26,825 research outputs found

    Gradient-orientation-based PCA subspace for novel face recognition

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Face recognition is an interesting and a challenging problem that has been widely studied in the field of pattern recognition and computer vision. It has many applications such as biometric authentication, video surveillance, and others. In the past decade, several methods for face recognition were proposed. However, these methods suffer from pose and illumination variations. In order to address these problems, this paper proposes a novel methodology to recognize the face images. Since image gradients are invariant to illumination and pose variations, the proposed approach uses gradient orientation to handle these effects. The Schur decomposition is used for matrix decomposition and then Schurvalues and Schurvectors are extracted for subspace projection. We call this subspace projection of face features as Schurfaces, which is numerically stable and have the ability of handling defective matrices. The Hausdorff distance is used with the nearest neighbor classifier to measure the similarity between different faces. Experiments are conducted with Yale face database and ORL face database. The results show that the proposed approach is highly discriminant and achieves a promising accuracy for face recognition than the state-of-the-art approaches

    3D Model Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition from a Single Frontal View

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    This paper proposes a 3D model based pose invariant face recognition method that can recognize a face of a large rotation angle from its single nearly frontal view. The proposed method achieves the goal by using an analytic-to-holistic approach and a novel algorithm for estimation of ear points. Firstly, the proposed method achieves facial feature detection, in which an edge map based algorithm is developed to detect the ear points. Based on the detected facial feature points 3D face models are computed and used to achieve pose estimation. Then we reconstruct the facial feature points' locations and synthesize facial feature templates in frontal view using computed face models and estimated poses. Finally, the proposed method achieves face recognition by corresponding template matching and corresponding geometric feature matching. Experimental results show that the proposed face recognition method is robust for pose variations including both seesaw rotations and sidespin rotations

    Pattern Recognition of Surgically Altered Face Images Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Plastic surgery has been recently coming up with a new and important aspect of face recognition alongside pose, expression, illumination, aging and disguise. Plastic surgery procedures changes the texture, appearance and the shape of different facial regions. Therefore, it is difficult for conventional face recognition algorithms to match a post-surgery face image with a pre-surgery face image. The non-linear variations produced by plastic surgery procedures are hard to be addressed using current face recognition algorithms. The multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is a novel approach for pattern recognition of surgically altered face images. The algorithms starts with generating non-disjoint face granules and two feature extractors EUCLBP (Extended Uniform Circular Local Binary Pattern) and SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform), are used to extract discriminating facial information from face granules. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150316

    Pose Invariant 3D Face Authentication based on Gaussian Fields Approach

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    This thesis presents a novel illuminant invariant approach to recognize the identity of an individual from his 3D facial scan in any pose, by matching it with a set of frontal models stored in the gallery. In view of today’s security concerns, 3D face reconstruction and recognition has gained a significant position in computer vision research. The non intrusive nature of facial data acquisition makes face recognition one of the most popular approaches for biometrics-based identity recognition. Depth information of a 3D face can be used to solve the problems of illumination and pose variation associated with face recognition. The proposed method makes use of 3D geometric (point sets) face representations for recognizing faces. The use of 3D point sets to represent human faces in lieu of 2D texture makes this method robust to changes in illumination and pose. The method first automatically registers facial point-sets of the probe with the gallery models through a criterion based on Gaussian force fields. The registration method defines a simple energy function, which is always differentiable and convex in a large neighborhood of the alignment parameters; allowing for the use of powerful standard optimization techniques. The new method overcomes the necessity of close initialization and converges in much less iterations as compared to the Iterative Closest Point algorithm. The use of an optimization method, the Fast Gauss Transform, allows a considerable reduction in the computational complexity of the registration algorithm. Recognition is then performed by using the robust similarity score generated by registering 3D point sets of faces. Our approach has been tested on a large database of 85 individuals with 521 scans at different poses, where the gallery and the probe images have been acquired at significantly different times. The results show the potential of our approach toward a fully pose and illumination invariant system. Our method can be successfully used as a potential biometric system in various applications such as mug shot matching, user verification and access control, and enhanced human computer interaction

    Geometric Expression Invariant 3D Face Recognition using Statistical Discriminant Models

