2,561 research outputs found


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    World Vision Indonesia memiliki beberapa program pelatihan dengan total biaya yang sangat besar untuk 936 karyawan yang tersebar di berbagai pelosok Indonesia, sehingga pelatihan secara manual dinilai kurang efektif. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang aplikasi learning management system yang mendukung proses pelatihan dalam organisasi, serta menentukan kebutuhan materi pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis stategi berdasarkan matriks EFE, IFE, SWOT, IE, dan QSPM, serta analisis dan perancangan materi dengan ADDIE model. Sedangkan perancangan menggunakan metode perancangan terstruktur atau OOAD. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi learning management system yang mendukung proses pelatihan dalam organisasi, menyediakan materi pelatihan yang dapat diakses oleh seluruh karyawan setiap saat, serta menyediakan berbagai fitur yang menjadikan kegiatan pelatihan lebih efektif. Penerapan learning management system mendukung strategi perusahaan terutama untuk meningkatkan kualitas karyawan dan mengurangi hambatan komunikasi antara trainer dan trainee baik di dalam maupun di luar waktu pelatihan

    Teaching Object-Oriented Modelling using Concept Maps

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    As one of the most important tasks in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is the abstraction of the problem domain into specific concepts or objects, information technology (IT) students need appropriate skills of abstraction in order to identify the essential concepts and relationships within a problem domain. However students in higher education generally find difficulty performing abstractions of real-world problems within the context of OOAD. Concept mapping is a popular tool used in education for facilitating learning, comprehension and the development of knowledge structures. We have successfully adopted concept maps as stepping-stones to assist students in constructing class and sequence diagrams. In this paper, we present a framework for teaching object-oriented (OO) modelling using concept maps. This framework – comprising four teaching modules – could be integrated into existing OOAD courses at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, and OOAD workshops to help software engineering educators resolve some of the difficulties they face in trying to teach OOAD. We also report results of an evaluative study on the effectiveness of integrating concept mapping techniques into an introductory OOAD course

    Complexity Metrics for Systems Development Methods and Techniques

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    So many systems development methods have been introduced in the last decade that one can talk about a Âżmethodology jungleÂż. To aid the method developers and evaluators in fighting their way through this jungle, we propose a systematic approach for measuring properties of methods. We describe two sets of metrics which measure the complexity of single diagram techniques, and of complete systems development methods. The proposed metrics provide a relatively fast and simple way to analyse the descriptive capabilities of a technique or method. When accompanied with other selection criteria, the metrics can be used for estimating the relative complexity of a technique compared to others. To demonstrate the applicability of the metrics, we have applied them to 36 techniques and 11 methods

    An Examination of Empirical Research in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

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    Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Constructionist Approach To Object-Oriented Systems Analysis And Design Pedagogy

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    A major limitation in traditional classes in systems analysis and design is that students often are unable to "experience" the process in a real world setting. This limitation can be overcome by using the constructionist approach in a local environment that includes the students working in teams to develop a system design based on a real organization. This allows them to be involved in the process to "do" or "construct" knowledge as they work on the system design. This paper describes a case scenario that was developed based on the constructionist approach, to teach students object-oriented systems analysis and design (OOAD) using the Unified Process. A proof of concept evaluation was conducted and the results indicate that this approach is effective in OOAD pedagogy

    Implementation Of Mobile-Based OOAD Interactive Learning Media

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    The lack of interest in student learning is due to the learning media used are less attractive and effective to understand the material. This study aims to implement mobile-based interactive learning media regarding OOAD material. The media feasibility test uses a blackbox testing scenario and the analysis uses the Gutman scale technique. From the test results, it was found that the percentage of blackbox testing was 100% and the functional requirements test by the resource persons obtained a percentage of 100%. Based on the results of these studies, it can be explained that this learning media is very good and has been feasible to be implemented

    Special Theme of Research in Information Systems Analysis and Design -III Teaching Systems Analysis and Design: A Case for the Object Oriented Approach

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    Object oriented technologies are widely accepted in software development. A survey of universities run in 2005 found that most schools recognize the need to teach OO languages. However, they continue to teach structured analysis and design. In this article we argue that this approach is a fundamental conceptual mismatch. Further, we contend that a pure OO curriculum involving OO languages and OO analysis and design is advisable in our efforts to equip our students with the knowledge to be successful as software developers. We offer ways to transition to a curriculum that emphasizes the OO philosophy of development

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Barang Toserba Menggunakan Metode OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis Design) Berbasis Mobile Platform Pada CV FCH Kema Pole Indonesia

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    Pemakai smartphone menjadi hal umum bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dengan persentase penggunaan mencapai 66.36% dari total keseluruhan masyarakat Indonesia berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika. Dengan terjadinya COVID-19 banyak usaha yang mengalami penurunan sejak saat diberlakukan social distancing khususnya UMKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah). CV FCH Kema Pole merupakan UMKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) yang berlokasi di Surabaya dengan menjalankan usaha penjualan TOSERBA (Toko Serba Ada).  Mempertimbangkan pemakaian smartphone yang cukup besar di Indonesia menjadi kesempatan untuk menggunakan smartphone sebagai dasar transaksi sehingga memudahkan konsumen untuk memesan barang atau produk tanpa harus ke toko. Berhubung untuk pengembangan membutuhkan waktu dalam pembuatan aplikasi yang dapat berjalan di smartphone. sedangkan CV FCH Kema Pole membutuhkan solusi cepat untuk meningkatkan pemasukannya. Maka diperlukan perencanaan yang matang dimana pengerjaan dapat berjalan secara efektif agar CV FCH Kema Pole dapat segera menjalankan transaksi penjualan melalui smartphone. Penulis memiliki dua solusi untuk mempercepat realisasi tersebut. Pertama menerapkan teknologi  mengadopsi teknologi yang dapat mensupport multi-platform mengingat smartphone memiliki beberapa jenis operating system seperti Android dan IOS. Pengembagan menggunakan Flutter dapat menjadi alternatif untuk permasalah tersebut. Pasalnya, aplikasi yang dibuat dengan Flutter dapat berjalan secara multi-platform. Kedua menerapkan metode OOAD (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design) sebagai dasar arsitektur aplikasi.  Dengan OOAD dapat mengatur arsitektur sistem agar dapat dikembangkan ke dalam OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) sehingga memudah programmer dalam mengimplementasikan sesuai dengan arsitektur rancangan sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu dalam pengerjaan serta meningkatkan produktivitas programmer

    Injecting security into information systems development

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    This paper will attempt to reconcile the apparent developmental duality (Baskerville, 1992) be­tween Information Systems (IS) development and IS security development IS Development and IS Security Development each have a substantial foundation of literature on their respective approaches and methodologies. Livari, Hirschheim and Klein (2001) provide a dynamic framework for classifying IS development approaches and methodologies. Besides providing a method for classification, this framework demonstrates the rich history behind IS Development. Baskerville (1993) likewise provides a valuable literature history for IS security development. We believe part of the cause of the security problems that continue to plague organizations (Dhillon, 2001) is ad hoc security implementation (Baskerville, 1993). This "security after the fact" can lead to an incompatibility between the system and the security of the system. Our argument is that a theoretically grounded and methodological approach is lacking for integrating security with Information Systems Development
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