3 research outputs found

    Miniaturized Minkowski-Island Fractal Microstrip Antenna Fed by Proximity Coupling for Wireless Fidelity Application

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    This paper proposed a new design of Minkowski Island microstrip antenna fed by proximity coupling with partial ground plane. The design was consisted of two layers of substrate, on the top substrate was the antenna patch and on the bottom substrate was the proximity feed line and the partial ground. At the first stage, the normal square patch antenna was mainly designed. Then, the Minkowski patch antenna was designed using 1st iteration technique and 2nd iteration technique. The Minkowski fractal shape slot was embedded in the center of the patch to form a Minkowski Island patch antenna. Using the Minkowski Island fractal technique, the dimension of the patch can be reduced up to 58.7%. The proximity feed line in this design was used to increase the impedance bandwidth, and from the measurement the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna was 240 MHz with return loss of -24.54 dB and VSWR of 1.126

    A Miniature L-slot Microstrip Printed Antenna for RFID

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    This work presents a miniature microstrip antenna at 2.45 GHz by using the slots technique. This microstrip antenna is fed by a CPW technique and designed for RFID reader system on FR4 substrate. A size reduction equal to 66.6% has been obtained compared to the conventional rectangular microstrip antenna. The total area of the final circuit is 19x31 mm2. The validated antenna has good matching input impedance with a stable radiation pattern, a loss return of -40 dB, and a gain of 1.78 dBi, a prototype of the proposed antenna has been fabricated and measured

    Design and Realization of Compact Microstrip Antenna Using Fractal Sierpenski Carpet For Wireless Fidelity Application

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    This paper proposed new design of compact microstrip antenna using fractal sierpenski carpet method for Wireless Fidelity application at working frequency of 2400 MHz. The proposed antenna using FR4 Epoxy with (εr) of 4.3, substrate thickness (h) of 1.6 mm and loss tangent (tan δ) of 0.0265. Antenna is designed using AWR Microwave Office software.The sierpenski carpet method is used in order to reduce the dimensions of the microstrip antenna to become more compact. From the measurement results obtained reflection coefficient value -26.077 dB, VSWR 1.104 at working frequency of 2400 MHz frequency with a bandwidth of 127 MHz (2338 MHz – 2465 MHz). Beside that, by using fractal sierepenski carpet method, microstrip antenna dimension was reduced until 47.80% compared to conventional rectangular microstrip antenna