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    Currently there is no complete face recognition system that is invariant to all facial expressions. Although humans find it easy to identify and recognise faces regardless of changes in illumination, pose and expression, producing a computer system with a similar capability has proved to be particularly di cult. Three dimensional face models are geometric in nature and therefore have the advantage of being invariant to head pose and lighting. However they are still susceptible to facial expressions. This can be seen in the decrease in the recognition results using principal component analysis when expressions are added to a data set. In order to achieve expression-invariant face recognition systems, we have employed a tensor algebra framework to represent 3D face data with facial expressions in a parsimonious space. Face variation factors are organised in particular subject and facial expression modes. We manipulate this using single value decomposition on sub-tensors representing one variation mode. This framework possesses the ability to deal with the shortcomings of PCA in less constrained environments and still preserves the integrity of the 3D data. The results show improved recognition rates for faces and facial expressions, even recognising high intensity expressions that are not in the training datasets. We have determined, experimentally, a set of anatomical landmarks that best describe facial expression e ectively. We found that the best placement of landmarks to distinguish di erent facial expressions are in areas around the prominent features, such as the cheeks and eyebrows. Recognition results using landmark-based face recognition could be improved with better placement. We looked into the possibility of achieving expression-invariant face recognition by reconstructing and manipulating realistic facial expressions. We proposed a tensor-based statistical discriminant analysis method to reconstruct facial expressions and in particular to neutralise facial expressions. The results of the synthesised facial expressions are visually more realistic than facial expressions generated using conventional active shape modelling (ASM). We then used reconstructed neutral faces in the sub-tensor framework for recognition purposes. The recognition results showed slight improvement. Besides biometric recognition, this novel tensor-based synthesis approach could be used in computer games and real-time animation applications

    Robust face recognition by an albedo based 3D morphable model

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    Large pose and illumination variations are very challenging for face recognition. The 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) approach is one of the effective methods for pose and illumination invariant face recognition. However, it is very difficult for the 3DMM to recover the illumination of the 2D input image because the ratio of the albedo and illumination contributions in a pixel intensity is ambiguous. Unlike the traditional idea of separating the albedo and illumination contributions using a 3DMM, we propose a novel Albedo Based 3D Morphable Model (AB3DMM), which removes the illumination component from the images using illumination normalisation in a preprocessing step. A comparative study of different illumination normalisation methods for this step is conducted on PIE and Multi-PIE databases. The results show that overall performance of our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    An Effective Approach to Pose Invariant 3D Face Recognition

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    Abstract. One critical challenge encountered by existing face recognition techniques lies in the difficulties of handling varying poses. In this paper, we propose a novel pose invariant 3D face recognition scheme to improve regular face recognition from two aspects. Firstly, we propose an effective geometry based alignment approach, which transforms a 3D face mesh model to a well-aligned 2D image. Secondly, we propose to represent the facial images by a Locality Preserving Sparse Coding (LPSC) algorithm, which is more effective than the regular sparse coding algorithm for face representation. We conducted a set of extensive experiments on both 2D and 3D face recognition, in which the encouraging results showed that the proposed scheme is more effective than the regular face recognition solutions.

