109,228 research outputs found

    Piecewise rigid curve deformation via a Finsler steepest descent

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    This paper introduces a novel steepest descent flow in Banach spaces. This extends previous works on generalized gradient descent, notably the work of Charpiat et al., to the setting of Finsler metrics. Such a generalized gradient allows one to take into account a prior on deformations (e.g., piecewise rigid) in order to favor some specific evolutions. We define a Finsler gradient descent method to minimize a functional defined on a Banach space and we prove a convergence theorem for such a method. In particular, we show that the use of non-Hilbertian norms on Banach spaces is useful to study non-convex optimization problems where the geometry of the space might play a crucial role to avoid poor local minima. We show some applications to the curve matching problem. In particular, we characterize piecewise rigid deformations on the space of curves and we study several models to perform piecewise rigid evolution of curves

    Distributed Nonconvex Multiagent Optimization Over Time-Varying Networks

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    We study nonconvex distributed optimization in multiagent networks where the communications between nodes is modeled as a time-varying sequence of arbitrary digraphs. We introduce a novel broadcast-based distributed algorithmic framework for the (constrained) minimization of the sum of a smooth (possibly nonconvex and nonseparable) function, i.e., the agents' sum-utility, plus a convex (possibly nonsmooth and nonseparable) regularizer. The latter is usually employed to enforce some structure in the solution, typically sparsity. The proposed method hinges on Successive Convex Approximation (SCA) techniques coupled with i) a tracking mechanism instrumental to locally estimate the gradients of agents' cost functions; and ii) a novel broadcast protocol to disseminate information and distribute the computation among the agents. Asymptotic convergence to stationary solutions is established. A key feature of the proposed algorithm is that it neither requires the double-stochasticity of the consensus matrices (but only column stochasticity) nor the knowledge of the graph sequence to implement. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed framework is the first broadcast-based distributed algorithm for convex and nonconvex constrained optimization over arbitrary, time-varying digraphs. Numerical results show that our algorithm outperforms current schemes on both convex and nonconvex problems.Comment: Copyright 2001 SS&C. Published in the Proceedings of the 50th annual Asilomar conference on signals, systems, and computers, Nov. 6-9, 2016, CA, US

    Time Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of Images

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    In this paper the space of images is considered as a Riemannian manifold using the metamorphosis approach, where the underlying Riemannian metric simultaneously measures the cost of image transport and intensity variation. A robust and effective variational time discretization of geodesics paths is proposed. This requires to minimize a discrete path energy consisting of a sum of consecutive image matching functionals over a set of image intensity maps and pairwise matching deformations. For square-integrable input images the existence of discrete, connecting geodesic paths defined as minimizers of this variational problem is shown. Furthermore, Γ\Gamma-convergence of the underlying discrete path energy to the continuous path energy is proved. This includes a diffeomorphism property for the induced transport and the existence of a square-integrable weak material derivative in space and time. A spatial discretization via finite elements combined with an alternating descent scheme in the set of image intensity maps and the set of matching deformations is presented to approximate discrete geodesic paths numerically. Computational results underline the efficiency of the proposed approach and demonstrate important qualitative properties.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Near real-time stereo vision system

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    The apparatus for a near real-time stereo vision system for use with a robotic vehicle is described. The system is comprised of two cameras mounted on three-axis rotation platforms, image-processing boards, a CPU, and specialized stereo vision algorithms. Bandpass-filtered image pyramids are computed, stereo matching is performed by least-squares correlation, and confidence ranges are estimated by means of Bayes' theorem. In particular, Laplacian image pyramids are built and disparity maps are produced from the 60 x 64 level of the pyramids at rates of up to 2 seconds per image pair. The first autonomous cross-country robotic traverses (of up to 100 meters) have been achieved using the stereo vision system of the present invention with all computing done onboard the vehicle. The overall approach disclosed herein provides a unifying paradigm for practical domain-independent stereo ranging

    Sparse recovery in bounded Riesz systems with applications to numerical methods for PDEs

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    We study sparse recovery with structured random measurement matrices having independent, identically distributed, and uniformly bounded rows and with a nontrivial covariance structure. This class of matrices arises from random sampling of bounded Riesz systems and generalizes random partial Fourier matrices. Our main result improves the currently available results for the null space and restricted isometry properties of such random matrices. The main novelty of our analysis is a new upper bound for the expectation of the supremum of a Bernoulli process associated with a restricted isometry constant. We apply our result to prove new performance guarantees for the CORSING method, a recently introduced numerical approximation technique for partial differential equations (PDEs) based on compressive sensing
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