117 research outputs found

    Wearing Many (Social) Hats: How Different are Your Different Social Network Personae?

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    This paper investigates when users create profiles in different social networks, whether they are redundant expressions of the same persona, or they are adapted to each platform. Using the personal webpages of 116,998 users on About.me, we identify and extract matched user profiles on several major social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We find evidence for distinct site-specific norms, such as differences in the language used in the text of the profile self-description, and the kind of picture used as profile image. By learning a model that robustly identifies the platform given a user's profile image (0.657--0.829 AUC) or self-description (0.608--0.847 AUC), we confirm that users do adapt their behaviour to individual platforms in an identifiable and learnable manner. However, different genders and age groups adapt their behaviour differently from each other, and these differences are, in general, consistent across different platforms. We show that differences in social profile construction correspond to differences in how formal or informal the platform is.Comment: Accepted at the 11th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM17

    Expression and empathy in social networks: university students and the use of Facebook

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    El uso de la red social Facebook se ha convertido en una actividad de uso común entre los estudiantes universitarios, se realizó el presente estudio para conocer cómo es la expresión personal y la empatía que se da entre ellos. Se analizó un total de 281 perfiles de usuarios con una edad promedio de 20.9 años, el 77.5% eran estudiantes universitarios. Las temáticas de expresión identificadas contenían mensajes sobre frases o citas textuales, estados de ánimo, medios de comunicación, entre otras. La mayoría de los usuarios recibieron manifestaciones de apoyo o empatía. Se infiere que mediante el uso de Facebook los usuarios satisfacen necesidades como las de monitorear el ambiente, expresarse emociones, pertenencia a ciertos grupos, y socializar y fortalecer lazos con sus semejantes, además el estudio sugiere que la empatía entre los usuarios se hace evidente mediante los comentarios a los estatus así como en las expresiones de apoyo.The use of the social network Facebook has become a common activity, the present study was conducted to find out how is the personal expression and empathy that exists between university students. It was analyzed a total of 281 profiles of users with an average age of 20.9 years, the 77.5% were university students. The identified themes of expression contained messages about phrases or quotes, states of mind, media, among others. The majority of the users received expressions of support or empathy. It is suggested that through the use of Facebook users satisfy needs as monitoring the environment, express emotions, belonging to certain groups, and socialize and strengthen ties with their fellows, in addition the study suggests empathy between users becomes evident through comments to the status as well as the expressions of support.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Expression and empathy in social networks: university students and the use of Facebook

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    El uso de la red social Facebook se ha convertido en una actividad de uso común entre los estudiantes universitarios, se realizó el presente estudio para conocer cómo es la expresión personal y la empatía que se da entre ellos. Se analizó un total de 281 perfiles de usuarios con una edad promedio de 20.9 años, el 77.5% eran estudiantes universitarios. Las temáticas de expresión identificadas contenían mensajes sobre frases o citas textuales, estados de ánimo, medios de comunicación, entre otras. La mayoría de los usuarios recibieron manifestaciones de apoyo o empatía. Se infiere que mediante el uso de Facebook los usuarios satisfacen necesidades como las de monitorear el ambiente, expresarse emociones, pertenencia a ciertos grupos, y socializar y fortalecer lazos con sus semejantes, además el estudio sugiere que la empatía entre los usuarios se hace evidente mediante los comentarios a los estatus así como en las expresiones de apoyo.The use of the social network Facebook has become a common activity, the present study was conducted to find out how is the personal expression and empathy that exists between university students. It was analyzed a total of 281 profiles of users with an average age of 20.9 years, the 77.5% were university students. The identified themes of expression contained messages about phrases or quotes, states of mind, media, among others. The majority of the users received expressions of support or empathy. It is suggested that through the use of Facebook users satisfy needs as monitoring the environment, express emotions, belonging to certain groups, and socialize and strengthen ties with their fellows, in addition the study suggests empathy between users becomes evident through comments to the status as well as the expressions of support.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Strength matters:self-presentation to the strongest audience rather than lowest common denominator when faced with multiple audiences in social network sites

