39 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Unlike the centralized network, the ad hoc network does not have any central administrations and energy is constrained, e.g. battery, so the resource allocation plays a very important role in efficiently managing the limited energy in ad hoc networks. This thesis focuses on the resource allocation in ad hoc networks and aims to develop novel techniques that will improve the network performance from different network layers, such as the physical layer, Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and network layer. This thesis examines the energy utilization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) systems at the physical layer. Two resource allocation techniques, known as channel adaptive HSDPA and two-group HSDPA, are developed to improve the performance of an ad hoc radio system through reducing the residual energy, which in turn, should improve the data rate in HSDPA systems. The channel adaptive HSDPA removes the constraint on the number of channels used for transmissions. The two-group allocation minimizes the residual energy in HSDPA systems and therefore enhances the physical data rates in transmissions due to adaptive modulations. These proposed approaches provide better data rate than rates achieved with the current HSDPA type of algorithm. By considering both physical transmission power and data rates for defining the cost function of the routing scheme, an energy-aware routing scheme is proposed in order to find the routing path with the least energy consumption. By focusing on the routing paths with low energy consumption, computational complexity is significantly reduced. The data rate enhancement achieved by two-group resource allocation further reduces the required amount of energy per bit for each path. With a novel load balancing technique, the information bits can be allocated to each path in such that a way the overall amount of energy consumed is minimized. After loading bits to multiple routing paths, an end-to-end delay minimization solution along a routing path is developed through studying MAC distributed coordination function (DCF) service time. Furthermore, the overhead effect and the related throughput reduction are studied. In order to enhance the network throughput at the MAC layer, two MAC DCF-based adaptive payload allocation approaches are developed through introducing Lagrange optimization and studying equal data transmission period

    Binary De Bruijn sequences for DS-CDMA systems: analysis and results

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    Abstract Code division multiple access (CDMA) using direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum modulation provides multiple access capability essentially thanks to the adoption of proper sequences as spreading codes. The ability of a DS-CDMA receiver to detect the desired signal relies to a great extent on the auto-correlation properties of the spreading code associated to each user; on the other hand, multi-user interference rejection depends on the cross-correlation properties of all the spreading codes in the considered set. As a consequence, the analysis of new families of spreading codes to be adopted in DS-CDMA is of great interest. This article provides results about the evaluation of specific full-length binary sequences, the De Bruijn ones, when applied as spreading codes in DS-CDMA schemes, and compares their performance to other families of spreading codes commonly used, such as m-sequences, Gold, OVSF, and Kasami sequences. While the latter sets of sequences have been specifically designed for application in multi-user communication contexts, De Bruijn sequences come from combinatorial mathematics, and have been applied in completely different scenarios. Considering the similarity of De Bruijn sequences to random sequences, we investigate the performance resulting by applying them as spreading codes. The results herein presented suggest that binary De Bruijn sequences, when properly selected, may compete with more consolidated options, and encourage further investigation activities, specifically focused on the generation of longer sequences, and the definition of correlation-based selection criteria

    Improved NOVSF-TM based Addressing and Energy Efficient Routing in ETR Protocol

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    A small WSN is a collection of micro-sensors. Sensors send or receive data to a sink node, which collect and processes it. The Tree-Routing (TR) protocol was initially designed for such network. TR uses strict parent-child links for data forwarding. Hence, it saves bandwidth and energy by preventing network from flooding path search messages. For a large network TR shows large hop-count and more energy consumption. The Enhanced-Tree-Routing (ETR) protocol implemented over TR has structured node address assignment scheme. It considers other one-hop neighbor links, along with parent-child links, for packet forwarding if, it is found to be the shortest path to sink. Such decision in ETR involves minimum computation energy. Instead ETR, the emerging demand for data intensive and energy2013;efficient applications, needs new or improved routing protocols. In this paper we have proposed Non-Blocking-Orthogonal-Vector Spreading- Factor-Time-Multiplexing (NOVSF-TM) technique for sensor node addressing and Mobile Sinks placement so as to improve ETR protocol. The addressing scheme of NOVSF TM is shorter than ETR. Mobile Sinks positioning, at feasible sites, helps reducing excessive hop-count. This eliminate excessive multi-hoping and save energy. Simulation result shows that NOVSFTM technique is more energy-efficient than ETR protocol

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Hybrid Overlay/Underlay Cognitive Radio Network with MC-CDMA

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    Efficient scheduling algorithms for quality-of-service guarantees in the Internet

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-172).The unifying theme of this thesis is the design of packet schedulers to provide quality-of- service (QoS) guarantees for various networking problem settings. There is a dual emphasis on both theoretical justification and simulation evaluation. We have worked on several widely different problem settings - optical networks, input-queued crossbar switches, and CDMA wireless networks - and we found that the same set of scheduling techniques can be applied successfully in all these cases to provide per-flow bandwidth, delay and max-min fairness guarantees. We formulated the abstract scheduling problems as a sum of two aspects. First, the particular problem setting imposes constraints which dictate what kinds of transmission patterns are allowed by the physical hardware resources, i.e., what are the feasible solutions. Second, the users require some form of QoS guarantees, which translate into optimality criteria judging the feasible solutions. The abstract problem is how to design an algorithm that finds an optimal (or near-optimal) solution among the feasible ones. Our schedulers are based on a credit scheme. Specifically, flows receive credits at their guaranteed rate, and the arrival stream is compared to the credit stream acting as a reference. From this comparison, we derive various parameters such as the amount of unspent credits of a flow and the waiting time of a packet since its corresponding credit arrived. We then design algorithms which prioritize flows based on these parameters. We demonstrate, both by rigorous theoretical proofs and by simulations, that these parameters can be bounded. By bounding these parameters, our schedulers provide various per-flow QoS guarantees on average rate, packet delay, queue length and fairness.by Anthony Chi-Kong Kam.Ph.D

    Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas

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    Los sistemas MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) multi-usuario multi-celda coordinados se definen como una configuración avanzada y cooperativa de sistema MIMO. En estos sistemas, varias estaciones base cooperan perfectamente en datos a través de un enlace de alta capacidad, y transmiten de forma coordinada a todos los usuarios de una determinada área. Además, cada estación base del sistema está sujeta a una restricción en la potencia total que puede transmitir. El objetivo general de la Tesis es estudiar algoritmos que combinan control de potencia y beamforming óptimo para resolver el problema de minimización de potencia en el enlace downlink de un sistema W-CDMA MIMO multi-usuario multi-celda coordinado. Al mismo tiempo, se propone un modelo de sistema matricial y lineal que caracteriza completamente los procesos que tienen lugar en transmisión y en recepción en este tipo de sistemas. Paralelamente, a lo largo de la Tesis se contemplan soluciones a problemas de tipo práctico, como por ejemplo, limitaciones en el tipo de información que se dispone en transmisión.Botella Mascarell, C. (2008). Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2421Palanci