38 research outputs found

    OMA Browser—Exploring orthologous relations across 352 complete genomes

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    Motivation: Inference of the evolutionary relation between proteins, in particular the identification of orthologs, is a central problem in comparative genomics. Several large-scale efforts with various methodologies and scope tackle this problem, including OMA (the Orthologous MAtrix project). Results: Based on the results of the OMA project, we introduce here the OMA Browser, a web-based tool allowing the exploration of orthologous relations over 352 complete genomes. Orthologs can be viewed as groups across species, but also at the level of sequence pairs, allowing the distinction among one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many orthologs. Availability: http://omabrowser.org Contact: [email protected]

    The chicken gene nomenclature committee report

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    Comparative genomics is an essential component of the post-genomic era. The chicken genome is the first avian genome to be sequenced and it will serve as a model for other avian species. Moreover, due to its unique evolutionary niche, the chicken genome can be used to understand evolution of functional elements and gene regulation in mammalian species. However comparative biology both within avian species and within amniotes is hampered due to the difficulty of recognising functional orthologs. This problem is compounded as different databases and sequence repositories proliferate and the names they assign to functional elements proliferate along with them. Currently, genes can be published under more than one name and one name sometimes refers to unrelated genes. Standardized gene nomenclature is necessary to facilitate communication between scientists and genomic resources. Moreover, it is important that this nomenclature be based on existing nomenclature efforts where possible to truly facilitate studies between different species. We report here the formation of the Chicken Gene Nomenclature Committee (CGNC), an international and centralized effort to provide standardized nomenclature for chicken genes. The CGNC works in conjunction with public resources such as NCBI and Ensembl and in consultation with existing nomenclature committees for human and mouse. The CGNC will develop standardized nomenclature in consultation with the research community and relies on the support of the research community to ensure that the nomenclature facilitates comparative and genomic studies

    IsoBase: a database of functionally related proteins across PPI networks

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    We describe IsoBase, a database identifying functionally related proteins, across five major eukaryotic model organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Mus musculus and Homo Sapiens. Nearly all existing algorithms for orthology detection are based on sequence comparison. Although these have been successful in orthology prediction to some extent, we seek to go beyond these methods by the integration of sequence data and protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks to help in identifying true functionally related proteins. With that motivation, we introduce IsoBase, the first publicly available ortholog database that focuses on functionally related proteins. The groupings were computed using the IsoRankN algorithm that uses spectral methods to combine sequence and PPI data and produce clusters of functionally related proteins. These clusters compare favorably with those from existing approaches: proteins within an IsoBase cluster are more likely to share similar Gene Ontology (GO) annotation. A total of 48 120 proteins were clustered into 12 693 functionally related groups. The IsoBase database may be browsed for functionally related proteins across two or more species and may also be queried by accession numbers, species-specific identifiers, gene name or keyword. The database is freely available for download at http://isobase.csail.mit.edu/.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant Number 1R01GM081871)Fannie and John Hertz FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF MSPRF)National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC99-2218-E-007-010)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (1R01GM081871

    OMA 2011: orthology inference among 1000 complete genomes

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    OMA (Orthologous MAtrix) is a database that identifies orthologs among publicly available, complete genomes. Initiated in 2004, the project is at its 11th release. It now includes 1000 genomes, making it one of the largest resources of its kind. Here, we describe recent developments in terms of species covered; the algorithmic pipeline—in particular regarding the treatment of alternative splicing, and new features of the web (OMA Browser) and programming interface (SOAP API). In the second part, we review the various representations provided by OMA and their typical applications. The database is publicly accessible at http://omabrowser.org

    GermOnline 4.0 is a genomics gateway for germline development, meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle

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    GermOnline 4.0 is a cross-species database portal focusing on high-throughput expression data relevant for germline development, the meiotic cell cycle and mitosis in healthy versus malignant cells. It is thus a source of information for life scientists as well as clinicians who are interested in gene expression and regulatory networks. The GermOnline gateway provides unlimited access to information produced with high-density oligonucleotide microarrays (3′-UTR GeneChips), genome-wide protein–DNA binding assays and protein–protein interaction studies in the context of Ensembl genome annotation. Samples used to produce high-throughput expression data and to carry out genome-wide in vivo DNA binding assays are annotated via the MIAME-compliant Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System (MIMAS 3.0). Furthermore, the Saccharomyces Genomics Viewer (SGV) was developed and integrated into the gateway. SGV is a visualization tool that outputs genome annotation and DNA-strand specific expression data produced with high-density oligonucleotide tiling microarrays (Sc_tlg GeneChips) which cover the complete budding yeast genome on both DNA strands. It facilitates the interpretation of expression levels and transcript structures determined for various cell types cultured under different growth and differentiation conditions

    Proteinortho: Detection of (Co-)orthologs in large-scale analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthology analysis is an important part of data analysis in many areas of bioinformatics such as comparative genomics and molecular phylogenetics. The ever-increasing flood of sequence data, and hence the rapidly increasing number of genomes that can be compared simultaneously, calls for efficient software tools as brute-force approaches with quadratic memory requirements become infeasible in practise. The rapid pace at which new data become available, furthermore, makes it desirable to compute genome-wide orthology relations for a given dataset rather than relying on relations listed in databases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The program <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> described here is a stand-alone tool that is geared towards large datasets and makes use of distributed computing techniques when run on multi-core hardware. It implements an extended version of the reciprocal best alignment heuristic. We apply <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> to compute orthologous proteins in the complete set of all 717 eubacterial genomes available at NCBI at the beginning of 2009. We identified thirty proteins present in 99% of all bacterial proteomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> significantly reduces the required amount of memory for orthology analysis compared to existing tools, allowing such computations to be performed on off-the-shelf hardware.</p

    Markov Models of Amino Acid Substitution to Study Proteins with Intrinsically Disordered Regions

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or proteins with disordered regions (IDRs) do not have a well-defined tertiary structure, but perform a multitude of functions, often relying on their native disorder to achieve the binding flexibility through changing to alternative conformations. Intrinsic disorder is frequently found in all three kingdoms of life, and may occur in short stretches or span whole proteins. To date most studies contrasting the differences between ordered and disordered proteins focused on simple summary statistics. Here, we propose an evolutionary approach to study IDPs, and contrast patterns specific to ordered protein regions and the corresponding IDRs.Two empirical Markov models of amino acid substitutions were estimated, based on a large set of multiple sequence alignments with experimentally verified annotations of disordered regions from the DisProt database of IDPs. We applied new methods to detect differences in Markovian evolution and evolutionary rates between IDRs and the corresponding ordered protein regions. Further, we investigated the distribution of IDPs among functional categories, biochemical pathways and their preponderance to contain tandem repeats. disorder prediction using a phylogenetic Hidden Markov Model based on our matrices showed a performance similar to other disorder predictors