27,550 research outputs found

    Kinematic reduction of reaction-diffusion fronts with multiplicative noise: Derivation of stochastic sharp-interface equations

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    We study the dynamics of generic reaction-diffusion fronts, including pulses and chemical waves, in the presence of multiplicative noise. We discuss the connection between the reaction-diffusion Langevin-like field equations and the kinematic (eikonal) description in terms of a stochastic moving-boundary or sharp-interface approximation. We find that the effective noise is additive and we relate its strength to the noise parameters in the original field equations, to first order in noise strength, but including a partial resummation to all orders which captures the singular dependence on the microscopic cutoff associated to the spatial correlation of the noise. This dependence is essential for a quantitative and qualitative understanding of fluctuating fronts, affecting both scaling properties and nonuniversal quantities. Our results predict phenomena such as the shift of the transition point between the pushed and pulled regimes of front propagation, in terms of the noise parameters, and the corresponding transition to a non-KPZ universality class. We assess the quantitative validity of the results in several examples including equilibrium fluctuations, kinetic roughening, and the noise-induced pushed-pulled transition, which is predicted and observed for the first time. The analytical predictions are successfully tested against rigorous results and show excellent agreement with numerical simulations of reaction-diffusion field equations with multiplicative noise.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Analytical approximation to the multidimensional Fokker--Planck equation with steady state

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    The Fokker--Planck equation is a key ingredient of many models in physics, and related subjects, and arises in a diverse array of settings. Analytical solutions are limited to special cases, and resorting to numerical simulation is often the only route available; in high dimensions, or for parametric studies, this can become unwieldy. Using asymptotic techniques, that draw upon the known Ornstein--Uhlenbeck (OU) case, we consider a mean-reverting system and obtain its representation as a product of terms, representing short-term, long-term, and medium-term behaviour. A further reduction yields a simple explicit formula, both intuitive in terms of its physical origin and fast to evaluate. We illustrate a breadth of cases, some of which are `far' from the OU model, such as double-well potentials, and even then, perhaps surprisingly, the approximation still gives very good results when compared with numerical simulations. Both one- and two-dimensional examples are considered.Comment: Updated version as publishe

    Controlled diffusion processes

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    This article gives an overview of the developments in controlled diffusion processes, emphasizing key results regarding existence of optimal controls and their characterization via dynamic programming for a variety of cost criteria and structural assumptions. Stochastic maximum principle and control under partial observations (equivalently, control of nonlinear filters) are also discussed. Several other related topics are briefly sketched.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957805100000131 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Variational approach for learning Markov processes from time series data

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    Inference, prediction and control of complex dynamical systems from time series is important in many areas, including financial markets, power grid management, climate and weather modeling, or molecular dynamics. The analysis of such highly nonlinear dynamical systems is facilitated by the fact that we can often find a (generally nonlinear) transformation of the system coordinates to features in which the dynamics can be excellently approximated by a linear Markovian model. Moreover, the large number of system variables often change collectively on large time- and length-scales, facilitating a low-dimensional analysis in feature space. In this paper, we introduce a variational approach for Markov processes (VAMP) that allows us to find optimal feature mappings and optimal Markovian models of the dynamics from given time series data. The key insight is that the best linear model can be obtained from the top singular components of the Koopman operator. This leads to the definition of a family of score functions called VAMP-r which can be calculated from data, and can be employed to optimize a Markovian model. In addition, based on the relationship between the variational scores and approximation errors of Koopman operators, we propose a new VAMP-E score, which can be applied to cross-validation for hyper-parameter optimization and model selection in VAMP. VAMP is valid for both reversible and nonreversible processes and for stationary and non-stationary processes or realizations

    Heat release by controlled continuous-time Markov jump processes

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    We derive the equations governing the protocols minimizing the heat released by a continuous-time Markov jump process on a one-dimensional countable state space during a transition between assigned initial and final probability distributions in a finite time horizon. In particular, we identify the hypotheses on the transition rates under which the optimal control strategy and the probability distribution of the Markov jump problem obey a system of differential equations of Hamilton-Bellman-Jacobi-type. As the state-space mesh tends to zero, these equations converge to those satisfied by the diffusion process minimizing the heat released in the Langevin formulation of the same problem. We also show that in full analogy with the continuum case, heat minimization is equivalent to entropy production minimization. Thus, our results may be interpreted as a refined version of the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: final version, section 2.1 revised, 26 pages, 3 figure

    The instanton method and its numerical implementation in fluid mechanics

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    A precise characterization of structures occurring in turbulent fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers is one of the last open problems of classical physics. In this review we discuss recent developments related to the application of instanton methods to turbulence. Instantons are saddle point configurations of the underlying path integrals. They are equivalent to minimizers of the related Freidlin-Wentzell action and known to be able to characterize rare events in such systems. While there is an impressive body of work concerning their analytical description, this review focuses on the question on how to compute these minimizers numerically. In a short introduction we present the relevant mathematical and physical background before we discuss the stochastic Burgers equation in detail. We present algorithms to compute instantons numerically by an efficient solution of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations. A second focus is the discussion of a recently developed numerical filtering technique that allows to extract instantons from direct numerical simulations. In the following we present modifications of the algorithms to make them efficient when applied to two- or three-dimensional fluid dynamical problems. We illustrate these ideas using the two-dimensional Burgers equation and the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

    Additive noise effects in active nonlinear spatially extended systems

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    We examine the effects of pure additive noise on spatially extended systems with quadratic nonlinearities. We develop a general multiscale theory for such systems and apply it to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation as a case study. We first focus on a regime close to the instability onset (primary bifurcation), where the system can be described by a single dominant mode. We show analytically that the resulting noise in the equation describing the amplitude of the dominant mode largely depends on the nature of the stochastic forcing. For a highly degenerate noise, in the sense that it is acting on the first stable mode only, the amplitude equation is dominated by a pure multiplicative noise, which in turn induces the dominant mode to undergo several critical state transitions and complex phenomena, including intermittency and stabilisation, as the noise strength is increased. The intermittent behaviour is characterised by a power-law probability density and the corresponding critical exponent is calculated rigorously by making use of the first-passage properties of the amplitude equation. On the other hand, when the noise is acting on the whole subspace of stable modes, the multiplicative noise is corrected by an additive-like term, with the eventual loss of any stabilised state. We also show that the stochastic forcing has no effect on the dominant mode dynamics when it is acting on the second stable mode. Finally, in a regime which is relatively far from the instability onset, so that there are two unstable modes, we observe numerically that when the noise is acting on the first stable mode, both dominant modes show noise-induced complex phenomena similar to the single-mode case

    A primer on noise-induced transitions in applied dynamical systems

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    Noise plays a fundamental role in a wide variety of physical and biological dynamical systems. It can arise from an external forcing or due to random dynamics internal to the system. It is well established that even weak noise can result in large behavioral changes such as transitions between or escapes from quasi-stable states. These transitions can correspond to critical events such as failures or extinctions that make them essential phenomena to understand and quantify, despite the fact that their occurrence is rare. This article will provide an overview of the theory underlying the dynamics of rare events for stochastic models along with some example applications
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