572 research outputs found

    Crystallization of the oligopeptide-binding protein AppA from Bacillus subtilis

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    AppA is the membrane-anchored extracellular receptor component of an ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of oligopeptides into Bacillus subtilis. AppA has been overexpressed as a cleavable maltose-binding protein fusion in Escherichia coli. Following removal of the fusion portion, AppA has been crystallized from morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered solutions at pH 6.5 containing polyethylene glycol and zinc acetate. A complete X-ray diffraction data set extending to 2.3 Angstrom spacing has been collected

    CodY, a pleiotropic regulator, influences multicellular behaviour and efficient production of virulence factors in Bacillus cereus

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    In response to nutrient limitation in the environment, the global transcriptional regulator CodY modulates various pathways in low G+C Gram-positive bacteria. In Bacillus subtilis CodY triggers adaptation to starvation by secretion of proteases coupled to the expression of amino acid transporters. Furthermore, it is involved in modulating survival strategies like sporulation, motility, biofilm formation, and CodY is also known to affect virulence factor production in pathogenic bacteria. In this study, the role of CodY in Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579, the enterotoxin-producing type strain, is investigated. A marker-less deletion mutant of codY (?codY) was generated in B. cereus and the transcriptome changes were surveyed using DNA microarrays. Numerous genes involved in biofilm formation and amino acid transport and metabolism were upregulated and genes associated with motility and virulence were repressed upon deletion of codY. Moreover, we found that CodY is important for efficient production of toxins and for adapting from nutrient-rich to nutrient-limited growth conditions of B. cereus. In contrast, biofilm formation is highly induced in the ?codY mutant, suggesting that CodY represses biofilm formation. Together, these results indicate that CodY plays a crucial role in the growth and persistence of B. cereus in different environments such as soil, food, insect guts and the human body

    ABC transporters:Lessons from a bacterial oligopeptide uptake system

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    ABC transporters are proteins that are involved in the uptake of nutrients and excretion of harmful substances in biological cells. Defects in human ABC transporters can result in severe diseases. Too high ABC transporter activity can lead to non-responsiveness of cancercells to chemotherapy, and resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Every life-form, from the most simple bacterium to the highly complex human being, contains ABC transporters. In this thesis a bacterial ABC transporter was studied to learn more about how ABC transporters work in general. The subject of investigation, the oligopeptide ABC transporter, was purified from bacteria and studied using biochemical and biopysical techniques. In this way it was elucidated what kind of substances are taken up via the oligopeptide ABC transporter and how this protein works

    ABC transporters: Lessons from a bacterial oligopeptide uptake system

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    ABC transporters are proteins that are involved in the uptake of nutrients and excretion of harmful substances in biological cells. Defects in human ABC transporters can result in severe diseases. Too high ABC transporter activity can lead to non-responsiveness of cancercells to chemotherapy, and resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Every life-form, from the most simple bacterium to the highly complex human being, contains ABC transporters. In this thesis a bacterial ABC transporter was studied to learn more about how ABC transporters work in general. The subject of investigation, the oligopeptide ABC transporter, was purified from bacteria and studied using biochemical and biopysical techniques. In this way it was elucidated what kind of substances are taken up via the oligopeptide ABC transporter and how this protein works.

    Proteomic alterations of Escherichia coli by paraquat

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    Paraquat (PQ; a widely used herbicide) exerts its harmful effect to human, mammals and microorganisms upon intracellular conversion to superoxide radical. Cellular responses against toxic paraquat remain not fully understood, especially on the adaptive metabolic changes as a consequence of oxidative burden. In this study, alterations of metabolic processes of Escherichia coli (E. coli) by paraquat were systematically investigated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) in conjunction with peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF). In host cells, the first line mechanism was scrutinized by a remarkable induction of endogenous superoxide dismutase (E. coli SOD). The second line involved in the metabolic adaptation and compensation for energy production by up- or down-regulation of the enzymes implicated in glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle. Notably, down-regulation of aconitase enzyme and changes of enzyme isoform from the acidic (pI~5.29) to the higher basidic form (pI~5.59) were detected. Meanwhile, up-regulation of fumarase approximately 4-5 folds were observed. Importantly, overexpression of human manganese superoxide dismutase (human Mn-SOD) in E. coli cells could in turn down-regulate the expression of fumarase enzyme. This observation was not found when the cells expressing human catalase were tested. Other mechanisms such as changes of purine nucleoside phosphorylase and protein transporters (D-ribose-binding protein and oligopeptide binding protein) were also accounted. However, among all the differentially expressed proteins, the fumarase enzyme is evidenced to be a major target responsible for superoxide-generating paraquat, which may further be applied as a potential biomarker for paraquat toxicity in the future

