4,739 research outputs found

    Designing novel abstraction networks for ontology summarization and quality assurance

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    Biomedical ontologies are complex knowledge representation systems. Biomedical ontologies support interdisciplinary research, interoperability of medical systems, and Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) encoding. Ontologies represent knowledge using concepts (entities) linked by relationships. Ontologies may contain hundreds of thousands of concepts and millions of relationships. For users, the size and complexity of ontologies make it difficult to comprehend “the big picture” of an ontology\u27s content. For ontology editors, size and complexity make it difficult to uncover errors and inconsistencies. Errors in an ontology will ultimately affect applications that utilize the ontology. In prior studies abstraction networks (AbNs) were developed to provide a compact summary of an ontology\u27s content and structure. AbNs have been shown to successfully support ontology summarization and quality assurance (QA), e.g., for SNOMED CT and NCIt. Despite the success of these previous studies, several major, unaddressed issues affect the applicability and usability of AbNs. This thesis is broken into five major parts, each addressing one issue. The first part of this dissertation addresses the scalability of AbN-based QA techniques to large SNOMED CT hierarchies. Previous studies focused on relatively small hierarchies. The QA techniques developed for these small hierarchies do not scale to large hierarchies, e.g., Procedure and Clinical finding. A new type of AbN, called a subtaxonomy, is introduced to address this problem. Subtaxonomies summarize a subset of an ontology\u27s content. Several types of subtaxonomies and subtaxonomy-based QA studies are discussed. The second part of this dissertation addresses the need for summarization and QA methods for the twelve SNOMED CT hierarchies with no lateral relationships. Previously developed SNOMED CT AbN derivation methodologies, which require lateral relationships, cannot be applied to these hierarchies. The Tribal Abstraction Network (TAN) is a new type of AbN derived using only hierarchical relationships. A TAN-based QA methodology is introduced and the results of a QA review of the Observable entity hierarchy are reported. The third part focuses on the development of generic AbN derivation methods that are applicable to groups of structurally similar ontologies, e.g., those developed in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) format. Previously, AbN derivation techniques were applicable to only a single ontology at a time. AbNs that are applicable to many OWL ontologies are introduced, a preliminary study on OWL AbN granularity is reported on, and the results of several QA studies are presented. The fourth part describes Diff Abstraction Networks, which summarize and visualize the structural differences between two ontology releases. Diff Area Taxonomy and Diff Partial-area Taxonomy derivation methodologies are introduced and Diff Partial-area taxonomies are derived for three OWL ontologies. The Diff Abstraction Network approach is compared to the traditional ontology diff approach. Lastly, tools for deriving and visualizing AbNs are described. The Biomedical Layout Utility Framework is introduced to support the automatic creation, visualization, and exploration of abstraction networks for SNOMED CT and OWL ontologies

    Economic Interests and Social Problems in Realization of Broadband Network

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    Investments in broadband access are very useful for local community, especially for the underdeveloped and developing countries. The emphasis is on importance of broadband infrastructure and the use of Internet in the world, the EU and the Republic of Croatia as one of its member state. Implementation analysis of the “Slavonian Network” project in Slavonia, (Croatia region) for the period 2012 to 2017, points to a number of problems that were recorded in development of the broadband and to technical, economic, legal, and social issues as well. The density of broadband connections and users in Croatia is significantly lower than the average of the EU, and in five counties in the Slavonia region, this average is in turn lower than in Croatia. This state of affairs prevents social and economic development, effective functioning of the public administration, and inclusion of the region in modern communication within the country and within EU. The construction of broadband infrastructure is a significant economic and technical activity for all countries, especially for the countries lagging behind in economic and technological development. This paper points to the model of regional approach to building broadband infrastructure that can be a good model for all developing countries

    A study to define an in-flight dynamics measurement and data applications program for space shuttle payloads

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    Data measurement and interpretation techniques were defined for application to the first few space shuttle flights, so that the dynamic environment could be sufficiently well established to be used to reduce the cost of future payloads through more efficient design and environmental test techniques. It was concluded that: (1) initial payloads must be given comprehensive instrumentation coverage to obtain detailed definition of acoustics, vibration, and interface loads, (2) analytical models of selected initial payloads must be developed and verified by modal surveys and flight measurements, (3) acoustic tests should be performed on initial payloads to establish realistic test criteria for components and experiments in order to minimize unrealistic failures and retest requirements, (4) permanent data banks should be set up to establish statistical confidence in the data to be used, (5) a more unified design/test specification philosophy is needed, (6) additional work is needed to establish a practical testing technique for simulation of vehicle transients

    Creating social innovation in urban development through collaborative processes

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    Uncertainty is a major factor in urban development as a consequence of a changing society. Major theoretical approaches to urban development, such as place-based leadership or coproduction, emphasize the importance of the public sector. This study aims to enhance the understanding of urban development processes as a collaborative and participatory concept through social innovation. We apply the concept of socially creative milieus to analyze the emergence of social innovation under the constraint of uncertainty. The criteria 'agents of innovation', 'adopters', 'diffusion channels', 'constraints', 'inertia', and 'impacts' are analyzed using a holistic case study in the field of urban development. Our results show that the presence of high social capital supersedes the coercive power of the public sector. By applying the creative milieus approach, environments like the density of networks and contacts in the governance of urban places make innovative development possible

