3,090 research outputs found

    OS-Based Sensor Node Platform and Energy Estimation Model for Health-Care Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Accurate power and performance figures are critical to assess the effective design of possible sensor node architectures in Body Area Networks (BANs) since they operate on limited energy storage. Therefore, accurate power models and simulation tools that can model real-life working conditions need to be developed and validated with real platforms. In this paper we propose a sensor node platform designed for health-care applications and a validated simulation model based on event-driven operating system simula- tion that can be used to accurately analyze performance and power consumption in BANs composed of multiple nodes. Thus, this model can be employed to tune the node architecture and communication layer for different working conditions, applications and topologies of BANs. In this paper we validate the proposed simulation model on different real life applications and working conditions. Our results show variations of less than 4% between the presented simulation framework and measurements in the final platforms

    Context-awareness for mobile sensing: a survey and future directions

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    The evolution of smartphones together with increasing computational power have empowered developers to create innovative context-aware applications for recognizing user related social and cognitive activities in any situation and at any location. The existence and awareness of the context provides the capability of being conscious of physical environments or situations around mobile device users. This allows network services to respond proactively and intelligently based on such awareness. The key idea behind context-aware applications is to encourage users to collect, analyze and share local sensory knowledge in the purpose for a large scale community use by creating a smart network. The desired network is capable of making autonomous logical decisions to actuate environmental objects, and also assist individuals. However, many open challenges remain, which are mostly arisen due to the middleware services provided in mobile devices have limited resources in terms of power, memory and bandwidth. Thus, it becomes critically important to study how the drawbacks can be elaborated and resolved, and at the same time better understand the opportunities for the research community to contribute to the context-awareness. To this end, this paper surveys the literature over the period of 1991-2014 from the emerging concepts to applications of context-awareness in mobile platforms by providing up-to-date research and future research directions. Moreover, it points out the challenges faced in this regard and enlighten them by proposing possible solutions

    Supporting Cyber-Physical Systems with Wireless Sensor Networks: An Outlook of Software and Services

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    Sensing, communication, computation and control technologies are the essential building blocks of a cyber-physical system (CPS). Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a way to support CPS as they provide fine-grained spatial-temporal sensing, communication and computation at a low premium of cost and power. In this article, we explore the fundamental concepts guiding the design and implementation of WSNs. We report the latest developments in WSN software and services for meeting existing requirements and newer demands; particularly in the areas of: operating system, simulator and emulator, programming abstraction, virtualization, IP-based communication and security, time and location, and network monitoring and management. We also reflect on the ongoing efforts in providing dependable assurances for WSN-driven CPS. Finally, we report on its applicability with a case-study on smart buildings

    On Application of Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare Monitoring

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    With the recent advances in embedded systems and very low power ,wireless tech­ nologies, there has been a great interest in the development and application of a new class of distributed Wireless body area network for health monitoring. The first part of the thesis presents a remote patient monitoring system within the scope of Body Area Network standardization. In this regime, wireless sensor networks are used to continuously acquire the patient’s Electrocardiogram signs and transmit data to the base station via IEEE.802.15. The personal Server (PS) which is responsible to provide real-time displaying, storing, and analyzing the patient’s vital signs is developed in MATLAB. It also transfers ECG streams in real-time to a remote client such as a physician or medical center through internet. The PS has the potential to be integrated with home or hospital computer systems. A prototype of this system has been developed and implemented. Tlie developed system takes advantage of two important features for healthcare monitoring: (i) ECG data acqui­ sition using wearable sensors and (ii) real-time data remote through internet. The fact that our system is interacting with sensor network nodes using MATLAB makes it distinct from other previous works. The second part is devoted to the study of indoor body-area channel model for 2.4 GHz narrowband communications. To un­ derstand the narrowband radio propagation near the body, several measurements are carried out in two separate environments for different on body locations. On the basis of these measurements, we have characterized the fading statistics on body links and we have provided a physical interpretation of our results

    Over-the-air software updates in the internet of things : an overview of key principles

