8 research outputs found

    9/7 LIFT Reconfigurable Architecture Implementation for Image Authentication

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    Considering the information system medical images are the most sensitive and critical types of data. Transferring medical images over the internet requires the use of authentication algorithms that are resistant to attacks. Another aspect is confidentiality for secure storage and transfer of medical images. The proposed study presents an embedding technique to improve the security of medical images. As a part of preprocessing that involves removing the high-frequency components, Gaussian filters are used. To get LL band features CDF9/7 wavelet is employed. In a similar way, for the cover image, the LL band features are obtained. In order to get the 1st level of encryption the technique of alpha blending is used. It combines the LL band features of the secret image and cover images whereas LH, HL, and HH bands are applied to Inverse CDF 9/7. The resulting encrypted image along with the key obtained through LH, HL, and HH bands is transferred. The produced key adds an extra layer of protection, and similarly, the receiver does the reverse action to acquire the original secret image. The PSNR acquired from the suggested technique is compared to PSNR obtained from existing techniques to validate the results. Performance is quantified in terms of PSNR. A Spartan 6 FPGA board is used to synthesize the complete architecture in order to compare hardware consumption

    Hybrid chaos-based image encryption algorithm using Chebyshev chaotic map with deoxyribonucleic acid sequence and its performance evaluation

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    The media content shared on the internet has increased tremendously nowadays. The streaming service has major role in contributing to internet traffic all over the world. As the major content shared are in the form of images and rapid increase in computing power a better and complex encryption standard is needed to protect this data from being leaked to unauthorized person. Our proposed system makes use of chaotic maps, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) coding and ribonucleic acid (RNA) coding technique to encrypt the image. As videos are nothing but collection of images played at the rate of minimum 30 frames/images per second, this methodology can also be used to encrypt videos. The complexity and dynamic nature of chaotic systems makes decryption of content by unauthorized personal difficult. The hybrid usage of chaotic systems along with DNA and RNA sequencing improves the encryption efficiency of the algorithm and also makes it possible to decrypt the images at the same time without consuming too much of computation power

    Algoritmo de encriptado empleando sistemas caóticos de orden no entero en imágenes médicas

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    Una de las técnicas más eficientes para proteger las imágenes médicas es aplicar algoritmos basados en dinámica no lineal. En este trabajo se presenta un esquema de encriptación y compresión de imágenes médicas. El esquema se basa en sistemas caóticos de orden fraccionario, combinados con compresión por transformada de wavelet discreta. El encriptado realiza ciclos de operaciones digitales entre las soluciones del sistema dinámico y la imagen a encriptar, agregando las características de confusión y difusión a la imagen. Los resultados experimentales y análisis estadísticos muestran desempeños adecuados para aplicación en imágenes médicas en presencia de múltiples ataques y ruido

    A novel conservative chaos driven dynamic DNA coding for image encryption

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    In this paper, we propose a novel conservative chaotic standard map-driven dynamic DNA coding (encoding, addition, subtraction and decoding) for the image encryption. The proposed image encryption algorithm is a dynamic DNA coding algorithm i.e., for the encryption of each pixel different rules for encoding, addition/subtraction, decoding etc. are randomly selected based on the pseudorandom sequences generated with the help of the conservative chaotic standard map. We propose a novel way to generate pseudo-random sequences through the conservative chaotic standard map and also test them rigorously through the most stringent test suite of pseudo-randomness, the NIST test suite, before using them in the proposed image encryption algorithm. Our image encryption algorithm incorporates a unique feed-forward and feedback mechanisms to generate and modify the dynamic one-time pixels that are further used for the encryption of each pixel of the plain image, therefore, bringing in the desired sensitivity on plaintext as well as ciphertext. All the controlling pseudorandom sequences used in the algorithm are generated for a different value of the parameter (part of the secret key) with inter-dependency through the iterates of the chaotic map (in the generation process) and therefore possess extreme key sensitivity too. The performance and security analysis has been executed extensively through histogram analysis, correlation analysis, information entropy analysis, DNA sequence-based analysis, perceptual quality analysis, key sensitivity analysis, plaintext sensitivity analysis, etc., The results are promising and prove the robustness of the algorithm against various common cryptanalytic attacks.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, 15 table

    Novel Medical Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaos and DNA Encoding

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