412 research outputs found

    Low Complexity Adaptive Iterative Receivers for Layered Space-Time Coded and CDMA Systems

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    In this thesis, we propose and investigate promising approaches for interference mitigation in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. Future wireless communication systems will have to achieve high spectral efficiencies in order to meet increasing demands for huge data rates in emerging Internet and multimedia services. Multiuser detection and space diversity techniques are the main principles, which enable efficient use of the available spectrum. The main limitation for the applicability of the techniques in these practical systems is the high complexity of the optimal receiver structures. The research emphasis in this thesis is on the design of a low complexity interference suppression/cancellation algorithm. The most important result of our research is the novel design of interference cancellation receivers which are adaptive and iterative and which are of low computational complexity. We propose various adaptive iterative receivers, based on a joint adaptive iterative detection and decoding algorithm. The proposed receiver can effectively suppress and cancel co-channel interference from the adjacent antennas in the MIMO system with a low computation complexity. The proposed adaptive detector, based on the adaptive least mean square (LMS) algorithm, is investigated and compared with the non-adaptive iterative receiver. Since the LMS algorithm has a slow convergence speed, a partially filtered gradient LMS (PFGLMS) algorithm, which has a faster convergence speed, is proposed to improve the convergence speed of the system. The performance and computational complexity of this receiver are also considered. To further reduce the computational complexity, we apply a frequency domain adaptation technique into the adaptive iterative receivers. The system performance and complexity are investigated. It shows that the computational complexity of the frequency domain based receiver is significantly lower than that of the time domain based receiver with the same system performance. We also consider applications of MIMO techniques in CDMA systems, called MIMO-CDMA. In the MIMO-CDMA, the presence of the co-channel interference (CCI) from the adjacent antennas and multiple access interference (MAI) from other users significantly degrades the system performance. We propose an adaptive iterative receiver, which provides the capability to effectively suppress the interference and cancel the CCI from the adjacent antennas and the MAI from other users so as to improve the system performance. The proposed receiver structure is also based on a joint adaptive detection and decoding scheme. The adaptive detection scheme employs an adaptive normalized LMS algorithm operating in the time and frequency domain. We have investigated and compared their system performance and complexity. Moreover, the system performance is evaluated by using a semi-analytical approach and compared with the simulation results. The results show that there is an excellent agreement between the two approaches

    Advanced receivers for high data rate mobile communications

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    Improving the spectral efficiency is a key issue in the future wireless communication systems since the spectrum is a scarce resource. Both the number of users as well the demanded data rates are increasing all the time. Furthermore, in mobile communications the wireless link is required to be reliable even when the mobile is in a fast moving vehicle. Using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas is a well known technique to provide higher spectral efficiency as well as better link reliability. Additionally, higher order modulation methods can be used to provide higher data rates. In order to benefit from these enhancements in practise, sophisticated signal processing methods as well as accurate estimates of time-varying wireless channel parameters are needed. This thesis addresses the problem of designing multi-antenna receivers in high data rate systems. The case of multiple transmit antennas is also considered. System specific features of High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which is part of 3rd generation (3G) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) evolution are exploited in channel estimation methods and in MIMO receiver design. Additionally, complexity reduction methods for Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalization are addressed. Blind channel estimation methods are spectrally efficient, since no extra resources are needed for pilot signals. However, in mobile communications accurate estimates are needed also in fast fading channels. Consequently, semi-blind channel estimation methods where the receiver combines blind and pilot based channel estimation are an appealing alternative. In this thesis blind and semi-blind channel estimation methods based on knowledge of multiple spreading codes are derived. A novel semi-blind combining scheme for code multiplexed pilot signal and blind estimation is proposed. Another important factor in receiver design criteria is the structure of interference in the received signals. Interference mitigation techniques in MIMO systems have been shown to be potential methods for providing improved performance. A chip level inter-antenna interference cancellation method has been developed in this thesis for HSDPA. Furthermore, this multi-stage ordered interference canceler is combined with the semi-blind channel estimation scheme to enhance the system performance further.Langattomassa tiedonsiirrossa radiospektrin tehokas käyttö on tulevaisuuden suuria haasteita. Taajuuksia on käytössä vain rajoitetusti, kun taas käyttäjien määrä sekä vaaditut siirtonopeudet kasvavat jatkuvasti. Lisäksi langattomien yhteyksien on toimittava luotettavasti myös nopeasti liikkuvissa kulkuneuvoissa. Moniantennijärjestelmät, joissa on useita antenneita sekä tukiasemissa että päätelaitteissa mahdollistavat radiospektrin tehokkaamman käytön sekä parantavat yhteyksien laatua. Tiedonsiirtonopeutta voidaan myös kasvattaa erilaisilla modulaatiotekniikoilla. Hyötyjen saavutamiseksi käytännössä tarvitaan sekä kehittyneitä vastaanotinrakenteita että tarkkoja estimaatteja aikamuuttuvasta radiokanavasta. Tässä työssä on kehitetty vastaanotinrakenteita ja kanavan estimointimenetelmiä kolmannen sukupolven (3G) nopeiden datayhteyksien (HSPA) järjestelmissä. Työssä on johdettu menetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät HSPA järjestelmien erikoispiirteitä tehokkaasti. Lisäksi on kehitetty laskennallisesti tehokkaita menetelmiä vastaanottimien signaalinkäsittelyyn. Ns. sokeat menetelmät mahdollistavat taajuuskaistan tehokkaan käytön, koska ne eivät vaadi tunnettuja harjoitussignaaleja. Mobiileissa tietolikennejärjestelmissä radiokanava saattaa kuitenkin muuttua hyvin nopeasti, jonka vuoksi kanavan estimoinnissa on tyypillisesti hyödynnetty tunnettua pilottisignaalia. Yhdistämällä pilottipohjainen ja sokea kanavaestimointimenetelmä, voidaan saavuttaa molempien menetelmien edut. Tässä työssä kehitettiin sokeita kanavaestimointimenetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät useita tunnettuja hajoituskoodeja. Sokean ja koodijakoiseen pilottisignaaliin pohjautuvien kanavan estimaattien yhdistämiseksi kehitettiin uusi menetelmä. Signaalin laatua ja siten vastaanottimen suorituskykyä voidaan langattomissa järjestelmissä parantaa vaimentamalla interferenssiä eli häiriöitä. Vastaanottimen toimintaa voidaan tehostaa oleellisesti, jos häiriösignaalin rakenne tunnetaan. Käytettäessä useampaa lähetysantennia HSPA järjestelmissä vastaanotetussa signaalissa olevia häiriötä voidaan kumota usealla eri tasolla. Tässä työssä on kehitetty chippitasolla häiriöitä kumoava vastaanotinrakenne, joka hyödyntää HSPA järjestelmän ominaisuuksia. Vastaanottimen suorituskykyä on edelleen parannettu yhdistämällä se aiemmin esitettyyn puolisokeaan kanavan estimointimenetelmään.reviewe