    Transcriptional studies on a Streptomyces clavuligerus oppA2 deletion mutant: N-Acetylglycyl-Clavaminic acid is an intermediate of clavulanic acid biosynthesis

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    [EN] The oppA2 gene encodes an oligopeptide-binding protein similar to the periplasmic substrate-binding proteins of the ABC transport systems. However, oppA2 is an orphan gene, not included in an ABC operon. This gene is located in the clavulanic acid (CA) gene cluster of Streptomyces clavuligerus and is essential for CA production. A transcriptomic study of the oppA2-null mutant S. clavuligerus ΔoppA2::aac showed changes in the expression levels of 233 genes from those in the parental strain. These include genes for ABC transport systems, secreted proteins, peptidases, and proteases. Expression of the clavulanic acid, clavam, and cephamycin C biosynthesis gene clusters was not significantly affected in the oppA2 deletion mutant. The genes for holomycin biosynthesis were upregulated 2-fold on average, and the level of upregulation increased to 43-fold in a double mutant lacking oppA2 and the pSCL4 plasmid. Strains in which oppA2 was mutated secreted into the culture the compound N-acetylglycyl-clavaminic acid (AGCA), a putative intermediate of CA biosynthesis. A culture broth containing AGCA, or AGCA purified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), was added to the cultures of various non-CA-producing mutants. Mutants blocked in the early steps of the pathway restored CA production, whereas mutants altered in late steps did not, establishing that AGCA is a late intermediate of the biosynthetic pathway, which is released from the cells when the oligopeptide-binding protein OppA2 is not availableSIThis work was supported by grant BIO2013-34723 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. R. Álvarez-Álvarez and Y. Martínez-Burgo received a PFU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Interferon-Îł and Proliferation Responses to Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi Proteins in Patients with S. Typhi Bacteremia in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infection is a significant global public health problem and the cause of typhoid fever. Salmonella are intracellular pathogens, and cellular immune responses are required to control and clear Salmonella infections. Despite this, there are limited data on cellular immune responses during wild type S. Typhi infection in humans. Here we report the assessment of cellular immune responses in humans with S. Typhi bacteremia through a screening approach that permitted us to evaluate interferon-Îł and proliferation responses to a number of S. Typhi antigens. We detected significant interferon-Îł CD4 and CD8 responses, as well as proliferative responses, to a number of recombinantly purified S. Typhi proteins as well as membrane preparation in infected patients. Antigen-specific interferon-Îł responses were present at the time of clinical presentation in patients and absent in healthy controls. These observations could assist in the development of interferon-Îł-based diagnostic assays for typhoid fever

    Distribution and biological role of the oligopeptide-binding protein (OppA) in Xanthomonas species

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    In this study we investigated the prevalence of the oppA gene, encoding the oligopeptide binding protein (OppA) of the major bacterial oligopeptide uptake system (Opp), in different species of the genus Xanthomonas. The oppA gene was detected in two Xanthomonas axonopodis strains among eight tested Xanthomonas species. The generation of an isogenic oppA-knockout derivative of the Xac 306 strain, showed that the OppA protein neither plays a relevant role in oligopeptide uptake nor contributes to the infectivity and multiplication of the bacterial strain in leaves of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia). Taken together these results suggest that the oppA gene has a recent evolutionary history in the genus and does not contribute in the physiology or pathogenesis of X. axonopodis
