8,195 research outputs found

    Using Automated Reasoning Tools in GeoGebra in the Teaching and Learning of Proving in Geometry

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    ABSTRACT: This document introduces, describes and exemplifies the technical features of some recently implemented automated reasoning tools in the dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra. The new tools are based on symbolic computation algorithms, allowing the automatic and rigorous proving and discovery of theorems on constructed geometric figures. Some examples of the use in the classroom of such commands are provided, including one describing how intuitive handling of GeoGebra automated reasoning tools may result in unexpected outputs. In all cases the emphasis is made in the potential utility of these tools as a guiding stick to foster student activities (exploration, reasoning) in the learning of elementary geometry. Moreover, a collection of appendices describing other, more sophisticated, low-level GeoGebra tools (Prove, ProveDetails), as well as instructions on how to obtain the translation of GeoGebra commands into other languages, and details about debugging, are included.Work partially supported by the grant MTM2017-88796-P from the Spanish MINECO and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)

    Automatic Deduction in (Dynamic) Geometry: Loci Computation

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    A symbolic tool based on open source software that provides robust algebraic methods to handle automatic deduction tasks for a dynamic geometry construction is presented. The prototype has been developed as two different worksheets for the open source computer algebra system Sage, corresponding to two different ways of coding a geometric construction, namely with the open source dynamic geometry system GeoGebra or using the common file format for dynamic geometry developed by the Intergeo project. Locus computation algorithms based on Automatic Deduction techniques are recalled and presented as basic for an efficient treatment of advanced methods in dynamic geometry. Moreover, an algorithm to eliminate extraneous parts in symbolically computed loci is discussed. The algorithm, based on a recent work on the Gröbner cover of parametric systems, identifies degenerate components and extraneous adherence points in loci, both natural byproducts of general polynomial algebraic methods. Several examples are shown in detail

    Automated Theorem Proving in GeoGebra: Current Achievements

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    GeoGebra is an open-source educational mathematics software tool, with millions of users worldwide. It has a number of features (integration of computer algebra, dynamic geometry, spreadsheet, etc.), primarily focused on facilitating student experiments, and not on formal reasoning. Since including automated deduction tools in GeoGebra could bring a whole new range of teaching and learning scenarios, and since automated theorem proving and discovery in geometry has reached a rather mature stage, we embarked on a project of incorporating and testing a number of different automated provers for geometry in GeoGebra. In this paper, we present the current achievements and status of this project, and discuss various relevant challenges that this project raises in the educational, mathematical and software contexts. We will describe, first, the recent and forthcoming changes demanded by our project, regarding the implementation and the user interface of GeoGebra. Then we present our vision of the educational scenarios that could be supported by automated reasoning features, and how teachers and students could benefit from the present work. In fact, current performance of GeoGebra, extended with automated deduction tools, is already very promising—many complex theorems can be proved in less than 1 second. Thus, we believe that many new and exciting ways of using GeoGebra in the classroom are on their way

    A Parametric Approach to 3D Dynamic Geometry

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    Dynamic geometry systems are computer applications allowing the exact on-screen drawing of geometric diagrams and their interactive manipulation by mouse dragging. Whereas there exists an extensive list of 2D dynamic geometry environments, the number of 3D systems is reduced. Most of them, both in 2D and 3D, share a common approach, using numerical data to manage geometric knowledge and elementary methods to compute derived objects. This paper deals with a parametric approach for automatic management of 3D Euclidean constructions. An open source library, implementing the core functions in a 3D dynamic geometry system, is described here. The library deals with constructions by using symbolic parameters, thus enabling a full algebraic knowledge about objects such as loci and envelopes. This parametric approach is also a prerequisite for performing automatic proof. Basic functions are defined for symbolically checking the truth of statements. Using recent results from the theory of parametric polynomial systems solving, the bottleneck in the automatic determination of geometric loci and envelopes is solved. As far as we know, there is no comparable library in the 3D case, except the paramGeo3D library (designed for computing equations of simple 3D geometric objects, which, however, lacks specific functions for finding loci and envelopes)
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