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    Due to the fast pace at which IoT is evolving, there is an increasing need to support over-theair software updates for security updates, bug fixes, and software extensions. To this end, multiple over-the-air techniques have been proposed, each covering a specific aspect of the update process, such as (partial) code updates, data dissemination, and security. However, each technique introduces overhead, especially in terms of energy consumption, thereby impacting the operational lifetime of the battery constrained devices. Until now, a comprehensive overview describing the different update steps and quantifying the impact of each step is missing in the scientific literature, making it hard to assess the overall feasibility of an over-the-air update. To remedy this, our article analyzes which parts of an IoT operating system are most updated after device deployment, proposes a step-by-step approach to integrate software updates in IoT solutions, and quantifies the energy cost of each of the involved steps. The results show that besides the obvious dissemination cost, other phases such as security also introduce a significant overhead. For instance, a typical firmware update requires 135.026 mJ, of which the main portions are data dissemination (63.11 percent) and encryption (5.29 percent). However, when modular updates are used instead, the energy cost (e.g., for a MAC update) is reduced to 26.743 mJ (48.69 percent for data dissemination and 26.47 percent for encryption)

    Design techniques for smart and energy-efficient wireless body sensor networks

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 26/10/2012Las redes inalámbricas de sensores corporales (en inglés: "wireless body sensor networks" o WBSNs) para monitorización, diagnóstico y detección de emergencias, están ganando popularidad y están llamadas a cambiar profundamente la asistencia sanitaria en los próximos años. El uso de estas redes permite una supervisión continua, contribuyendo a la prevención y el diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades, al tiempo que mejora la autonomía del paciente con respecto a otros sistemas de monitorización actuales. Valiéndose de esta tecnología, esta tesis propone el desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización de electrocardiograma (ECG), que no sólo muestre continuamente el ECG del paciente, sino que además lo analice en tiempo real y sea capaz de dar información sobre el estado del corazón a través de un dispositivo móvil. Esta información también puede ser enviada al personal médico en tiempo real. Si ocurre un evento peligroso, el sistema lo detectará automáticamente e informará de inmediato al paciente y al personal médico, posibilitando una rápida reacción en caso de emergencia. Para conseguir la implementación de dicho sistema, se desarrollan y optimizan distintos algoritmos de procesamiento de ECG en tiempo real, que incluyen filtrado, detección de puntos característicos y clasificación de arritmias. Esta tesis también aborda la mejora de la eficiencia energética de la red de sensores, cumpliendo con los requisitos de fidelidad y rendimiento de la aplicación. Para ello se proponen técnicas de diseño para reducir el consumo de energía, que permitan buscar un compromiso óptimo entre el tamaño de la batería y su tiempo de vida. Si el consumo de energía puede reducirse lo suficiente, sería posible desarrollar una red que funcione permanentemente. Por lo tanto, el muestreo, procesamiento, almacenamiento y transmisión inalámbrica tienen que hacerse de manera que se suministren todos los datos relevantes, pero con el menor consumo posible de energía, minimizando así el tamaño de la batería (que condiciona el tamaño total del nodo) y la frecuencia de recarga de la batería (otro factor clave para su usabilidad). Por lo tanto, para lograr una mejora en la eficiencia energética del sistema de monitorización y análisis de ECG propuesto en esta tesis, se estudian varias soluciones a nivel de control de acceso al medio y sistema operativo.Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Information Accountability Framework for a Trusted Health Care System

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    Trusted health care outcomes are patient centric. Requirements to ensure both the quality and sharing of patients’ health records are a key for better clinical decision making. In the context of maintaining quality health, the sharing of data and information between professionals and patients is paramount. This information sharing is a challenge and costly if patients’ trust and institutional accountability are not established. Establishment of an Information Accountability Framework (IAF) is one of the approaches in this paper. The concept behind the IAF requirements are: transparent responsibilities, relevance of the information being used, and the establishment and evidence of accountability that all lead to the desired outcome of a Trusted Health Care System. Upon completion of this IAF framework the trust component between the public and professionals will be constructed. Preservation of the confidentiality and integrity of patients’ information will lead to trusted health care outcomes