140 research outputs found

    Nyström method with Kernel K-means++ samples as landmarks

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    We investigate, theoretically and empirically, the effectiveness of kernel K-means++ samples as landmarks in the Nyström method for low-rank approximation of kernel matrices. Previous empirical studies (Zhang et al., 2008; Kumar et al.,2012) observe that the landmarks obtained using (kernel) K-means clustering define a good low-rank approximation of kernel matrices. However, the existing work does not provide a theoretical guarantee on the approximation error for this approach to landmark selection. We close this gap and provide the first bound on the approximation error of the Nystrom method with kernel K-means++ samples as landmarks. Moreover, for the frequently used Gaussian kernel we provide a theoretically sound motivation for performing Lloyd refinements of kernel K-means++ landmarks in the instance space. We substantiate our theoretical results empirically by comparing the approach to several state-of-the-art algorithms

    Statistical and Computational Trade-Offs in Kernel K-Means

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    We investigate the efficiency of k-means in terms of both statistical and computational requirements. More precisely, we study a Nystrom approach to kernel k-means. We analyze the statistical properties of the proposed method and show that it achieves the same accuracy of exact kernel k-means with only a fraction of computations. Indeed, we prove under basic assumptions that sampling oot pn Nystrom landmarks allows to greatly reduce computational costs without incurring in any loss of accuracy. To the best of our knowledge this is the first result of this kind for unsupervised learning

    Constructive Approximation and Learning by Greedy Algorithms

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    This thesis develops several kernel-based greedy algorithms for different machine learning problems and analyzes their theoretical and empirical properties. Greedy approaches have been extensively used in the past for tackling problems in combinatorial optimization where finding even a feasible solution can be a computationally hard problem (i.e., not solvable in polynomial time). A key feature of greedy algorithms is that a solution is constructed recursively from the smallest constituent parts. In each step of the constructive process a component is added to the partial solution from the previous step and, thus, the size of the optimization problem is reduced. The selected components are given by optimization problems that are simpler and easier to solve than the original problem. As such schemes are typically fast at constructing a solution they can be very effective on complex optimization problems where finding an optimal/good solution has a high computational cost. Moreover, greedy solutions are rather intuitive and the schemes themselves are simple to design and easy to implement. There is a large class of problems for which greedy schemes generate an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. In the first part of the thesis, we develop two deterministic greedy algorithms for optimization problems in which a solution is given by a set of functions mapping an instance space to the space of reals. The first of the two approaches facilitates data understanding through interactive visualization by providing means for experts to incorporate their domain knowledge into otherwise static kernel principal component analysis. This is achieved by greedily constructing embedding directions that maximize the variance at data points (unexplained by the previously constructed embedding directions) while adhering to specified domain knowledge constraints. The second deterministic greedy approach is a supervised feature construction method capable of addressing the problem of kernel choice. The goal of the approach is to construct a feature representation for which a set of linear hypotheses is of sufficient capacity — large enough to contain a satisfactory solution to the considered problem and small enough to allow good generalization from a small number of training examples. The approach mimics functional gradient descent and constructs features by fitting squared error residuals. We show that the constructive process is consistent and provide conditions under which it converges to the optimal solution. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate two problems for which deterministic greedy schemes can fail to find an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. This happens as a result of making a sequence of choices which take into account only the immediate reward without considering the consequences onto future decisions. To address this shortcoming of deterministic greedy schemes, we propose two efficient randomized greedy algorithms which are guaranteed to find effective solutions to the corresponding problems. In the first of the two approaches, we provide a mean to scale kernel methods to problems with millions of instances. An approach, frequently used in practice, for this type of problems is the Nyström method for low-rank approximation of kernel matrices. A crucial step in this method is the choice of landmarks which determine the quality of the approximation. We tackle this problem with a randomized greedy algorithm based on the K-means++ cluster seeding scheme and provide a theoretical and empirical study of its effectiveness. In the second problem for which a deterministic strategy can fail to find a good solution, the goal is to find a set of objects from a structured space that are likely to exhibit an unknown target property. This discrete optimization problem is of significant interest to cyclic discovery processes such as de novo drug design. We propose to address it with an adaptive Metropolis–Hastings approach that samples candidates from the posterior distribution of structures conditioned on them having the target property. The proposed constructive scheme defines a consistent random process and our empirical evaluation demonstrates its effectiveness across several different application domains

