32 research outputs found

    Tem_357 Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics with Parallel Computing

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    Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising. Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising.Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015

    Survey of scientific programming techniques for the management of data-intensive engineering environments

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    The present paper introduces and reviews existing technology and research works in the field of scientific programming methods and techniques in data-intensive engineering environments. More specifically, this survey aims to collect those relevant approaches that have faced the challenge of delivering more advanced and intelligent methods taking advantage of the existing large datasets. Although existing tools and techniques have demonstrated their ability to manage complex engineering processes for the development and operation of safety-critical systems, there is an emerging need to know how existing computational science methods will behave to manage large amounts of data. That is why, authors review both existing open issues in the context of engineering with special focus on scientific programming techniques and hybrid approaches. 1193 journal papers have been found as the representative in these areas screening 935 to finally make a full review of 122. Afterwards, a comprehensive mapping between techniques and engineering and nonengineering domains has been conducted to classify and perform a meta-analysis of the current state of the art. As the main result of this work, a set of 10 challenges for future data-intensive engineering environments have been outlined.The current work has been partially supported by the Research Agreement between the RTVE (the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation) and the UC3M to boost research in the field of Big Data, Linked Data, Complex Network Analysis, and Natural Language. It has also received the support of the Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico (TECNM), National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), and the Public Education Secretary (SEP) through PRODEP

    Scaling full seismic waveform inversions

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    The main goal of this research study is to scale full seismic waveform inversions using the adjoint-state method to the data volumes that are nowadays available in seismology. Practical issues hinder the routine application of this, to a certain extent theoretically well understood, method. To a large part this comes down to outdated or flat out missing tools and ways to automate the highly iterative procedure in a reliable way. This thesis tackles these issues in three successive stages. It first introduces a modern and properly designed data processing framework sitting at the very core of all the consecutive developments. The ObsPy toolkit is a Python library providing a bridge for seismology into the scientific Python ecosystem and bestowing seismologists with effortless I/O and a powerful signal processing library, amongst other things. The following chapter deals with a framework designed to handle the specific data management and organization issues arising in full seismic waveform inversions, the Large-scale Seismic Inversion Framework. It has been created to orchestrate the various pieces of data accruing in the course of an iterative waveform inversion. Then, the Adaptable Seismic Data Format, a new, self-describing, and scalable data format for seismology is introduced along with the rationale why it is needed for full waveform inversions in particular and seismology in general. Finally, these developments are put into service to construct a novel full seismic waveform inversion model for elastic subsurface structure beneath the North American continent and the Northern Atlantic well into Europe. The spectral element method is used for the forward and adjoint simulations coupled with windowed time-frequency phase misfit measurements. Later iterations use 72 events, all happening after the USArray project has commenced, resulting in approximately 150`000 three components recordings that are inverted for. 20 L-BFGS iterations yield a model that can produce complete seismograms at a period range between 30 and 120 seconds while comparing favorably to observed data

    Scaling full seismic waveform inversions

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    The main goal of this research study is to scale full seismic waveform inversions using the adjoint-state method to the data volumes that are nowadays available in seismology. Practical issues hinder the routine application of this, to a certain extent theoretically well understood, method. To a large part this comes down to outdated or flat out missing tools and ways to automate the highly iterative procedure in a reliable way. This thesis tackles these issues in three successive stages. It first introduces a modern and properly designed data processing framework sitting at the very core of all the consecutive developments. The ObsPy toolkit is a Python library providing a bridge for seismology into the scientific Python ecosystem and bestowing seismologists with effortless I/O and a powerful signal processing library, amongst other things. The following chapter deals with a framework designed to handle the specific data management and organization issues arising in full seismic waveform inversions, the Large-scale Seismic Inversion Framework. It has been created to orchestrate the various pieces of data accruing in the course of an iterative waveform inversion. Then, the Adaptable Seismic Data Format, a new, self-describing, and scalable data format for seismology is introduced along with the rationale why it is needed for full waveform inversions in particular and seismology in general. Finally, these developments are put into service to construct a novel full seismic waveform inversion model for elastic subsurface structure beneath the North American continent and the Northern Atlantic well into Europe. The spectral element method is used for the forward and adjoint simulations coupled with windowed time-frequency phase misfit measurements. Later iterations use 72 events, all happening after the USArray project has commenced, resulting in approximately 150`000 three components recordings that are inverted for. 20 L-BFGS iterations yield a model that can produce complete seismograms at a period range between 30 and 120 seconds while comparing favorably to observed data

