1,074 research outputs found

    Infiltration Pariétale De Lidocaïne Et Douleur Post-Césarienne Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Gynécologie Obstetrique Befelatanana, Madagascar

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    Introduction: One of the main problem to the operated patients is the fear ofuncontrolled postoperative pain.Objective: Evaluation of Lidocaïne infiltration after cesarean section pain.Methods: Comparative randomized study, at the University Hospital ofGynecology and Obstetrics of Befelatanana, during 10 months, among 80 women undergoing ceasarean sectioon under spinal anesthesia. Group A (n = 40) was infiltratedbefore skin closure with 400 mg of Lidocaïne and group B (n = 40) not infiltrated. We evaluated the postoperative EVA scores at H1, H2, H3, H4, H8, H12.Results: The intensity of postoperative pain was respectively 17.3 ± 10.3 mm at H3,23.5 ± 14.9 mm at H4, 23.3 ± 16.3 mm at H8, 17.6 ± 11. 5 mm at H12 against 30.6 ±7.3 mm at H3, 39.6 ± 7.4 mm at H4, 40.1 ± 13.2 mm at H8, 29.1 ± 7.4 mm at H12. The dose of additional analgesic administered in group A was significantly decreased with600 ± 744. 2 mg compared to 2000 ± 226. 45 mg for group B. The request time foradditional analgesia is on average 590. 02 ± 203. 81 minutes for group A against 237. 7± 31. 41 minutes for group B.Conclusion: Parietal infiltration with Lidocaïne in the management of post-caesarean pain provides a higher relief than analgesic treatment without Lidocaïne.

    Carcinome épidermoïde de la vulve sur une grossesse gémellaire: à propos d’un cas aux cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi

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    Nous rapportons un cas de carcinome épidermoïde de la vulve chez gestante porteuse d'une grosse gémellaire qui a consulté dans le service de gynéco-obstetrique des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi à un stade avancé de la pathologie et après avoir essayé un traitement insuffisant ailleurs.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14: 7

    Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma Arising from Abdominal Wall Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a frequent benign disorder. Malignancy arising in extraovarian endometriosis is a rare event. A 49-year-old woman is presented with a large painful abdominal wall mass. She underwent a myomectomy, 20 years before, for uterus leiomyoma. Computed tomography suggested that this was a desmoid tumor and she underwent surgery. Histological examination showed a clear cell adenocarcinoma associated with endometriosis foci. Pelvic ultrasound, computed tomography, and endometrial curettage did not show any malignancy or endometriosis in the uterus and ovaries. Adjuvant chemotherapy was recommended, but the patient was lost to follow up. Six months later, she returned with a recurrence of the abdominal wall mass. She was given chemotherapy and then she was reoperated

    Селективный перенос одного эмбриона: за и против

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    Перенос єдиного, селективно обраного ембріону – ефективний шлях до зниження частоти багатоплодової вагітності. Частота імплантації протягом 30 років бурхливого розвитку допоміжних репродуктивних технологій (ДРТ) залишається відносно сталою і складає від 10,00 до 25,00% на один ембріон. Численні дослідження присвячені оптимізації маткового та ембріонального факторів імплантації. В статті проаналізовано результати 73 циклів ДРТ, в яких було перенесено 4 та більше ембріонів, проведено оцінку перебігу вагітностей після редукції ембріонів.Transfer of a single, selectively chosen embryo is an effective way to reduce the frequency of multiple pregnancy. Implantation rate in 30 years of rapid development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) remains relatively constant and ranges from 10,00 to 25,00% per embryo. Numerous studies devoted to the optimization of uterine and embryonic implantation factors. The article analyzed the results of 73 cycles of ART, which was moved four or more embryos evaluated pregnancy after embryo reduction

    The effectiveness of intrapartum ultrasonography in assessing cervical dilatation, head station and position: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The objective of this review was to assess the effectiveness of intrapartum ultrasonography in measuring cervical dilatation, head station and position. Electronic literature searches were carried out of MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Web of Knowledge, plus manual reference list checks of all relevant articles. All published prospective studies comparing intrapartum ultrasonography with digital VE in the determination of cervical dilatation, head station and position were then evaluated for the success rate and level of agreement between ultrasonography and digital VE. Ultrasonography had higher success rate than digital VE in the determination of fetal head position, with a statistically significant difference in the first stage of labour. Second, although the successful determination of cervical dilatation was in favour of digital VE, the difference was not statistically significant. In addition, there was high agreement between ultrasound and digital VE findings on cervical dilatation. Lastly, a significant but moderate correlation between digital VE and ultrasound methods was found in the assessment of fetal head station. However, no meta-analysis could be done for the fetal head station due to the methodological differences between ultrasound anatomical landmarks and that of digital VE. The findings suggest that ultrasonography is superior to digital VE in the assessment of fetal head position, but has moderate correlation with digital VE in the assessment of head station. It also showed high agreement with digital VE in the assessment of cervical dilatation with no statistically significant difference in terms of success rate

    Хронические воспалительные заболевания женских половых органов как фактор бесплодия в браке

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    Звіт надає сучасні літературні дані щодо різноманітних аспектів проблеми запальних хвороб жіночих статевих органів. Розглянуто деякі концепції набуття непліддя за цих патологій, наведено дані щодо чинників непліддя через хронізацію запальних хвороб.The following review targeting the currently reported data on various issues of female genital inflammatory diseases. Certain concepts of infertility caused by such conditions are discussed, and data on infertility causes due to chronic inflammatory processes is presented

    Spontaneous Rupture of Uterine Artery in a 14-Week Pregnant Woman

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    Veterinary treatment of cows with isoxsuprine for a caesarian section may temporarily lead to residues in hair of both cow and calf

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    Isoxsuprine is a beta-agonist that can be used for growth promotion in cattle, but it is also used as registered veterinary medicine. To investigate if veterinary treatment of cows could lead to residues of isoxsuprine in the hair of their newborn calves, an animal experiment was performed. Four cows, treated on veterinary indication with isoxsuprine lactate (Duphaspasmin) before a caesarian section, were included in the experiment. Hair samples from cows and from their calves were analyzed. The animals were shaved every week for 16 weeks and levels of isoxsuprine were measured in hair. In the cows, the levels of isoxsuprine were highest (>15 µg/kg) just after administration of the isoxsuprine lactate. After two weeks in two cows, a sort of plateau was reached and then the levels decreased. After approximately 10-15 weeks the levels were around the CCa level of the method used (0.5 µg/kg). In calves, for the first two weeks after birth, no isoxsuprine was found above CCa level in three of the four animals. At about 20-30 days old, a maximum concentration of 4 µg/kg was found. Then the levels dropped again under the CCa level, after 60 days no levels above CCa level were found. In one animal, the levels never reached CCa level. We conclude that veterinary treatment of cows with isoxsuprine may temporarily lead to low levels of isoxsuprine in the hair of their newborn calves which can be measured for a maximum of 60 days after birth