    Robust face recognition

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Face recognition is one of the most important and promising biometric techniques. In face recognition, a similarity score is automatically calculated between face images to further decide their identity. Due to its non-invasive characteristics and ease of use, it has shown great potential in many real-world applications, e.g., video surveillance, access control systems, forensics and security, and social networks. This thesis addresses key challenges inherent in real-world face recognition systems including pose and illumination variations, occlusion, and image blur. To tackle these challenges, a series of robust face recognition algorithms are proposed. These can be summarized as follows: In Chapter 2, we present a novel, manually designed face image descriptor named “Dual-Cross Patterns” (DCP). DCP efficiently encodes the seconder-order statistics of facial textures in the most informative directions within a face image. It proves to be more descriptive and discriminative than previous descriptors. We further extend DCP into a comprehensive face representation scheme named “Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns” (MDML-DCPs). MDML-DCPs efficiently encodes the invariant characteristics of a face image from multiple levels into patterns that are highly discriminative of inter-personal differences but robust to intra-personal variations. MDML-DCPs achieves the best performance on the challenging FERET, FRGC 2.0, CAS-PEAL-R1, and LFW databases. In Chapter 3, we develop a deep learning-based face image descriptor named “Multimodal Deep Face Representation” (MM-DFR) to automatically learn face representations from multimodal image data. In brief, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are designed to extract complementary information from the original holistic face image, the frontal pose image rendered by 3D modeling, and uniformly sampled image patches. The recognition ability of each CNN is optimized by carefully integrating a number of published or newly developed tricks. A feature level fusion approach using stacked auto-encoders is designed to fuse the features extracted from the set of CNNs, which is advantageous for non-linear dimension reduction. MM-DFR achieves over 99% recognition rate on LFW using publicly available training data. In Chapter 4, based on our research on handcrafted face image descriptors, we propose a powerful pose-invariant face recognition (PIFR) framework capable of handling the full range of pose variations within ±90° of yaw. The framework has two parts: the first is Patch-based Partial Representation (PBPR), and the second is Multi-task Feature Transformation Learning (MtFTL). PBPR transforms the original PIFR problem into a partial frontal face recognition problem. A robust patch-based face representation scheme is developed to represent the synthesized partial frontal faces. For each patch, a transformation dictionary is learnt under the MtFTL scheme. The transformation dictionary transforms the features of different poses into a discriminative subspace in which face matching is performed. The PBPR-MtFTL framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art PIFR methods on the FERET, CMU-PIE, and Multi-PIE databases. In Chapter 5, based on our research on deep learning-based face image descriptors, we design a novel framework named Trunk-Branch Ensemble CNN (TBE-CNN) to handle challenges in video-based face recognition (VFR) under surveillance circumstances. Three major challenges are considered: image blur, occlusion, and pose variation. First, to learn blur-robust face representations, we artificially blur training data composed of clear still images to account for a shortfall in real-world video training data. Second, to enhance the robustness of CNN features to pose variations and occlusion, we propose the TBE-CNN architecture, which efficiently extracts complementary information from holistic face images and patches cropped around facial components. Third, to further promote the discriminative power of the representations learnt by TBE-CNN, we propose an improved triplet loss function. With the proposed techniques, TBE-CNN achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular video face databases: PaSC, COX Face, and YouTube Faces

    Unconstrained Face Recognition

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    Although face recognition has been actively studied over the past decade, the state-of-the-art recognition systems yield satisfactory performance only under controlled scenarios and recognition accuracy degrades significantly when confronted with unconstrained situations due to variations such as illumintion, pose, etc. In this dissertation, we propose novel approaches that are able to recognize human faces under unconstrained situations. Part I presents algorithms for face recognition under illumination/pose variations. For face recognition across illuminations, we present a generalized photometric stereo approach by modeling all face appearances belonging to all humans under all lighting conditions. Using a linear generalization, we achieve a factorization of the observation matrix consisting of face appearances of different individuals, each under a different illumination. We resolve ambiguities in factorization using surface integrability and symmetry constraints. In addition, an illumination-invariant identity descriptor is provided to perform face recognition across illuminations. We further extend the generalized photometric stereo approach to an illuminating light field approach, which is able to recognize faces under pose and illumination variations. Face appearance lies in a high-dimensional nonlinear manifold. In Part II, we introduce machine learning approaches based on reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) to capture higher-order statistical characteristics of the nonlinear appearance manifold. In particular, we analyze principal components of the RKHS in a probabilistic manner and compute distances such as the Chernoff distance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two Gaussian densities in RKHS. Part III is on face tracking and recognition from video. We first present an enhanced tracking algorithm that models online appearance changes in a video sequence using a mixture model and produces good tracking results in various challenging scenarios. For video-based face recognition, while conventional approaches treat tracking and recognition separately, we present a simultaneous tracking-and-recognition approach. This simultaneous approach solved using the sequential importance sampling algorithm improves accuracy in both tracking and recognition. Finally, we propose a unifying framework called probabilistic identity characterization able to perform face recognition under registration/illumination/pose variation and from a still image, a group of still images, or a video sequence
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