    Innovation in Energy Systems

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    It has been a little over a century since the inception of interconnected networks and little has changed in the way that they are operated. Demand-supply balance methods, protection schemes, business models for electric power companies, and future development considerations have remained the same until very recently. Distributed generators, storage devices, and electric vehicles have become widespread and disrupted century-old bulk generation - bulk transmission operation. Distribution networks are no longer passive networks and now contribute to power generation. Old billing and energy trading schemes cannot accommodate this change and need revision. Furthermore, bidirectional power flow is an unprecedented phenomenon in distribution networks and traditional protection schemes require a thorough fix for proper operation. This book aims to cover new technologies, methods, and approaches developed to meet the needs of this changing field

    Ontology based data warehousing for mining of heterogeneous and multidimensional data sources

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    Heterogeneous and multidimensional big-data sources are virtually prevalent in all business environments. System and data analysts are unable to fast-track and access big-data sources. A robust and versatile data warehousing system is developed, integrating domain ontologies from multidimensional data sources. For example, petroleum digital ecosystems and digital oil field solutions, derived from big-data petroleum (information) systems, are in increasing demand in multibillion dollar resource businesses worldwide. This work is recognized by Industrial Electronic Society of IEEE and appeared in more than 50 international conference proceedings and journals

    Raster Time Series: Learning and Processing

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    As the amount of remote sensing data is increasing at a high rate, due to great improvements in sensor technology, efficient processing capabilities are of utmost importance. Remote sensing data from satellites is crucial in many scientific domains, like biodiversity and climate research. Because weather and climate are of particular interest for almost all living organisms on earth, the efficient classification of clouds is one of the most important problems. Geostationary satellites such as Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) offer the only possibility to generate long-term cloud data sets with high spatial and temporal resolution. This work, therefore, addresses research problems on efficient and parallel processing of MSG data to enable new applications and insights. First, we address the lack of a suitable processing chain to generate a long-term Fog and Low Stratus (FLS) time series. We present an efficient MSG data processing chain that processes multiple tasks simultaneously, and raster data in parallel using the Open Computing Language (OpenCL). The processing chain delivers a uniform FLS classification that combines day and night approaches in a single method. As a result, it is possible to calculate a year of FLS rasters quite easy. The second topic presents the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for cloud classification. Conventional approaches to cloud detection often only classify single pixels and ignore the fact that clouds are highly dynamic and spatially continuous entities. Therefore, we propose a new method based on deep learning. Using a CNN image segmentation architecture, the presented Cloud Segmentation CNN (CS-CNN) classifies all pixels of a scene simultaneously. We show that CS-CNN is capable of processing multispectral satellite data to identify continuous phenomena such as highly dynamic clouds. The proposed approach provides excellent results on MSG satellite data in terms of quality, robustness, and runtime, in comparison to Random Forest (RF), another widely used machine learning method. Finally, we present the processing of raster time series with a system for Visualization, Transformation, and Analysis (VAT) of spatio-temporal data. It enables data-driven research with explorative workflows and uses time as an integral dimension. The combination of various raster and vector data time series enables new applications and insights. We present an application that combines weather information and aircraft trajectories to identify patterns in bad weather situations

    Radar Interferometry for Monitoring Crustal Deformation. Geodetic Applications in Greece

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    The chapatti and breadmaking quality of nine (eight Indian and one Australian) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars was compared. The extension of a chapatti strip measured with a Kieffer dough extensibility rig correlated with chapatti scores for overall quality (r = 0.84), pliability (r = 0.91), hand feel (r = 0.72), chapatti eating quality (r = 0.68), and taste (r = 0.80). Overall chapatti quality also correlated with the resistance to extension of a chapatti strip (r = 0.68) when tested for uniaxial extension with a texture analyzer. The texture analyzer provided objectivity in the scoring of chapatti quality. The high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit protein composition assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis did not correlate with the overall chapatti score. A negative correlation was found between chapatti and bread scores (r = 0.77). The different requirements for chapatti and bread quality complicate the breeding of new wheat varieties and the exchange of germplasm between regions producing wheat for chapatti and those supplying bread producers

    Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms for global optimization

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    This paper presents concise comparison study of newly developed bioinspired algorithms for global optimization problems. Three different metaheuristic techniques, namely Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are investigated and implemented in Matlab environment. These methods are compared on four unimodal and multimodal nonlinear functions in order to find global optimum values. Computational results indicate that GWO outperforms other intelligent techniques, and that all aforementioned algorithms can be successfully used for optimization of continuous functions