    Composite load spectra for select space propulsion structural components

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    The objective of this program is to develop generic load models with multiple levels of progressive sophistication to simulate the composite load spectra that are induced in space propulsion system components, representative of Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME), such as transfer ducts, turbine blades, and liquid oxygen (LOX) posts and system ducting. These models will be developed using two independent approaches. The first approach consists of using state-of-the-art probabilistic methods to describe the individual loading conditions and combinations of these loading conditions to synthesize the composite load spectra simulation. The methodology required to combine the various individual load simulation models (hot-gas dynamic, vibrations, instantaneous position, centrifugal field, etc.) into composite load spectra simulation models will be developed under this program. A computer code incorporating the various individual and composite load spectra models will be developed to construct the specific load model desired. The second approach, which is covered under the options portion of the contract, will consist of developing coupled models for composite load spectra simulation which combine the (deterministic) models for composite load dynamic, acoustic, high-pressure and high rotational speed, etc., load simulation using statistically varying coefficients. These coefficients will then be determined using advanced probabilistic simulation methods with and without strategically selected experimental data. This report covers the efforts of the third year of the contract. The overall program status is that the turbine blade loads have been completed and implemented. The transfer duct loads are defined and are being implemented. The thermal loads for all components are defined and coding is being developed. A dynamic pressure load model is under development. The parallel work on the probabilistic methodology is essentially completed. The overall effort is being integrated in an expert system code specifically developed for this project

    (Re)membering England: a disclosure analysis of the governance of diversity

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of LutonStudies on the representation of 'local' populations, in and through tourism, have tended to focus on 'traditional' peoples in 'developing' countries. In this study of the representation of ethno-cultural diversity in the discourse of Official Tourism Organisations (OTOs), by contrast, I focus on a 'developed' West European country: England. This study was carried out in order critically to inspect the representation/signification of 'minority' ethnic populations in the text and talk of OTOs in England within the period 2000-2003. The study is framed within an anti foundational dialogue of social constructionism. In analysing OTO discursive practices I use Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to explore the representation of ethno-cultural diversity in a number of 'interview', 'operational' and 'promotional' texts. The CDA framework employed is designed to reveal patterns of discourse in the text as well as to provide a basis for understanding the micro context (for 'operational' and 'promotional' texts) of text production and distribution. Also, the framework facilitates a consideration of the macro institutional context within which OTOs in England operate. From the analysis of OTO texts carried out in this study I propose a number of interpretative findings, including 'discourses' of denial, equality and otherness. Overall, the 'interpretative findings' suggest that OTO texts are produced and circulated within a discourse of silence on matters of ethno-cultural diversity in England. I conclude this study by suggesting a number of transforrnative actions for the development by OTOs in England of an ethical 'politics of articulation'. In addition I identify a number of problematic arenas within which tourism studies scholars might pursue future research agendas and to that end I propose some potentially useful points of entry into the broader social science literature

    E-portfolio in education. Practices and reflections

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    The main activities of the digiFolio Project include: Building a common knowledge base supported by research work on the theory of portfolio usage; Paper and online publication of the results of the research work; Establishment of the pedagogical model for the training course; Analysis of the existing technological infrastructures for digital portfolio usage; Adjustment of the best tools and training course setup; Piloting and evidencing of the training course; Monitoring of the trainees' work by using a specific online teachers' support structure; International seminar. Website: http://digifolioseminar.org/?The present publication addresses the use of digital portfolios in educational context and it is one of the latest dissemination activities of the Digifolio project – Digital Portfolio as a strategy for teachers’ professional development, a COMENIUS 2.1 project which was carried out between 2005 and 2008. It involved several universities and teacher training institutions from five different European countries. The project, which main focus was the reflection on the potentialities of portfolios and digital technologies in the perspective of teachers’ professional development, came to its end with an international seminar which aimed at disseminating the work produced in the frame of a previous teachers training course, as well as allowing and welcoming the contribution of other education professionals with their practices and reflections on the above-mentioned thematic.Europeen Comissio

    Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace vehicle Design (IPAD). Volume 1B: Concise review

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    Reports on the design process, support of the design process, IPAD System design catalog of IPAD technical program elements, IPAD System development and operation, and IPAD benefits and impact are concisely reviewed. The approach used to define the design is described. Major activities performed during the product development cycle are identified. The computer system requirements necessary to support the design process are given as computational requirements of the host system, technical program elements and system features. The IPAD computer system design is presented as concepts, a functional description and an organizational diagram of its major components. The cost and schedules and a three phase plan for IPAD implementation are presented. The benefits and impact of IPAD technology are discussed