12 research outputs found

    Combining LiDAR Space Clustering and Convolutional Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection

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    Pedestrian detection is an important component for safety of autonomous vehicles, as well as for traffic and street surveillance. There are extensive benchmarks on this topic and it has been shown to be a challenging problem when applied on real use-case scenarios. In purely image-based pedestrian detection approaches, the state-of-the-art results have been achieved with convolutional neural networks (CNN) and surprisingly few detection frameworks have been built upon multi-cue approaches. In this work, we develop a new pedestrian detector for autonomous vehicles that exploits LiDAR data, in addition to visual information. In the proposed approach, LiDAR data is utilized to generate region proposals by processing the three dimensional point cloud that it provides. These candidate regions are then further processed by a state-of-the-art CNN classifier that we have fine-tuned for pedestrian detection. We have extensively evaluated the proposed detection process on the KITTI dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed LiDAR space clustering approach provides a very efficient way of generating region proposals leading to higher recall rates and fewer misses for pedestrian detection. This indicates that LiDAR data can provide auxiliary information for CNN-based approaches

    Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Customer Satisfaction through Digital Transformation in the Automotive Sector

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    Technology has impacted businesses in different areas, and, consequently, many companies have found it necessary to make changes in their structures and business models to improve customer satisfaction. The objective was to quantify the effect of dynamic capabilities on customer satisfaction, through digital transformation within the automotive sector. A random sample of 42 questionnaires on 127 surveyed industries was collected during the period 2019–2020 in a pre-COVID-19 context. A structural equation model (SEM) in two stages was applied. In the first stage, two reflective models were built. In a second stage, a structural equation model was evaluated. The results obtained in this study showed that the capabilities of sensing, seizing and innovation were suitably grouped in a construct called “Dynamic Capabilities”. A positive influence of Dynamic Capabilities on customer satisfaction was found. Therefore, the companies in this industry should focus on developing dynamic capabilities to improve customer satisfaction. Once the opportunities have been identified, managers take advantage of their potential (seizing) to transform and exploit knowledge in the creation, innovation, process improvement, and definition of strategies to combine new knowledge with that already existing. The digital transformation has contributed to identify the real needs for customers, to contact them and solve their problems, as well as offering products and services by anticipating their needs

    Fusion of 3D LIDAR and Camera Data for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicle Applications

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    It’s critical for an autonomous vehicle to acquire accurate and real-time information of the objects in its vicinity, which will fully guarantee the safety of the passengers and vehicle in various environment. 3D LIDAR can directly obtain the position and geometrical structure of the object within its detection range, while vision camera is very suitable for object recognition. Accordingly, this paper presents a novel object detection and identification method fusing the complementary information of two kind of sensors. We first utilize the 3D LIDAR data to generate accurate object-region proposals effectively. Then, these candidates are mapped into the image space where the regions of interest (ROI) of the proposals are selected and input to a convolutional neural network (CNN) for further object recognition. In order to identify all sizes of objects precisely, we combine the features of the last three layers of the CNN to extract multi-scale features of the ROIs. The evaluation results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that : (1) Unlike sliding windows that produce thousands of candidate object-region proposals, 3D LIDAR provides an average of 86 real candidates per frame and the minimal recall rate is higher than 95%, which greatly lowers the proposals extraction time; (2) The average processing time for each frame of the proposed method is only 66.79ms, which meets the real-time demand of autonomous vehicles; (3) The average identification accuracies of our method for car and pedestrian on the moderate level are 89.04% and 78.18% respectively, which outperform most previous methods

    Sensor Fusion for Object Detection and Tracking in Autonomous Vehicles

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    Autonomous driving vehicles depend on their perception system to understand the environment and identify all static and dynamic obstacles surrounding the vehicle. The perception system in an autonomous vehicle uses the sensory data obtained from different sensor modalities to understand the environment and perform a variety of tasks such as object detection and object tracking. Combining the outputs of different sensors to obtain a more reliable and robust outcome is called sensor fusion. This dissertation studies the problem of sensor fusion for object detection and object tracking in autonomous driving vehicles and explores different approaches for utilizing deep neural networks to accurately and efficiently fuse sensory data from different sensing modalities. In particular, this dissertation focuses on fusing radar and camera data for 2D and 3D object detection and object tracking tasks. First, the effectiveness of radar and camera fusion for 2D object detection is investigated by introducing a radar region proposal algorithm for generating object proposals in a two-stage object detection network. The evaluation results show significant improvement in speed and accuracy compared to a vision-based proposal generation method. Next, radar and camera fusion is used for the task of joint object detection and depth estimation where the radar data is used in conjunction with image features to generate object proposals, but also provides accurate depth estimation for the detected objects in the scene. A fusion algorithm is also proposed for 3D object detection where where the depth and velocity data obtained from the radar is fused with the camera images to detect objects in 3D and also accurately estimate their velocities without requiring any temporal information. Finally, radar and camera sensor fusion is used for 3D multi-object tracking by introducing an end-to-end trainable and online network capable of tracking objects in real-time

    Adaptive Methods for Point Cloud and Mesh Processing

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    Point clouds and 3D meshes are widely used in numerous applications ranging from games to virtual reality to autonomous vehicles. This dissertation proposes several approaches for noise removal and calibration of noisy point cloud data and 3D mesh sharpening methods. Order statistic filters have been proven to be very successful in image processing and other domains as well. Different variations of order statistics filters originally proposed for image processing are extended to point cloud filtering in this dissertation. A brand-new adaptive vector median is proposed in this dissertation for removing noise and outliers from noisy point cloud data. The major contributions of this research lie in four aspects: 1) Four order statistic algorithms are extended, and one adaptive filtering method is proposed for the noisy point cloud with improved results such as preserving significant features. These methods are applied to standard models as well as synthetic models, and real scenes, 2) A hardware acceleration of the proposed method using Microsoft parallel pattern library for filtering point clouds is implemented using multicore processors, 3) A new method for aerial LIDAR data filtering is proposed. The objective is to develop a method to enable automatic extraction of ground points from aerial LIDAR data with minimal human intervention, and 4) A novel method for mesh color sharpening using the discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator is proposed. Median and order statistics-based filters are widely used in signal processing and image processing because they can easily remove outlier noise and preserve important features. This dissertation demonstrates a wide range of results with median filter, vector median filter, fuzzy vector median filter, adaptive mean, adaptive median, and adaptive vector median filter on point cloud data. The experiments show that large-scale noise is removed while preserving important features of the point cloud with reasonable computation time. Quantitative criteria (e.g., complexity, Hausdorff distance, and the root mean squared error (RMSE)), as well as qualitative criteria (e.g., the perceived visual quality of the processed point cloud), are employed to assess the performance of the filters in various cases corrupted by different noisy models. The adaptive vector median is further optimized for denoising or ground filtering aerial LIDAR data point cloud. The adaptive vector median is also accelerated on multi-core CPUs using Microsoft Parallel Patterns Library. In addition, this dissertation presents a new method for mesh color sharpening using the discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator, which is an approximation of second order derivatives on irregular 3D meshes. The one-ring neighborhood is utilized to compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator. The color for each vertex is updated by adding the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the vertex color weighted by a factor to its original value. Different discretizations of the Laplace-Beltrami operator have been proposed for geometrical processing of 3D meshes. This work utilizes several discretizations of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for sharpening 3D mesh colors and compares their performance. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    Point-cloud based 3D object detection and classification methods for self-driving applications: A survey and taxonomy

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    Autonomous vehicles are becoming central for the future of mobility, supported by advances in deep learning techniques. The performance of aself-driving system is highly dependent on the quality of the perception task. Developments in sensor technologies have led to an increased availability of 3D scanners such as LiDAR, allowing for a more accurate representation of the vehicle's surroundings, leading to safer systems. The rapid development and consequent rise of research studies around self-driving systems since early 2010, resulted in a tremendous increase in the number and novelty of object detection methods. After the first wave of works that essentially tried to expand known techniques from object detection in images, more recently there has been a notable development in newer and more adapted to LiDAR data works. This paper addresses the existing literature on object detection using LiDAR data within the scope of self-driving and brings a systematic way for analysing it. Unlike general object detection surveys, we will focus on point-cloud data, which presents specific challenges, notably its high-dimensional and sparse nature. This work introduces a common object detection pipeline and taxonomy to facilitate a thorough comparison between different techniques and, departing from it, this work will critically examine the representation of data (critical for complexity reduction), feature extraction and finally the object detection models. A comparison between performance results of the different models is included, alongside with some future research challenges.This work is supported by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project n. 037902; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902]

    Object Detection and Classification by Decision-Level Fusion for Intelligent Vehicle Systems

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    To understand driving environments effectively, it is important to achieve accurate detection and classification of objects detected by sensor-based intelligent vehicle systems, which are significantly important tasks. Object detection is performed for the localization of objects, whereas object classification recognizes object classes from detected object regions. For accurate object detection and classification, fusing multiple sensor information into a key component of the representation and perception processes is necessary. In this paper, we propose a new object-detection and classification method using decision-level fusion. We fuse the classification outputs from independent unary classifiers, such as 3D point clouds and image data using a convolutional neural network (CNN). The unary classifiers for the two sensors are the CNN with five layers, which use more than two pre-trained convolutional layers to consider local to global features as data representation. To represent data using convolutional layers, we apply region of interest (ROI) pooling to the outputs of each layer on the object candidate regions generated using object proposal generation to realize color flattening and semantic grouping for charge-coupled device and Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensors. We evaluate our proposed method on a KITTI benchmark dataset to detect and classify three object classes: cars, pedestrians and cyclists. The evaluation results show that the proposed method achieves better performance than the previous methods. Our proposed method extracted approximately 500 proposals on a 1226 Ă— 370 image, whereas the original selective search method extracted approximately 10 6 Ă— n proposals. We obtained classification performance with 77.72% mean average precision over the entirety of the classes in the moderate detection level of the KITTI benchmark dataset