1,198 research outputs found

    Towards Understanding Sensor and Control Nodes Selection in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Lyapunov Theory Meets Branch-and-Bound

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    Sensor and actuator selection problems (SASP) are some of the core problems in dynamic systems design and control. These problems correspond to determining the optimal selection of sensors (measurements) or actuators (control nodes) such that certain estimation/control objectives can be achieved. While the literature on SASP is indeed inveterate, the vast majority of the work focuses on linear(ized) representation of the network dynamics, resulting in the placements of sensors or actuators (SA) that are valid for confined operating regions. As an alternative, herein we propose a new general framework for addressing SASP in nonlinear dynamic systems (NDS), assuming that the inputs and outputs are linearly coupled with the nonlinear dynamics. This is investigated through (i) classifying and parameterizing the NDS into various nonlinear function sets, (ii) utilizing rich Lyapunov theoretic formulations, and (iii) designing a new customized branch-and-bound (BnB) algorithm that exploits problem structure of the SASP. The newly designed BnB routines are computationally more attractive than the standard one and also directly applicable to solve SASP for linear systems. In contrast with contemporary approaches from the literature, our approach is suitable for finding the optimal SA combination for stable/unstable NDS that ensures stabilization of estimation error and closed-loop dynamics through a simple linear feedback control policy

    Dynamic operability assessment : a mathematical programming approach based on Q-parametrization

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    Bibliography: pages 197-208.The ability of a process plant to guarantee high product quality, in terms of low variability, is emerging as a defining feature when distinguishing between alternative suppliers. The extent to which this can be achieved is termed a plant's dynamic operability and is a function of both the plant design and the control system design. In the limit, however, the closedloop performance is determined by the properties inherent in the plant. This realization of the interrelationship between a plant design and its achievable closed-loop performance has motivated research toward systematic techniques for screening inherently inferior designs. Pioneering research in the early 1980's identified right-half-plane transmission zeros, time delays, input constraints and model uncertainty as factors that limit the achievable closedloop performance of a process. Quantifying the performance-limiting effect of combinations of these factors has proven to be a challenging problem, as reflected in the literature. It is the aim of this thesis to develop a systematic procedure for dynamic operability assessment in the presence of combinations of performance-limiting factors. The approach adopted in this thesis is based on the Q-parametrization of stabilizing linear feedback controllers and involves posing dynamic operability assessment as a mathematical programming problet? In the proposed formulation, a convex objective function, reflecting a measure of closed-loop performance, is optimized over all stable Q, subject. to a set of constraints on the closed-loop behavior, which for many specifications of interest is convex. A discrete-time formulation is chosen so as to allow for the convenient hand.ling of time delays and time-domain constraints. An important feature of the approach is that, due to the convexity, global optimality is guaranteed. Furthermore, the fact that Q parametrizes all stabilizing linear feedback controllers implies that the performance at the optimum represents the best possible performance for any such controller. The results are thus not biased by controller type or tuning, apart from the requirement that the controller be linear

    Coarse-graining Complex Networks for Control Equivalence

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    The ability to control complex networks is of crucial importance across a wide range of applications in natural and engineering sciences. However, issues of both theoretical and numerical nature introduce fundamental limitations to controlling large-scale networks. In this paper, we cope with this problem by introducing a coarse-graining algorithm. It leads to an aggregated network which satisfies control equivalence, i.e., such that the optimal control values for the original network can be exactly recovered from those of the aggregated one. The algorithm is based on a partition refinement method originally devised for systems of ordinary differential equations, here extended and applied to linear dynamics on complex networks. Using a number of benchmarks from the literature we show considerable reductions across a variety of networks from biology, ecology, engineering, and social sciences

    Information-based Analysis and Control of Recurrent Linear Networks and Recurrent Networks with Sigmoidal Nonlinearities