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    On social network sites (e.g. Facebook), individuals self-present to multiple audiences simultaneously twenty-four hours a day. Prior research has inferred this results in a lowest common denominator effect (LCDE) whereby people constrain their online presentation to the standards of their strictest audience. However, this existing work neglects to address differences in the ‘value’ (social/economic) of the audience. Through the lens of self-presentation theory, we argue that it is not the strictest audience that constrains behavior but the strongest (i.e. that which has the highest score for standards and value combined). We call this the strongest audience effect (SAE). The aim of this research is to examine and contrast the LCDE and SAE. A survey of young Facebook users (n=379) provides support for the SAE when compared to LCDE, with the strength of the strongest audience predicting behavioral constraint and also social anxiety. Additional insights are generated into which audiences are perceived as the strongest. This study contributes a novel and more holistic lens to understand self-presentation in the presence of multiple audiences in social media

    Negotiating multiple audiences of L2 learners on Facebook: navigating parallel realities

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    As social network sites have become popular with university students, it is easier to understand how students employ social network sites seamlessly in their academic and personal lives. L2 learners often employ Facebook to improve their English language proficiency by communicating with their native and non-native English speakers. Facebook is considered as collapsed contexts where L2 learners navigate with their numerous multiple audiences at the same time.The study investigated the strategies L2 learners negotiate multiple audiences on Facebook.The study employed a qualitative multiple case study of three L2 learners who were Facebook users.The participants’ Facebook accounts were observed for 14 weeks, and they were interviewed using semi-structured interview.The findings of the study suggest that L2 learners use four strategies to navigate their multiple audiences such as participating in closed Facebook group discussions, only commenting on relevant posts, constructing different online identities and choosing the language of the posts and comments depending on the audience.The audience management strategies used by L2 learners are determined by the informants’ personal preferences

    Connections with Coworkers on Social Network Sites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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    A large number of individuals are connected with their coworkers on social network sites (SNS) that are personal and professional (e.g., Facebook), with consequences on workplace relationships. Drawing on SNS, social identity and boundary management literatures, we surveyed 202 employees and found that coworkers’ friendship-acts (e.g., liking, commenting) were positively associated with closeness to coworkers when coworkers were of the same age or older than the focal individual, and with organizational citizenship behaviors towards coworkers (OCBI) when coworkers were of the same age. Harmful behaviors from coworkers (e.g., disparaging comment) were negatively associated with closeness (but not with OBCI) when coworkers were older than the focal individual. In addition, preferences for the segmentation of one’s professional and personal roles moderated the relationship between coworkers’ friendship-acts and OCBI (but not closeness) such that the positive relationship was stronger when the focal individual had low (vs. high) preferences for segmentation

    CSR violations among domestic and foreign firms: a study of environmental misconduct in the United States

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    The present study develops a theoretical framework to examine local media coverage of CSR violations by domestic and foreign firms. Specifically, we draw upon expectancy violation theory and the ingroup-outgroup literature to examine how foreignness influences the likelihood of local media coverage following environmental misconduct and whether foreignness moderates the effect of CSR reputation on local media coverage. Using firm-level data on environmental violations in the United States, we find support for our hypotheses, thus contributing to the corporate social responsibility and liability of foreignness literatures and providing new insights for the liability of good reputation literature

    Facebook use and negative body image among U.S. college women

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    Young women increasingly spend time with social media, but the relationship of this exposure to body image is still in the initial stages of exploration. This study used social comparison theory to examine the relationship between time spent on Facebook and body image. A survey of 881 U.S. college women was conducted in April-May 2013. Findings showed that 10.1% had posted about weight, body image, exercise or dieting, and 27.4% had commented on friends’ posts or photos. More time on Facebook related to more frequent body and weight comparisons, more attention to the physical appearance of others, and more negative feelings about their bodies for all women. For women who wanted to lose weight, more time on Facebook also related to more disordered eating symptoms

    Social Media at Work: The Roles of Job Satisfaction, Employment Status, and Facebook Use with Co-Workers

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    Limited research has studied workplace satisfaction in a computer-mediated context, particularly with the use of social media. Based on an analysis of an online survey of working adults (N=512) in various companies and organizations in a metropolitan area in Southern California, we tested the relationships among time spent on Facebook interacting with coworkers, employment status, and job satisfaction. Results show that an employee’s satisfaction at work is positively associated with the amount of time they spend on Facebook interacting with co-workers. Contrary to our initial predictions, results to the second and third hypotheses revealed that part time employees reported having spent the highest amount of time on Facebook with their co-workers, and contract employees reported the highest degree of job satisfaction at work. Results have implications for Facebook as a strategic platform for promoting employee satisfaction at work, and Facebook a social network/ing platform for part time employees seeking further social integration and professional connection