    Strea MRAK a streaming multi-resolution adaptive kernel algorithm

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    Kernel ridge regression (KRR) is a popular scheme for non-linear non-parametric learning. However, existing implementations of KRR require that all the data is stored in the main memory, which severely limits the use of KRR in contexts where data size far exceeds the memory size. Such applications are increasingly common in data mining, bioinformatics, and control. A powerful paradigm for computing on data sets that are too large for memory is the streaming model of computation, where we process one data sample at a time, discarding each sample before moving on to the next one. In this paper, we propose StreaMRAK - a streaming version of KRR. StreaMRAK improves on existing KRR schemes by dividing the problem into several levels of resolution, which allows continual refinement to the predictions. The algorithm reduces the memory requirement by continuously and efficiently integrating new samples into the training model. With a novel sub-sampling scheme, StreaMRAK reduces memory and computational complexities by creating a sketch of the original data, where the sub-sampling density is adapted to the bandwidth of the kernel and the local dimensionality of the data. We present a showcase study on two synthetic problems and the prediction of the trajectory of a double pendulum. The results show that the proposed algorithm is fast and accurate

    Complex-valued embeddings of generic proximity data

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    Proximities are at the heart of almost all machine learning methods. If the input data are given as numerical vectors of equal lengths, euclidean distance, or a Hilbertian inner product is frequently used in modeling algorithms. In a more generic view, objects are compared by a (symmetric) similarity or dissimilarity measure, which may not obey particular mathematical properties. This renders many machine learning methods invalid, leading to convergence problems and the loss of guarantees, like generalization bounds. In many cases, the preferred dissimilarity measure is not metric, like the earth mover distance, or the similarity measure may not be a simple inner product in a Hilbert space but in its generalization a Krein space. If the input data are non-vectorial, like text sequences, proximity-based learning is used or ngram embedding techniques can be applied. Standard embeddings lead to the desired fixed-length vector encoding, but are costly and have substantial limitations in preserving the original data's full information. As an information preserving alternative, we propose a complex-valued vector embedding of proximity data. This allows suitable machine learning algorithms to use these fixed-length, complex-valued vectors for further processing. The complex-valued data can serve as an input to complex-valued machine learning algorithms. In particular, we address supervised learning and use extensions of prototype-based learning. The proposed approach is evaluated on a variety of standard benchmarks and shows strong performance compared to traditional techniques in processing non-metric or non-psd proximity data.Comment: Proximity learning, embedding, complex values, complex-valued embedding, learning vector quantizatio

    Complex-valued embeddings of generic proximity data

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    Proximities are at the heart of almost all machine learning methods. If the input data are given as numerical vectors of equal lengths, euclidean distance, or a Hilbertian inner product is frequently used in modeling algorithms. In a more generic view, objects are compared by a (symmetric) similarity or dissimilarity measure, which may not obey particular mathematical properties. This renders many machine learning methods invalid, leading to convergence problems and the loss of guarantees, like generalization bounds. In many cases, the preferred dissimilarity measure is not metric, like the earth mover distance, or the similarity measure may not be a simple inner product in a Hilbert space but in its generalization a Krein space. If the input data are non-vectorial, like text sequences, proximity-based learning is used or ngram embedding techniques can be applied. Standard embeddings lead to the desired fixed-length vector encoding, but are costly and have substantial limitations in preserving the original data's full information. As an information preserving alternative, we propose a complex-valued vector embedding of proximity data. This allows suitable machine learning algorithms to use these fixed-length, complex-valued vectors for further processing. The complex-valued data can serve as an input to complex-valued machine learning algorithms. In particular, we address supervised learning and use extensions of prototype-based learning. The proposed approach is evaluated on a variety of standard benchmarks and shows strong performance compared to traditional techniques in processing non-metric or non-psd proximity data.Comment: Proximity learning, embedding, complex values, complex-valued embedding, learning vector quantizatio
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