5,802 research outputs found

    Countable Random Sets: Uniqueness in Law and Constructiveness

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    The first part of this article deals with theorems on uniqueness in law for \sigma-finite and constructive countable random sets, which in contrast to the usual assumptions may have points of accumulation. We discuss and compare two approaches on uniqueness theorems: First, the study of generators for \sigma-fields used in this context and, secondly, the analysis of hitting functions. The last section of this paper deals with the notion of constructiveness. We will prove a measurable selection theorem and a decomposition theorem for constructive countable random sets, and study constructive countable random sets with independent increments.Comment: Published in Journal of Theoretical Probability (http://www.springerlink.com/content/0894-9840/). The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    On constructions preserving the asymptotic topology of metric spaces

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    We prove that graph products constructed over infinite graphs with bounded clique number preserve finite asymptotic dimension. We also study the extent to which Dranishnikov's property C, and Dranishnikov and Zarichnyi's straight finite decomposition complexity are preserved by constructions such as unions, free products, and group extensions.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in NC Journal of Mathematics and Statistic

    The asymptotic dimension of box spaces of virtually nilpotent groups

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    We show that every box space of a virtually nilpotent group has asymptotic dimension equal to the Hirsch length of that group

    Generating all subsets of a finite set with disjoint unions

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    If X is an n-element set, we call a family G of subsets of X a k-generator for X if every subset of X can be expressed as a union of at most k disjoint sets in G. Frein, Leveque and Sebo conjectured that for n > 2k, the smallest k-generators for X are obtained by taking a partition of X into classes of sizes as equal as possible, and taking the union of the power-sets of the classes. We prove this conjecture for all sufficiently large n when k = 2, and for n a sufficiently large multiple of k when k > 2.Comment: Final version, with some additional explanations added in the proof

    Interpretations of Presburger Arithmetic in Itself

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    Presburger arithmetic PrA is the true theory of natural numbers with addition. We study interpretations of PrA in itself. We prove that all one-dimensional self-interpretations are definably isomorphic to the identity self-interpretation. In order to prove the results we show that all linear orders that are interpretable in (N,+) are scattered orders with the finite Hausdorff rank and that the ranks are bounded in terms of the dimension of the respective interpretations. From our result about self-interpretations of PrA it follows that PrA isn't one-dimensionally interpretable in any of its finite subtheories. We note that the latter was conjectured by A. Visser.Comment: Published in proceedings of LFCS 201