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    Linear dynamical models have served as an analytically tractable approximation for a variety of natural and engineered systems. Recently, such models have been used to describe high-level diffusive interactions in the activation of complex networks, including those in the brain. In this regard, classical tools from control theory, including controllability analysis, have been used to assay the extent to which such networks might respond to their afferent inputs. However, for natural systems such as brain networks, it is not clear whether advantageous control properties necessarily correspond to useful functionality. That is, are systems that are highly controllable (according to certain metrics) also ones that are suited to computational goals such as representing, preserving and categorizing stimuli? This dissertation will introduce analysis methods that link the systems-theoretic properties of linear systems with informational measures that describe these functional characterizations. First, we assess sensitivity of a linear system to input orientation and novelty by deriving a measure of how networks translate input orientation differences into readable state trajectories. Next, we explore the implications of this novelty-sensitivity for endpoint-based input discrimination, wherein stimuli are decoded in terms of their induced representation in the state space. We develop a theoretical framework for the exploration of how networks utilize excess input energy to enhance orientation sensitivity (and thus enhanced discrimination ability). Next, we conduct a theoretical study to reveal how the background or default state of a network with linear dynamics allows it to best promote discrimination over a continuum of stimuli. Specifically, we derive a measure, based on the classical notion of a Fisher discriminant, quantifying the extent to which the state of a network encodes information about its afferent inputs. This measure provides an information value quantifying the knowablility of an input based on its projection onto the background state. We subsequently optimize this background state, and characterize both the optimal background and the inputs giving it rise. Finally, we extend this information-based network analysis to include networks with nonlinear dynamics--specifically, ones involving sigmoidal saturating functions. We employ a quasilinear approximation technique, novel here in terms of its multidimensionality and specific application, to approximate the nonlinear dynamics by scaling a corresponding linear system and biasing by an offset term. A Fisher information-based metric is derived for the quasilinear system, with analytical and numerical results showing that Fisher information is better for the quasilinear (hence sigmoidal) system than for an unconstrained linear system. Interestingly, this relation reverses when the noise is placed outside the sigmoid in the model, supporting conclusions extant in the literature that the relative alignment of the state and noise covariance is predictive of Fisher information. We show that there exists a clear trade-off between informational advantage, as conferred by the presence of sigmoidal nonlinearities, and speed of dynamics

    Nonlinear Robust Neural Control with Applications to Aerospace Vehicles

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    Nonlinear control has become increasingly more used over the last few decades, mainly due to the research and development of better analysis tools, that can simulate real-world problems, which are almost always, nonlinear. Nonlinear controllers have the advantage of being more accurate and efficient when dealing with complex scenarios, such as orbit control, satellite rendezvous, or attitude control, compared to linear ones. However, common nonlinear control techniques require having a high-fidelity model, which is often not the case, thereby limiting their use. Additionally, rapid advancements in the field of machine learning have raised the possibility of using tools like neural networks to learn the dynamics of nonlinear systems in an effort to compute control inputs without the need to solve the highly complex mathematical equations that some nonlinear controllers require to solve, in real-time, therefore bypassing the need of higher computational power, which can reduce costs and weight, in space missions. This dissertation will focus on the development of a neural controller based on H8 pseudolinear control, to be applied to the satellite attitude control problem, as well as the satellite orbit control problem. The resulting controller is proven to be robust when dealing with important disturbances that are relevant in space missions, due to being trained using H8 controller data. Moreover, since the original controller is pseudolinear, the neural controller can capture the nonlinearities that exist in the equations of motion as well as in the attitude dynamics equations.Nas últimas décadas, o controlo não-linear tem sido cada vez mais utilizado, maioritariamente devido ao desenvolvimento de melhores ferramentas de análise, utilizadas para a simulação problemas reais, que tendem a ser não-lineares. Os controladores não-lineares têm a vantagem de serem mais precisos e eficientes quando utilizados em situações complexas, como controlo orbital, rendezvous de satélites, e controlo de atitude, comparados com controladores lineares. No entanto, as técnicas comuns de controlo não-linear requerem o uso de modelos com alto grau de fidelidade, o que muitas vezes não é o caso, limitando assim a sua utilização. Além disso, os rápidos avanços no campo de machine learning levantaram a possibilidade de utilizar ferramentas como redes neuronais para aprender a dinâmica de sistemas não lineares, numa tentativa de poder computar as entradas de controlo sem a necessidade de resolver as equações matemáticas altamente complexas que alguns controladores não lineares necessitam que sejam resolvidas, em tempo real, contornando assim a necessidade de maior potência computacional, que pode reduzir custos e peso, em missões espaciais. Esta dissertação focar-se-á no desenvolvimento de um controlador neuronal, baseado em controlo pseudolinear por H8, com o intuito de ser aplicado no problema de controlo orbital, bem como no problema de controlo de atitude. O controlador resultante provou ser robusto ao lidar com perturbações importantes, relevantes em missões espaciais, devido ao facto de ter sido treinado usando dados do controlador H8. Além disso, como o controlador original é pseudolinear, o controlador neuronal pode captar as dinâmicas não lineares que existem nas equações de movimento, bem como nas equações da dinâmica de atitude
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