    Interference mitigation using group decoding in multiantenna systems

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    The key challenges to high throughput in cellular wireless communication system are interference, mobility and bandwidth limitation. Mobility has never been a problem until recently, bandwidth has been constantly improved upon through the evolutions in cellular wireless communication system but interference has been a constant limitation to any improvement that may have resulted from such evolution. The fundamental challenge to a system designer or a researcher is how to achieve high data rate in motion (high speed) in a cellular system that is intrinsically interference-limited. Multi-antenna is the solution to data on the move and the capacity of multi-antenna system has been demonstrated to increase proportionally with increase in the number of antennas at both transmitter and receiver for point-to-point communications and multi-user environment. However, the capacity gain in both uplink and downlink is limited in a multi-user environment like cellular system by interference, the number of antennas at the base station, complexity and space constraint particularly for a mobile terminal. This challenge in the downlink provided the motivation to investigate successive interference cancellation (SIC) as an interference management tool LTE system and beyond. The Simulation revealed that ordered successive interference (OSIC) out performs non-ordered successive interference cancellation (NSIC) and the additional complexity is justified based on the associated gain in BER performance of OSIC. The major drawback of OSIC is that it is not efficient in network environment employing power control or power allocation. Additional interference management techniques will be required to fully manage the interference.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Design and evaluation of optical laser diodes LD positioning arrangement and multiple input/ multiple output MIMO-OFDM systems

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    Optical communication system for the next generation of wireless communication systems are an exciting, unparalleled new technology. This paper presents a new visible light positioning algorithm system based on position by utilized neural network, which depending on directly measured received signal strength (RSS) information of 3D coordinates. This algorithm is called light positioning algorithm neural network (LPANN) which used 5 laser diodes LDs, each one consists of 5×5 LD chips. In addition, a novel multi Input multiple output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based VLC systems generalized laser diodes (LD) modulation scheme as second part of this paper that is called Zero Forcing Equalizer Neural network ZFENN algorithm which based on 4 × 4 optical MIMO-VLC. It is accomplished by using LD index modulation and spatial multiplexing. Actual and imaginary parts of the complex time domain OFDM signals are therefore separated first and then, bipolar signals are transmitted through VLC channels by encoding sign-information in LD indexes. In addition, a novel receiver configuration is also suggested for flat frequency or limited channel scenarios. Based on the results of this analysis, the positioning accuracy have been improved, so this is lead to enhance data rate. While, by using the second part of the MIMO-OFDM system that leads to enhancing the SNR and BER more than 10-4, which are introduced to eliminate multi-user interference (MUI)

    Low-complexity systolic V-BLAST architecture

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    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants