning system. Cognitive-behavioral and implementation-level predictions of this extended model and methods for testing them are outlined. It is suggested that functional deficits in the construction of FCHs are associated with clinical outcomes in both Autism Spectrum Disorders and later-stage stage Alzheimer's disease.\u

    Optical identification of the companion to PSR J1911-5958A, the pulsar binary in the outskirts of NGC 6752

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    We report on the identification of the optical counterpart of the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1911-5958A, located in the outskirts of the globular cluster NGC 6752. At the position of the pulsar we find an object with V=22.08, B-V=0.38, U-B=-0.49. The object is blue with respect to the cluster main sequence by 0.8 magnitudes in B-V. We argue that the object is the white dwarf companion of the pulsar. Comparison with white dwarf cooling models shows that this magnitude and colors are consistent with a low-mass white dwarf at the distance of NGC 6752. If associated with NGC 6752, the white dwarf is relatively young, <2 Gyr, which sets constraints on the formation of the binary and its ejection from the core of the globular cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters (September 1st, 2003

    Functional Dependencies for Object Databases: Motivation and Axiomatization

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    Object identification by abstract identifiers should be considered as a modeling and not as a database concept. This means that object identifiers are not appropriate for the access to specific objects using a database language. In this paper we discuss how the relational concept of a functional dependency can be adapted to object databases in order to get more convenient ways of accessing objects. Graph based object functional dependencies are proposed as a means to specify constraints between attributes and object types of an object schema. Value based identification criteria can be defined using a special type of object functional dependencies. Different definitions of satisfaction are given for these constraints, based on a so-called validation relation, and their relationships are investigated. These definitions are related to different forms of identification. Using the strongest notion of satisfaction, inference rules for the derivation of new dependencies are discussed with emphasis on the characteristics of rules combining two dependencies, like the transitivity rule. In addition to generalized relational rules further rules are needed, mainly concerned with transition from the object type level to the attribute level and vice versa

    Identification of the white dwarf companion to millisecond pulsar J2317+1439

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    We report identification of the optical counterpart to the companion of the millisecond pulsar J2317+1439. At the timing position of the pulsar, we find an object with g=22.96±0.05g=22.96\pm0.05, r=22.86±0.04r=22.86\pm0.04 and i=22.82±0.05i=22.82\pm0.05. The magnitudes and colors of the object are consistent with it being a white dwarf. By comparing with white dwarf cooling models, we estimate that it has a mass of 0.390.10+0.130.39^{+0.13}_{-0.10} M_{\odot}, an effective temperature of 8077470+5508077^{+550}_{-470} K and a cooling age of 10.9±0.310.9\pm0.3 Gyr. Combining our results with published constraints on the orbital parameters obtained through pulsar timing, we estimate the pulsar mass to be 3.41.1+1.43.4^{+1.4}_{-1.1} M_{\odot}. Although the constraint on the pulsar mass is still weak, there is a significant possibility that the pulsar could be more massive than two solar mass.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observability/Identifiability of Rigid Motion under Perspective Projection

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    The "visual motion" problem consists of estimating the motion of an object viewed under projection. In this paper we address the feasibility of such a problem. We will show that the model which defines the visual motion problem for feature points in the euclidean 3D space lacks of both linear and local (weak) observability. The locally observable manifold is covered with three levels of lie differentiations. Indeed, by imposing metric constraints on the state-space, it is possible to reduce the set of indistinguishable states. We will then analyze a model for visual motion estimation in terms of identification of an Exterior Differential System, with the parameters living on a topological manifold, called the "essential manifold", which includes explicitly in its definition the forementioned metric constraints. We will show that rigid motion is globally observable/identifiable under perspective projection with zero level of lie differentiation under some general position conditions. Such conditions hold when the viewer does not move on a quadric surface containing all the visible points

    A ring galaxy at z=1 lensed by the cluster Abell 370

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    We present a study of a very peculiar object found in the field of the cluster-lens Abell 370. This object displays, in HST imaging, a spectacular morphology comparable to nearby ring-galaxies. From spectroscopic observations at the CFHT, we measured a redshift of z=1.062z=1.062 based on the identification of [O ii] 3727 \AA and [Ne v] 3426 \AA emission lines. These emission lines are typical of starburst galaxies hosting a central active nucleus and are in good agreement with the assumption that this object is a ring-galaxy. This object is also detected with ISO in the LW2 and LW3 filters, and the mid Infra-Red (MIR) flux ratio favors a Seyfert 1 type. The shape of the ring is gravitationally distorted by the cluster-lens, and most particularly by a nearby cluster elliptical galaxy. Using the cluster mass model, we can compute its intrinsic shape. Requiring that the outer ring follows an ellipse we put constraints on the M/L ratio of the nearby galaxy and derive a magnification factor of 2.5 ±\pm 0.2. The absolute luminosities of the source are then $L_B = 1.3 \ 10^{12} L_{B \odot}and and \nuL L_\nu \simeq 4. 10^{10}L L_\odot$ in the mid-IR.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, uses aa.cls, accepted to A&A Letters. Minor changes, Figure 1 revisited and typos adde

    Dynamic Estimation of Rigid Motion from Perspective Views via Recursive Identification of Exterior Differential Systems with Parameters on a Topological Manifold

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    We formulate the problem of estimating the motion of a rigid object viewed under perspective projection as the identification of a dynamic model in Exterior Differential form with parameters on a topological manifold. We first describe a general method for recursive identification of nonlinear implicit systems using prediction error criteria. The parameters are allowed to move slowly on some topological (not necessarily smooth) manifold. The basic recursion is solved in two different ways: one is based on a simple extension of the traditional Kalman Filter to nonlinear and implicit measurement constraints, the other may be regarded as a generalized "Gauss-Newton" iteration, akin to traditional Recursive Prediction Error Method techniques in linear identification. A derivation of the "Implicit Extended Kalman Filter" (IEKF) is reported in the appendix. The ID framework is then applied to solving the visual motion problem: it indeed is possible to characterize it in terms of identification of an Exterior Differential System with parameters living on a C0 topological manifold, called the "essential manifold". We consider two alternative estimation paradigms. The first is in the local coordinates of the essential manifold: we estimate the state of a nonlinear implicit model on a linear space. The second is obtained by a linear update on the (linear) embedding space followed by a projection onto the essential manifold. These schemes proved successful in performing the motion estimation task, as we show in experiments on real and noisy synthetic image sequences